Predator Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Witam serdecznie chce zamowic kilka ksiazek z amerykanskiego amazona wszystko bylo by pieknie tylko czy ktos moglby mi wytlumaczyc jak jest z oplatami za wysylke i czy trzeba placic jakies clo czy wat ?? jako oplate dodatkowa ?? Przegladalem amazon niemiecki i angielski ale niestety pozycje ksiazek ktore cche zamowic unich sa wyczerpane i pozostaje amazon amerykanski :) tu ic notka na temat oplaty za wysylke : Standard International Shipping 12 to 21 business days Per Shipment Per Item CDs, music cassettes, vinyl, DVDs, VHS videotapes $4.49 $2.49 Books* $4.49 $4.49 Any combination of the above items $4.49 As above *Books with listed availabilities of more than 3 weeks may incur an additional shipping fee of $1.99 per item. A tu dodatkowe info : We charge a single flat fee for each shipment, plus a smaller fee for each item in that shipment. In each shipment, the item with the highest per-shipment cost determines the per-shipment fee; per-item charges are applied according to the products you're ordering. Note that your packages may also be subject to customs fees and import duties. ----------- Customs You may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; you should contact your local customs office for further information. Additionally, when ordering from, you are considered the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods. Generally, customs forms for international packages will list the value of your order's contents by product type. For instance, orders containing CDs, videos, DVDs, and books will generally be listed in a way similar to the following example: Books value: $29.55 CDs value: $9.95 DVD value: $27.95 Video value: $39.95 Your privacy is important to us, and we know that you care about how information about your order is used and shared. We would like our international customers and customers shipping products internationally to be aware that cross-border shipments are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities. Also, we may provide certain order, shipment and product information, such as titles, to our international carriers, and such information may be communicated by the carriers to customs authorities in order to facilitate customs clearance and comply with local laws. If the order is a gift, the package is marked "Gift," but the cost of the item is still stated on the customs form. Customs authorities require us to state the value of the gift item directly on the package. Z moim angielskim nie jest najlpeiej wiec jesli ktos moglby mi to strescic i wytlumaczyc bylbym wdzieczny ewentualnie jesli ktos cos z amazona zamawial amerykanskiego lub i nie to prosze o info. jak przebiegla cala transakcja.
leander Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Wrzuc co chcesz do koszyka i daj podsumowanie. Bedziesz musial zaplacic tylko tyle ile Ci tam wyrzuci. Zadnych dodatkowych oplat nie ma. Z tym shipmentem roznie bywa. Czasem Ci zapakuja rzeczy razem, czasem kazda idzie oddzielnie i placisz wiecej.. Ale wszystko masz na koncowym bilansie.
Predator Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Autor Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Leander dzieki :) wielkie za pomoc :) mialme co do tego obawy teraz juz je rozwiales :)
KLICEK Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Bede niedyskretny pytajac sie coz to za ciekawe ksiazeczki zamowiles ? ;)
Reanimator Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Napisano 3 Grudzień 2004 Juz chyba dwa miesiace kupujesz te ksiazki ;)
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