Napisano 20 Maj 200420 l Wytłumaczcie mi co to jest gizmo, tyle razy sie z tym spotykam a nie wiem nawet co to jest.
Napisano 20 Maj 200420 l Many modifiers display in viewports as a box-like apparatus called a gizmo, which initially surrounds the selected object. A gizmo acts like a kind of container that transfers the modification to the object to which it\'s attached. You can move, scale, and rotate a gizmo as you would any object, altering the effect of the modifier on the object. A modifier has its own center, marked with a 3D-pivot point like other objects in 3ds max. You can move a modifier\'s center, altering the effect of the modifier on the object.
Napisano 20 Maj 200420 l Obszar działania wszelkiego rodzaju systemów (fog, light ) oraz pozycjonowania tekstur na obiektach
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