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Ostatinio udało mi się uruchomić rendering sieciowy w 3ds maxie z Mental Rayem. Wszystko działało dobrze ale teraz pojawił sie problem. Fragmenty wyrenderowane przez jeden komputer różnią się od tych z drugiego.




Zielonym zaznaczyłem fragment renderowany na jednym komputerze.


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Nie wiem jakiego masz 3ds, ale to może być problem z gamma w DBR,


15. When I use network rendering / Distributed rendering the images look different from the other machines and/or it crashes

Answer: in older versions of 3dsmax there was a glitch in the mr MAP manager when using DBR. Basically it would ignore any gamma settings outside of what is configured in your 3dsmax preferences.


Typically an HDR image is a linear image (gamma 1.0) and you probably have an adjusted gamma setting of something like 2.2 for your 3dsmax preferences. Therefore logically you would manually override the gamma when loading the .hdr image to properly load as gamma 1.0 and that would work fine until you enabled DBR.


When you enable DBR (in pre-2010 versions of 3dsmax) the mental ray MAP manager enabled itself by default whether you enable it in the settings or not...AND it ignores that gamma 1.0 override on the HDR you loaded so there is a gamma conflict now and you'll get some strange colored results and/or even crashes.


So what's the solution besides upgrading to 2010? Make sure the gamma settings are the same on all your machines (preferences). Then use the utility gamma/gain shader to set the gamma on your maps. That "overrides" the problem with the MAP manager.


Just be forewarned, I've found that the utility gamma/gain shader doesn't play well when used in the bump slot of a material. So, that's mainly why I keep my gamma settings like this for 3dsmax 2009 & 2008:

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