Napisano 26 Lipiec 200420 l Może tytuł jest troche nie jasny, ale spróbuje to wytłumaczyć po kolei. Płaszczyzna stworzona w maxie ma tak jakby dwie strony widac to przy przypisywaniu materiału z jednej strony nie widać ścianki no i fajnie i tu mam pytanie jak zrobić by było na odwrót znaczy by strona ta widoczna stala sie nie widoczna. ehh ja to namieszałem oby to ktoś zrozumiał Pozdrawiam
Napisano 26 Lipiec 200420 l modyfikator Normals, albo z poziomu Poly w Editable Mesh: Normals group Flip—Reverses the direction of the surface normals of the selected faces. Unify—Flips the normals of an object so that they all point in the same direction, usually outward. This is useful for restoring an object's faces to their original orientations. Sometimes normals of objects that have come into 3ds max as part of a DXF file are irregular, depending on the methods used to create the objects. Use this function to correct them. Flip Normal Mode—Flips the normal of any face you click. To exit, click this button again or right-click anywhere in the program interface. Tip: The best way to use Flip Normal mode is to set up your viewport to display with Smooth+Highlight and Edged Faces turned on. If you use Flip Normal mode with default settings, you'll be able to flip a face away from you, but you won't be able to flip it back. For best results, turn off Ignore Backfacing in the Selection rollout. This lets you click any face and flip the direction of its normal, regardless of its current direction.
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