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[Odsprzedam] Motion Capturing System. Full body system Optitrack Motion Arena

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Znajoma z Holandii prosiła mnie o wstawienie tego ogłoszenia.


For sale : motion capturing system. full body system Optitrack Motion Arena. Only used 2 times. Will send worldwide. I know this is a very special product but maybe someone here is seriously interested. If so let me know, value over $ 10.000, serious offers being taken, we have no use for it any longer and it is a shame to let it be wasted.


Kontakt do mnie na PW, albo na adres: [email protected]

  • Odpowiedzi 1
  • Wyświetleń 803
  • Created
  • Ostatniej odpowiedzi

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W skład zestawu wchodzą (podaję opis):


2 suits

2 complete sets of trackers

4 tripods

8 camera clamps

cables etc

software licence


ARENA incorporates camera calibration, easy skeleton creation, multiple actor & prop tracking, real time solving & streaming, editing tools, and flexible data export options for full body motion capture. Whether you're an indie studio or AAA developer, ARENA's industry-leading affordability can make in-house motion capture a reality. Carve out a mocap space of your own, that's available to your animators 24-7.


Marker tracking is the foundation of ARENA's motion capture technology. Using reflective markers placed on actors and props, calibrated cameras create a cloud of 3D points. These 3D points can be labeled and exported to other applications or mapped to ARENA's skeleton solver for tracking full body motion. Captured actor and prop data can be exported to 3D animation and analysis packages using standard 6DoF digital file formats.


ARENA utilizes a powerful skeleton solver for real-time translation of marker data, automatic marker labeling, and exportable joint-angle data. By optionally saving motion capture data as a skeleton hierarchy, ARENA enables you to use that data in applications that often don't include skeleton solving, such as game engines and lighter animation packages.


Export using industry standard C3D, BVH, and FBX formats to a variety of animation packages, including MotionBuilder, Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage, Cinema 4D, Daz Studio, Poser, LightWave 3D, and others.


ARENA streams live to MotionBuilder, 3ds Max, and Daz Studio for real-time data preview and capture within the animation software. Create additional real-time plugins for your preferred animation package or game engine with OptiTrack's NatNet SDK.


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OOPS I forgot to mention that there are 8 infrared cameras with it of course and all the cables etc etc


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OOPS I forgot to mention that there are 8 infrared cameras with it of course and all the cables etc etc


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