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Pojawiła się wersja 3.5 ProDigitalPaintera


update'y w 3.5


  • MMX support added for even more real-time effects,
  • Bug fixes (yes, so there were a few)
  • more helpful tooltips.
  • Improved animation capabilities.
  • Work with separate color channels.
  • Many new filters, and existing filters updated with new options.
  • Internal support for the 3rd party Lua scripting language with a number of scripts already available that add a lot of previously unavailable possibilities.
  • A programmable and scriptable GUI (Gui Server)
  • Improved tools for performing pulldowns and timing conversions.
  • Improvements to the already powerful particle system, including sizeable particles and the ability to draw into the alpha for compositing. Awesome for game developers creating foliage sprites with alpha masks, and great for making sophisticated animated brushes. "Force fields" is a great new tool for controlling the behavior of particles.

  • Odpowiedzi 1
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