Gość nbarth Napisano 16 Styczeń 2007 Napisano 16 Styczeń 2007 mam problem z uruchomieniem max-a wszystko dzialalo dobrze ale od czasu jak zainstalowalem antyvirusa/byc moze od tego czasu/ pojawia mi sie komunikt przy otwieraniu ze zamyka aplikacje i pojawia sie taki raport This error report includes the following: * Operating System name and version * Product name and version * Video driver name and version NOTE: Even if you don't provide your contact information, it may be present in your error files. While this information could be used to determine your identity, Discreet will not use it for this purpose. Discreet uses the data contained in the error report only to troubleshoot this problem. The error report is transmitted over a secure connection and is not used for marketing activities. For a complete description of Discreet's privacy policy, click the privacy hyperlink below. acminidump.dmp dmpuserinfo.xml dumpdata.zip jak sobie z tym poradzic prosze o pomoc
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