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Czy t jest algorytm renderujący we flashu, czy po prostu odpalenie renderków we flashu?? :>


nieźle.. pokaż z fpsami i czasami ładowania :) :P Pokaż też na innych obiektach - boxy, kulki, itp :)

  • Autor

A to by wymagalo stworzenie takich rzeczy :)

A potem umiejetne ich renderwoanie gdyz jest tam pewien mechanizm.

Coś tam pewnie jeszcze zrobie ale to malo czasu na takie zabawy.


Nie czaje jaki algorytm ? to przecież animka tylko :P mogę wam to zrobić w 5 min ... ;) z maxa do flasha :P


algorytm to byś pisał 3 lata świetlne do takiej animacji ;)


this.createEmptyMovieClip("theScene", 1);
theScene._x = 150;
theScene._y = 150;
focalLength = 300;
make3DPoint = function (x, y, z)
   var point = new Object();
   point.x = x;
   point.y = y;
   point.z = z;
make2DPoint = function (x, y)
   var point = new Object();
   point.x = x;
   point.y = y;
Transform3DPointsTo2DPoints = function (points, axisRotations)
   var TransformedPointsArray = [];
   var sx = Math.sin(axisRotations.x);
   var cx = Math.cos(axisRotations.x);
   var sy = Math.sin(axisRotations.y);
   var cy = Math.cos(axisRotations.y);
   var sz = Math.sin(axisRotations.z);
   var cz = Math.cos(axisRotations.z);
   var x;
   var y;
   var z;
   var xy;
   var xz;
   var yx;
   var yz;
   var zx;
   var zy;
   var scaleRatio;
   var i = points.length;
   while (i--)
       x = points[i].x;
       y = points[i].y;
       z = points[i].z;
       xy = cx * y - sx * z;
       xz = sx * y + cx * z;
       yz = cy * xz - sy * x;
       yx = sy * xz + cy * x;
       zx = cz * yx - sz * xy;
       zy = sz * yx + cz * xy;
       scaleRatio = focalLength / (focalLength + yz);
       x = zx * scaleRatio;
       y = zy * scaleRatio;
       TransformedPointsArray[i] = make2DPoint(x, y);
   } // end while
pointsArray = [make3DPoint(-50, -50, -50), make3DPoint(50, -50, -50), make3DPoint(50, -50, 50), make3DPoint(-50, -50, 50), make3DPoint(-50, 50, -50), make3DPoint(50, 50, -50), make3DPoint(50, 50, 50), make3DPoint(-50, 50, 50)];
cubeAxisRotations = make3DPoint(0, 0, 0);
rotateCube = function ()
   cubeAxisRotations.y = cubeAxisRotations.y - this._xmouse / 3000;
   cubeAxisRotations.x = cubeAxisRotations.x + this._ymouse / 3000;
   var screenPoints = Transform3DPointsTo2DPoints(pointsArray, cubeAxisRotations);
   this.lineStyle(2, 000000, 100);
   this.moveTo(screenPoints[0].x, screenPoints[0].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[1].x, screenPoints[1].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[2].x, screenPoints[2].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[3].x, screenPoints[3].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[0].x, screenPoints[0].y);
   this.moveTo(screenPoints[4].x, screenPoints[4].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[5].x, screenPoints[5].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[6].x, screenPoints[6].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[7].x, screenPoints[7].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[4].x, screenPoints[4].y);
   this.moveTo(screenPoints[0].x, screenPoints[0].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[4].x, screenPoints[4].y);
   this.moveTo(screenPoints[1].x, screenPoints[1].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[5].x, screenPoints[5].y);
   this.moveTo(screenPoints[2].x, screenPoints[2].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[6].x, screenPoints[6].y);
   this.moveTo(screenPoints[3].x, screenPoints[3].y);
   this.lineTo(screenPoints[7].x, screenPoints[7].y);
theScene.onEnterFrame = rotateCube;


To jest algorytm ;)

Nie czaje jaki algorytm ? to przecież animka tylko :P mogę wam to zrobić w 5 min ... ;) z maxa do flasha :P


algorytm to byś pisał 3 lata świetlne do takiej animacji ;)



Ale ogólnie spoko, choć fajniejszy efekt dla mnie to ten realistyczny.

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