boros Napisano 25 Czerwiec 2014 Napisano 25 Czerwiec 2014 renderuję i nagle pojawia się fatl error mental ray MEM fatal 031008 can't allocate 2864788 bytes. wiem, ze chodzi o pamiec. co mam zrobic? musze teraz cos szybko wyrenderowac i nie wiem co robic
satach Napisano 25 Czerwiec 2014 Napisano 25 Czerwiec 2014 Zacytuję pewnego koleżkę z Ynternetu co znalazłem: " mental ray watches memory consumption during integrated rendering (preview and batch), and may react to low memory conditions to circumvent mental ray fatal memory errors which normally crash Maya. By default, mental ray is aborted when any memory request exceeds the currently set memory limit plus a 'zone' of 20% (matching the recommendation of setting the memory limit to 80% of installed physical memory). This functionality can be adjusted by adding the following dynamic attribute to the mental ray globals node: 'memoryMode' (enum: none, report, inquiry, abort, release) The mode values are as follows: 'none' (0) to disable the memory handling altogether 'report' (1) 'inquiry' (2) to print a warning message in the script editor 'abort' (3) to force an interrupt of mental ray rendering 'release' (4) to call a MEL procedure to release memory in Maya The existing attribute memoryZone on the mental ray globals node can be used to control the zone (in percent of memory limit) that determines when memory handling should come into action and proceed according to mode. Create this attribute as follows: addAttr -ln "memoryMode" -at "enum" -enumName "None:Report:Inquiry:Abort:Release" mentalrayGlobals "
boros Napisano 25 Czerwiec 2014 Autor Napisano 25 Czerwiec 2014 czy mam coś pozmieniać w ustawieniach? zaraz muszę pokazać render profesorowi i nie wiem co zrobic
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