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Witam, spotkał się ktoś z błedęm (załącznik) przy exportowaniu do FBX ?

Dodam, że chce użyć bake animation.


The plug-in has found the following skin definition problems :      Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / joint32 / Ass. Use the DAG node current transform.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / joint32. Use the DAG node current transform.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low. Use the DAG node current transform.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1. Use the DAG node current transform.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / Stomach / Chest_Middle. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / Stomach / Chest_Middle / Chest_Left / L_Chest_Arm. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / Stomach / Chest_Middle / Chest_Left / L_Chest_Arm / L_Arm_Upper. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / Stomach / Chest_Middle / Chest_Left / L_Chest_Arm / L_Arm_Upper / L_Arm_Middle. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.

    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / Stomach / Chest_Middle / Chest_Left / L_Chest_Arm / L_Arm_Upper / L_Arm_Middle / L_Arm_Low. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / Stomach / Chest_Middle / Chest_Left / L_Chest_Arm / L_Arm_Upper / L_Arm_Middle / L_Arm_Low / L_Hand. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.

    Unable to find the bind pose for :  / group1 / Stomach_Low / Stomach / Chest_Middle / Chest_Right / R_Chest_Arm / R_Arm_Upper. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.


Pominąłem coś przy rigowaniu czy jak bo nie rozumiem tego błędu.

Po zaimportowaniu Unity twierdzi że dany model nie ma animacji.


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