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  1. Cześć, Szukamy do naszego teamu specjalisty na stanowisko LEVEL ARTIST. Zaangażowany zespół, współpraca z drugim Level Artist, ciekawy projekt gry na PC/Konsole. Bardzo przyjemna atmosfera, możliwości rozwoju i atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie. Wymagania: - doświadczenie w pracy z Unity - znajomość programów Maya, Max, ZBrush, Photoshop Więcej szczegółów: Napisz na: [email protected]
  2. Fuero Games – game studio specializing in cross*platform (web & mobile) games based on Unity3D engine is looking for a VFX Artist to our Warsaw studio. VFX Artist: Required skills: Ability to build effects across a wide range of art styles Able to work well under pressure and with deadlines Knowledge of Photoshop Strong traditional art skills Passion for making and playing games Experience creating effects Desireable: 1 year industry experience Knowledge of one or more 3D packages (3DSMax, Maya, etc.) Knowledge of the effects system in at least one modern 3D engine (Unity prefered) Experience with animation (2d, 3d or pixel) is a plus You are: Friendly, open and easy-going personality. Diligence and responsibility. Strong problem solving skills and pro-active, ‘can do’ attitude. Creativity and passion for games. Strong English skills in speaking and writing. We are offering: friendly atmosphere, strong team spirit, awesome sense of humour Salary based on your skill and experience Send your portfolio and CV to [email protected]
  3. Fuero Games – game studio specializing in cross*platform (web & mobile) games based on Unity3D engine is looking for a 3d Artist to our Warsaw studio. 3D Artist: Required skills: Ability to model and texture objects and characters across a wide range of art styles Able to work well under pressure and with deadlines Strong traditional art skills Passion for making and playing games Knowledge of one or more 3D packages (3DSMax, Maya, etc.) Experience in environment and/or characters Desireable: 1 year industry experience Knowledge of Zbrush Knowledge of Quixel Suite Handpaint style You are: Friendly, open and easy-going personality. Diligence and responsibility. Strong problem solving skills and pro-active, ‘can do’ attitude. Creativity and passion for games. Strong English skills in speaking and writing. We are offering: friendly atmosphere, strong team spirit, awesome sense of humour Salary based on your skill and experience Send your portfolio and CV to [email protected]
  4. Fuero Games – game studio specializing in cross*platform (web & mobile) games based on Unity3D engine is looking for a 2d Artist to our Warsaw studio. 2D Artist: Required skills: Knowledge of Photoshop Experience in environment characters Able to work well under pressure and with deadlines Strong traditional art skills Passion for making and playing games Desireable: 1 year industry experience Knowledge of Unity Knowledge of any 3d package Ability to make concept art Ability to make GUI You are: Friendly, open and easy-going personality. Diligence and responsibility. Strong problem solving skills and pro-active, ‘can do’ attitude. Creativity and passion for games. Strong English skills in speaking and writing. We are offering: - Work in an experienced and dynamic team - The pleasant working atmosphere - Salary adequate to experience - Ability to sustainable development of sk Send your portfolio and CV to [email protected]
  5. Fuero Games – game studio specializing in crossplatform (web & mobile) games is looking for Art Director to our Warsaw studio. The Art Director role requires you to ignite others both as a leader and as an artist. As an artist, you will help define the look of new characters, environments, and architecture in a unique and conhesive style. In addition to channeling the visual direction to the art team, the role will act as one of the key communications conduits for design and programming. JOB DESCRIPTION - Establish style and implement vision of the games; character, environment, logo, user interface design. - Create concept paintings, models, textures, and other benchmark assets. - A proven ability to visually solve problems in collaboration with the broader game team including other artists, art leads, and design leads. - Partner with production to own and define assigned aspects of the project as directed and to ensure schedules and plans meet business and project needs. - Excellent ability to art direct multiple art disciplines. - Ensure the quality follow-up in the production process. - Maintain effective communication with supervisors, team artists and other departments within the company to manage expectations and results, and ensure all project targets are met or exceeded. - Works closely with game design to ensure art enhances the player experience. SKILLS - A minimum of 5 years’ experience crafting video game art. - Credited as Art Director/Lead Concept Artist in at least 1 shipped project. - Strong, proven knowledge and skills in fonts, graphic design principles, user interface function and design (tailored for social / casual games – clean, simple, fresh and readable art assets). - Ability to carry an idea from the conceptual phase to the finished product, not afraid of making a lot of tries and iterations. - Superior eye for light, value, composition, color, staging. - Proficient level on both a creative point of view and on a technical one. WE OFFER - Very competitive salary scale + benefits package. - Flexible work hours to provide a healthy work/life balance. - Highly interesting challenges as a team player and a team leader. - But most of all, we guarantee you’ll enjoy our atmosphere and working environment. HOW TO APPLY? Please send your CV along with information about your experience to: [email protected] with the tag "[Art Director]" in the title.
  6. Fuero Games - studio gier specjalizujące się w tworzeniu cross-platformowych (web & mobile) gier poszukuje Grafika 3D. Forma zatrudnienia: praca stała Wymagania: - Znajomość co najmniej jednego programu do obróbki 3D oraz 2D - Podstawowa wiedza z zakresu tworzenia grafiki 3D na potrzeby gier - Język angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym - Umiejętność samodzielnego i dokładnego rozwiązywania powierzonych zadań Mile widziane: - Znajomość technik optymalizacyjnych w grach. - Znajomość projektowania poziomów. - Znajomość tworzenia efektów specjalnych w grach. - Znajomość tworzenia textur - Znajomość tworzenia modeli postaci i ich animowania. - Znajomość silnika Unity Oferujemy: - Pracę w doświadczonym, energicznym zespole nad ambitnym projektem - Miłą atmosferę pracy w zgranym teamie - Adekwatne do posiadanego doświadczenia wynagrodzenie - Możliwość stałego rozwoju swoich umiejętności Kontakt: Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o wysłanie CV na adres: [email protected] wpisując w temacie maila tag "[Grafik 3D]". Strona Firmowa:
  7. Fuero Games - studio gier specjalizujące się w tworzeniu cross-platformowych (web & mobile) gier poszukuje Animatora 3D. Do zadań kandydata należeć będzie tworzenie i implementacja animacji zgodnych ze stylistyką projektu. Forma zatrudnienia: praca stała Wymagania: - Umiejętność tworzenia animacji 3d do gier mobilnych w stylu kreskówkowym - Dobre wyczucie masy, sił fizyki, oddania charakteru postaci - Doświadczenie, zrozumienie zasad animacji tradycyjnej i umiejętność wykorzystania tej wiedzy w animacji przy użyciu kości - Znajomość programu Maya lub Motion Builder - Umiejętność riggowania postaci od podstaw i przy użyciu pluginów - Doświadczenie w animacji kluczowej ludzi i zwierząt - Umiejętność efektywnej współpracy z animatorami i członkami innych zespołów - Reel z przykładami animacji Mile widziane: - Znajomość Unity 3d - Znajomość branży gier komputerowych Oferujemy: - Pracę w doświadczonym, energicznym zespole nad ambitnym projektem - Miłą atmosferę pracy w zgranym teamie - Adekwatne do posiadanego doświadczenia wynagrodzenie - Możliwość stałego rozwoju swoich umiejętności Kontakt: Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o wysłanie CV na adres: [email protected] wpisując w temacie maila tag "[Animator 3D]". Strona Firmowa:

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