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tworzenie obiektów obracających się do kamery

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Gość bukololo

witam, czy istnieje mozliwosc tworzenia w 3dstudio obiektow ktore obracaja sie do kamery tak jak np w sketchup face camera, z gory dziekuje za odpowiedz.

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cytuje z książki 3ds max 5 Projekty i rozwiazania, strona 736 werset 4


PS. książka to wg encyklopedii : Książka - dokument piśmienniczy myśli ludzkiej, raczej obszerny, w postaci publikacji wielostronicowej o określonej liczbie stron, o charakterze trwałym.

Jakby ktoś zapomniał, w czasach elektrotutków


zatem : " działanie kontrolera wymuszanego LookAT sprawia, iż poddany mu obiekt obraca się w taki sposób, by jedna z osi jego lokalnego układu współrzędnych zawsze celowała w inny wybrany obiekt. Aby móc go utworzyć \, utwórz dwa obiekty z których jeden zawsze będzie wskazywac drugi. Wybierz ten z nich, który będzie obiektem wskazującym i przypisz mu kontroler LookAt constraint z menu animation"

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Gość bukololo

wszystko pieknie dzieki, tylko jak to zrobic zeby 1.obracalo sie tylko po x i y a po z nie, 2. zrobic to szybkim kliknieciem dla wiekszej gruby obiektow np kilkudziesieciu plaskich ludzikow porozrzucanych po scenie

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TO ja jeszcze dorzuce skrypta (ja go nie pisałem ale raczej jest za free) :


-- Template: ''




version 01

Written for 3dsmax r6

Written by swami*




- To realize the billboard effect: an object looks at another object, but only rotates

about its World z-axis.






-- FUNCTION (makeBillboard)


-- This function realizes the billboard effect: an object looks at another object, but only rotates

-- about its World z-axis. This is accomplished by assigning a script controller to the object's rotation.

-- Through the use of a little trigonometry, the rotation is set.

-- The billboard's Local z-axis defines the front of the object. This convention is chosen to match the

-- orientation of objects created in the front view.


-- This function is based coded posted to the MAXScript WebBoard by Larry Minton.


fn makeBillboard

obj -- The billboard object.

targ -- The lookat object.




-- Check to ensure the objects are defined and not deleted.

if obj!=undefined AND (NOT isDeleted obj) AND targ!=undefined AND (NOT isDeleted targ) then


-- Build string to be used in script controller on obj's rotation.

-- Notes:

-- - Script is in one big 'try/catch'. So, if any error occurs, the catch clause is executed,

-- and rotation is effectively set to [0,0,0].

-- - 'dependsOn' signals the controller to update when another controller changes.

-- In this case, the rotation changes when the position of the lookat object changes.

-- So, on a given frame, when the user moves the lookat object, the billboard rotates.

-- - An object name is put in single quotes (e.g. $'An Object Name') in case spaces or other

-- "problem" characters are contained in the name. Without the single quotes, an error will occur.

-- - The script controller returns a quaternion rotation value: see the lines containing

-- 'eulerAngles' (pronounced "oiler angles").

-- - Basic trigonometry is used to calculate the rotation angle required to achieve the billboard effect.


local scriptStr=


dependsOn $'""'.pos.controller


local d, dz, z_rot, len, ctrl


-- Get difference vector of obj and targ.


try ($'""'.pos-$'""'.pos)

catch [0,0,0]


dz=d.z -- Store z value.

d.z=0 -- Set z to zero.

len=length d -- Vector length.


-- Calculate the z rotation (in degrees).

-- Note: len==0 => obj and targ are at same position!


if len!=0

then -90+acos(d.x/len)*(if d.y!=0 then d.y/(abs d.y) else 1)

else -90

(eulerAngles 90 0 z_rot) as quat

)catch ((eulerAngles 90 0 0) as quat)"


ctrl=obj.rotation.controller=rotation_script() -- Assign rotation script controller.

setTimeRange ctrl (interval -1000 10000) -- Set script controller's range bar to wide range, in case user expands range later.

ctrl.script=scriptStr -- Put script string into script controller.

)--end main 'if/then'.





-- end functions.


-- If rol_BB dialog already open, then close.

global rol_BB

try (destroyDialog rol_BB) catch()


rollout rol_BB "Billboard"



local bbObjsArr -- Declare billboard objects array local to rollout.

local laObj -- Declare lookat object local to rollout.



button but_setBBEffect "Set Billboard Effect" width:125 height:40\

tooltip:"Select billboard objects and camera, then click button"



-- Set the billboard effect.

on but_setBBEffect pressed do


bbObjsArr=#() -- Initialize billboard objects array to null array.

laObj=undefined -- Initialize lookat object variable to 'undefined'.


-- Note: User must manually select objects in viewport, or via 'Select by Name' dialog.

-- Selection should include the billboard objects AND one camera.

-- Loop through selected objects.

for obj in selection do


if superClassOf obj==camera -- Check if object is the camera.

then laObj=obj -- Assign camera object to 'laObj' variable.

else if classOf obj!=targetObject then append bbObjsArr obj -- Append object to billboard objects array, but exclude target objects.



-- Finally, set billboard effect: loop through billboard objects and call 'makeBillboard' fn.

-- This assigns a script controller to the billboard objects' rotation.

if bbObjsArr.count!=0 AND laObj!=undefined then -- Check to ensure objects have been selected.


for obj in bbObjsArr do makeBillboard obj laObj






-- end rollout.


-- Create dialog.

createDialog rol_BB width:250 height:100\



-- end script.

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