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Arnold renderowanie textury disp 32bit do exr - wartosci ujeme

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Siema przepalam texture z 1 uvssetu do drugiego arnold utilities i bakuje tylko dodanie wartosci.
Teraz bakuje przemnozone przez -1 ale zastanawiam sie czy mozna zbakowac dobrze od razu jak w v-rayu.
Maya 2022.


Open or Import your high-res mesh with multiple subdivision levels.

If you imported your high res mesh from another program - rebuild the lower subdivisions by going to the Tool palette, expanding the Geometry subpalette, and clicking the 'Reconstruct Subdiv' button until at the lowest desired level.

In the ZPlugin palette, expand the Multi Map Exporter subpalette, and make sure the Displacement button is highlighted.

Set the Map Size slider to the image resolution that best suits your needs. (Recommended 2048 or higher)

Set 'Flip V' to ON. (?)

Click the 'Export Options' button to reveal additional map options.

Set the 'SubDiv Level' slider to the subdiv level you want your low resolution basemesh to be.

Set 'Adaptive' to OFF. (?)

Set 'DPSubPix' to '4'. (?)

Set 'SmoothUV' to OFF. (?)

Set 'Mid' to '0'. (?)

Set '3 Channels' to OFF. (?)

Set '32 Bit' and 'EXR' to ON. (?)

Set 'Scale' to '1'. (?)

Here is a screengrab of the above settings to verify.

Click the 'Create All Maps' button, choose a filename and directory to save your map to. (Don't worry if the filetype says TIF, since we enabled the EXR button it will in fact be saving in EXR format)

Click the 'Save' button to run the displacement map generation.

Your displacement map is now ready for use!


A note about ZBrush and the Multimap Exporter Plugin:
In versions prior to ZBrush 4R6, the Multimap Exporter Plugin only allowed for export in 32bit TIFF format - which Maya and 3ds Max can have issues with. So if you use the Multimap Exporter plugin in versions prior to 4R6, you'll probably have to convert your generated 32bit TIFF to EXR in Nuke or Photoshop before using them in Maya or 3ds Max. If converting to EXR in Photoshop, be sure the image mode (Image menu -> Mode) is set to RGB Color and NOT Grayscale, as this can also cause problems.

  • Sad 1

Panie nie ten soft 😛
Z tego co znajomy patrzył konwersja najpierwdo tx pomogła ale ręki se nie dam uciąć jeszcze nie próbowałem.

Ja chce wyrenderować dispa w Maya z jednego UVsetu do drugiego.

- model ma 2 uvsety
- textura jest wpieta do tego samego modelu zlinkowana ze starym uvsetem
- render przez utility node i utility bake to texture ze starego rozlozenia i ciecia  UDIM  do nowego w 2 uvsecie

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