Napisano 23 Wrzesień 200519 l Czesc mam taki maly problem z dofem w vrayu... Nie moge go tak ustawic aby rozmycie nie bylo za duze. Mam scenke ( a wlasciwie jest to animacja ) w kanionie ( klimaty cos jak z texasu ) i chce aby gory i cala reszta z oddali byly troche rozmazane... Niestety za kazdym razem wychodzi zle. Znacie moze jakies wartosci do vrayowego dofa aby wszystko bylo ok? Z gory dzieki :)
Napisano 23 Wrzesień 200519 l Depth of field On - turns the depth-of-field effect on. Aperture - this is the size of the virtual camera aperture, in world units. Small aperture sizes reduce the DOF effect, larger sizes produce more blur. Center bias - this determines the uniformity of the DOF effect. A value of 0.0 means that light passes uniformly through the aperture. Positive values mean that light is concentrated towards the rim of the aperture, while negative values concentrate light at the center. Focal distance - determines the distance from the camera at which objects will be in perfect focus. Objects closer or farther than that distance will be blurred. Get from camera - when this option is on, the Focal distance is determined from the camera target, if the rendering is done froma camera view. Sides - this option allows you to simulate the polygonal shape of the aperture of real-world cameras. When this option is off, the shape is assumed to be perfectly circular. Rotation - specifies the orientation of the aperture shape. Anisotropy - this option allows the stretching of the bokeh effect horizontally or vertically. Positive values stretch the effect in the vertical direction. Negative values stretch it in the horizontal direction. Subdivs - controls the quality of the DOF effect. Lower values are computed faster, but produce more noise in the image. Higher values smooth out the noise, but take more time to render. Note that the quality of sampling also depends on the settings of the QMC sampler as well as on the chosen Image sampler. jednym slowem Aperture to parametr taki jak przeslona w aparacie ... (w sumie Aperture to przesłona po przetłumaczeniu) wiecej na :
Napisano 23 Wrzesień 200519 l Najbardziej podobają mi się pytania 'jak ustawić żeby wszystko było OK'. Gdyby były jedne uniwersalne ustawienia to nie było by ustawień wcale zwyczajnie wciskało by się przycisk i gotowe.
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