mandragora Napisano 15 Maj 2006 Napisano 15 Maj 2006 jak dodaje te funkcje Air (wind) wiatru to ona musi byc przyłączona do obiektu cloth czy też poza nim i tak samo jest z turbulence bo ja przekształcam zwykły poly na cloth a później to i w efekcie zamiast obiekt falowac jak na wietrze on mi po prostu zaczyna wirować na początku powoli aż zaczyna się rozpędzać i uciekać gdzieś w oddali ( cały czas pozostając sztywny )
mandragora Napisano 15 Maj 2006 Autor Napisano 15 Maj 2006 no tak podpinam ale on i tak wiruje( jak nie ma tego wiatru i turbulence to cloth bardzo dobrze działa )
xeav Napisano 15 Maj 2006 Napisano 15 Maj 2006 zrób wszystko tak jak poniżej i pownno być ok [źródło: mayahelp] Connect dynamic fields to your cloth Because Cloth is fully integrated with Maya, you can use Maya's dynamic fields to affect the motion of your cloth. You create the field the same way you create a field in Maya. You connect the field to cloth using a type of constraint known as a field constraint. You can connect field constraints to cloth vertices or panel curves. To connect a dynamic field to cloth To create the field you want to use, from the Dynamics menu set, select Fields > Create > fieldname. Tip When you create the actual field, make sure you don't have your cloth selected. Do one of the following: If you are constraining cloth points, click the right mouse button over the cloth mesh and select Vertex. Select the vertex points you want to constrain. If you are constraining a panel curve, select the curve you want to constrain. [*]Shift-Ctrl-click the field. [*]From the Cloth menu set, select Constraints > Field. Tips The magnitude of your field may be too low for the cloth animation. If you don't see the field's effect, increase the magnitude by a factor of 100. Also, make sure the cloth is within the range specified by the Max Distance attribute of the field, and that Attenuation value is not so great that the cloth is not affected. To adjust field constraint attributes Select the constraint. In the Attribute Editor or Channel Box, set the attributes Constraint Weight and Size in the fieldConstraint Shape tab. For descriptions of these attributes, see Constraint Shape node. To delete field constraints Do one of the following: Select the constraint in the view and delete it. Select the cloth. In the Outliner, open the cloth transform so you can see the transforms below it. Select the fieldConstraint and delete it.
vv3k70r Napisano 15 Maj 2006 Napisano 15 Maj 2006 jesli obiekt wiruje wokol przyczepionych vertexow to moze byc wina zbyt duzej wartosci turbulence
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