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Zadalem tutaj pytanie i dostalem skrypt od mentat'a ktory swietnie dzialal pozniej zrobilem z tego utility z "grafika" i przestalo dzialac Ctrl+Z, tzn. dziala ale nie cofie tego co zrobil moj skrypt ale pamieta o innych operacjach np. uzycie Array, dlaczego?


Wczesniej moglem cofnac osobno kazde wywolanie oryginalnego skryptu.


programowanie w MAXScript zaczalem wczoraj wiec moga byc bledy w kodzie.


utility randomize "Randomize!" width:160 height:368
groupBox move_range "Move" pos:[8,8] width:144 height:88
spinner x_range "X axis +/-    " pos:[24,24] width:120 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,10000,0]
spinner y_range "Y axis +/-    " pos:[24,48] width:120 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,10000,0]
spinner z_range "Z axis +/-    " pos:[24,72] width:120 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,10000,0]
groupBox rotate_option "Rotate" pos:[8,104] width:144 height:88
checkbox x_rotate "X Rotate" pos:[16,120] width:72 height:16
checkbox y_rotate "Y Rotate" pos:[16,144] width:72 height:16
checkbox z_rotate "Z Rotate" pos:[16,168] width:72 height:16
groupBox scale_it "Scale" pos:[8,200] width:144 height:112
spinner x_scale "X Scale   " pos:[24,216] width:112 height:16 range:[0,100,0] pos:[144,216] width:8 height:16
label perc "%" pos:[136,216] width:8 height:16
spinner y_scale "Y Scale   " pos:[24,240] width:112 height:16 range:[0,100,0] pos:[144,240] width:8 height:16
label perc1 "%" pos:[136,240] width:8 height:16
spinner z_scale "Z Scale   " pos:[24,264] width:112 height:16 range:[0,100,0] pos:[144,264] width:8 height:16
label perc2 "%" pos:[136,264] width:8 height:16
checkbox unif "Uniform" pos:[16,288] width:112 height:16
button doit "RaNdOmIzE!" pos:[8,320] width:144 height:24
on unif changed state do
	if unif.checked == true then


	y_scale.enabled = false

	z_scale.enabled = false




	y_scale.enabled = true

	z_scale.enabled = true

on doit pressed  do
	for i in selection do


	dir = random 1 2
	scale_temp = x_scale.value
	if dir == 1 do scale_temp = -scale_temp
	a = 1 + (scale_temp / 100)

	if unif.checked == true then
	b = a
	c = a

	dir = random 1 2
	scale_temp = y_scale.value
	if dir == 1 do scale_temp = -scale_temp
	b = 1 + (scale_temp / 100)

	dir = random 1 2
	scale_temp = z_scale.value
	if dir == 1 do scale_temp = -scale_temp
	c = 1 + (scale_temp / 100)

	scale i [a,b,c]

	x = random 0 x_range.value

	dir = random 1 2

	if dir == 1 do x = -x

	y = random 0 y_range.value

	dir = random 1 2

	if dir == 1 do y = -y

	z = random 0 z_range.value

	dir = random 1 2

	if dir == 1 do z = -z

	move i [x,y,z]

	if x_rotate.checked == true then xr = random 1 360 else xr = 0 		

	if y_rotate.checked == true then yr = random 1 360 else yr = 0

	if z_rotate.checked == true then zr = random 1 360 else zr = 0

	rot_obj = eulerangles xr yr zr
	rotate i rot_obj



z gory dzieki za pomoc...

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