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Terragen 2


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

W koncu po wielu latach prac ujrzala swiatlo dzienne druga wersja rewelacyjnego programu do tworzenia krajobrazow (a nawet calych planet) - Terragen.


Lista cech pakietu wyglada nastepujaco:

-Hybrid micropolygon renderer optimised for large displacements and very large landscapes.

-Render entire planets, sweeping vistas, tiny rock gardens, or anything in between.

-Export high resolution objects from displaced surfaces.

-Import 3D objects for rendering.

-Render millions of plants and other objects using instancing. Billions of virtual polygons are handled with ease.

-Add multiple heightfields, textures and displacement maps to your scene.

-Georeferencing options; automatic georeferencing for properly formatted GeoTIFF files.

-Procedural terrains that can span an entire planet.

-Apply almost "infinite" fractal detail to terrain and other objects.

-Overhanging terrain using procedural displacements, image-based displacements, or imported geometry.

-3D painting of colours and masks that can control almost anything in the scene.

-Photorealistic atmosphere and sunlight.

-Volumetric clouds or fast "2.5D" clouds.

-Global illumination, multiple scattering in volumetrics, full light interaction between volumetrics and surfaces.

-Production quality anti-aliasing and motion blur that renders quickly and efficiently.

-High dynamic range output; generate photorealistic environment maps and IBL sources.

-Node graph editor for ultimate control over shaders and textures.

-Flexible planetary shading pipeline.

-Animation of almost any parameter with the optional Animation module.


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Terragen to nie Vue i niestety terenu sie tam nie modeluje. Mozna jedynie proceduralny displacement dodac, lub wygenerowac teren calkowicie proceduralnie ale srednio to wyglada. Program bazuje niestety glownie na imporcie terenu. Z tego co zdazylem sprawdzic to nie ma chyba renderingu buforow co sie troche dziwne wydaje i raczej ogranicza wykorzystanie programu.

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