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Dzieki wielkie - i jeszcze ten japonski - dodatkowa atrakcja :D Bardzo ciekawym co dodali do "moderingu", jak to uroczo przetlumaczyla pani :D


Podziekowac, ale chyba musze poczekac na oficjalne filmiki od luxology, cos ten ustream mi strasznie rwie.

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No dobra, no to macie prawdziwą zajawkę z Paryża (2 października), prowadzoną przez samego Peeblera. Prawie 3h oglądania! Bon Appétit! ;)

  • Autor

Lista nowości (nieoficjalna):


Modeling, Sculpting and UV mapping improvements

- Pixar Subdivision - yeah, you've seen it, but it's still just so cool!

- UV Distortion view

- Preserve curvature with slice tools

- Add loop tool

- Add point tool

- Edge extend and slide now work with background constraints

- Symmetrical linear falloff

- RayGL – renders preview in any viewport

- Smoothing groups

- Select diagonal edges –convert tris to quads by deleting these edges

- Snapping tools improved – now part of the tool pipe, can be saved as tool preset, hold X key to temporarily disable

- Multi-res sculpting

- New sculpting brush presets


Animation improvements

- Animation setup – nodal view, many new modifiers including conditional


Many general UI enhancements

- Create project directories

- Lock items – very useful for nailing down a camera so it’s not accidently keyed

- New color picker – very full featured, think Kuler inside a floating window in Modo

- Totally new help system – F1 actually works!


Rendering improvements

- Preview render is much faster

- Extended render pass – bake a render until you’re happy with it

- Current layer overlay – select an item in the shader tree and see how that layer is affecting your render

- Preivew under the cursor – essentially you can paint your preview render in the areas you are most concerned about

- Fur can be disabled in the preview

- Rendering is 2-3 times faster and in many cases looks better

- New bump mapping – behaves like displacement, looks much better than traditional bump, value based on distance instead of percentage

- DOF looks to be vastly improved, graininess nowhere to be found

- Bokeh effects – control over aperture shape

- View frustum culling for fur – if camera doesn’t see it, it’s not calculated

- Displacement as bump – honestly, didn’t fully understand this one, but it looked fantastic and required less memory than traditional displacement

- OpenEXR tileable images – enables use of ginormous images within shader tree, example looked like Blue Marble imagery – ~10GB image on a globe

- Hair guides – tip combing for better control over guides

- Occlusion textures – this is very cool, AO is now a texture item in the shader tree, so no need to bake out for use as a layer mask etc. Many new parameters to control of the look of the AO as well.

- Ability to texture a single poly on both sides with two separate textures – example shown was a label on a bottle


SDK available to developers

- Procedural geometry example – gear created, all parameters controlled (spoke, teeth, etc.) – can also be frozen to mesh

- Procedural trees being developed by third party

- ~120 new procedural textures – some very cool ones shown off included snake scales and veins

- Bullet dynamics engine coming from third party developer – examples looked fantastic!



- Freeze replicators to mesh items

- Bake replicator point sources to mesh

- Motion vector output via OpenEXR

- Default environment no longer looks like cartoon world

- Materials respect embedded image alpha

- Render outlines – not quite wireframe render, but has a lot of cool controls including line thickness and depth falloff

- Search within shader tree and item list – filtering works as it does currently in command history palette




I pewnie więcej drobnych, ale umilających i przyspieszających prace dodatków.

"Emisja" programu przewidziana na koniec roku (bieżącego ;)


Moze to i to samo ale w czesciach i nie trzeba sciagac duzo zeby zobaczyc co nas interesuje:



Schematic View:


Modeling enhancements:


Assembly Groups:


Multi-Resolution Sculpting:


Pixar SDS:


Snapping enhancement:


Rendering features:



Mnie jak zwykle zainteresowal sculpt. Jesli jest tak dobrze jak na filmikach to biedny mudbox :D

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