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Nowa instalacja - stare preferencje

Artur Paprocki

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W tym kodzie zapisane są ustawienia jakie za każdym razem zmieniam po instalacji Softimage. Jeśli chcecie z nich skorzystać wystarczy po otwarciu Softimage wcisnąć Alt+4 i wkleić cały tekst lub interesujące was fragmenty. Zachęcam do zrobienia własnej wersji pliku zrobionego pod własne ustawienia. Jeśli macie jakieś swoje ustawienia to chętnie je zobaczę. Wystarczy "ponownie" je ustawić w preference i w script editorze skopiować ich kod.


//SetValue("preferences.scripting.language", "JScript", null);
//Setup JScript as your default scripting language
   //Save auto-key only exisiting keyframe 
       SetValue("preferences.animation.autokey", true, null);
       SetValue("preferences.animation.autokeytype", 1, null);
   //16/9 SquarePixel :640x360 1/3 HD My default settings are always in preview mode (3 times smaller that HD1080i) 
       SetValue("preferences.output_format.ir_xres", 640, null);
       SetValue("preferences.output_format.ir_yres", 360, null);
       SetValue("preferences.output_format.ir_pixel_ratio", 1, null);
   //Setup 25 frames per secound
       SetValue("preferences.output_format.frame_format", 8, null);

   //Raycast in Shader Mode (disable selection of unvisible vertex at back side of object)
       SetValue("preferences.Select.rectraycast", true, null);
   //Undo levels up to 50
       SetValue("preferences.General.undo", 50, null);
   //Color Managment On (Gamma) for Render Regions, Render Pass and preview, Shader Ball and Ui Widgets
       SetValue("preferences.Display.color_management_render_region", true, null);
       SetValue("preferences.Display.color_management_render_preview", true, null);
       SetValue("preferences.Display.color_management_shader_balls", true, null);
       SetValue("preferences.Display.color_management_ui_colors", true, null);
   //Enable View Head Light for New Scenes
       SetValue("preferences.Display.headlight", true, null);
   //enable autosave for 30 min
       SetValue("preferences.data_management.autosave", true, null);
       SetValue("preferences.data_management.autosave_interval", 30, null);
   //disable auto-refresh render region.
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.region_auto_refresh", false, null);

   //View shaderball at material node
       SetValue("preferences.render_tree.shaderballs", true, null);
   //Image Color Profile : automatic. Textures are import in automaticly set color profile eg. jpg=sRGB, exr=linear
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.default_image_color_profile", "Automatic", null);

   //FrameBuffer Template: Each channel render to own folder with pass+channel name
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.output_filename", "[Pass]_[Framebuffer]\\[Pass]_[Framebuffer]", null);
   //Default Output Image Formats - For Linear workflow and After Effects compatibility and my own preferences i setup all channel to SGI format with 16bit depth.
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.color_format", "sgi", null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.grayscale_format", "sgi", null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.depth_format", "sgi", null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.normal_format", "ct", null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.normal_format", "sgi", null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.vector_format", "sgi", null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.label_format", "sgi", null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.color_bitdepth", 4, null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.grayscale_bitdepth", 4, null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.depth_bitdepth", 4, null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.normal_bitdepth", 4, null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.vector_bitdepth", 4, null);
       SetValue("preferences.rendering.label_bitdepth", 4, null);

   //Show keys on unselected Curves
       SetValue("preferences.fcurve_editor.show_keys_always", true, null);
   //Show Slopes on unselected Curves
       SetValue("preferences.fcurve_editor.show_handles_always", true, null);
   //Setup Grid snaping to 1 frame 
       SetValue("preferences.fcurve_editor.snap_grid_time_spacing", 1, null);
       SetValue("preferences.fcurve_editor.time_snap_active", true, null);
   //Translate on MMB Prevent movement on LMB
       SetValue("preferences.animation_editor.prevent_movement_on_lmb", true, null);
       SetValue("preferences.animation_editor.translate_on_mmb", true, null);
//Data Managment
   //Use UNC Paths when saving files - for render farm\network compatibility 
       SetValue("preferences.data_management.use_unc_paths", true, null);
   //Color Space HLS instead of RGB
       SetValue("preferences.units.colorspace", 4, null);

Edited by Artur Paprocki
zmiana tytułu
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