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Jesteś zainteresowany tworzeniem jako Concept Artist w międzynarodowej firmie i szlifowaniem swoich umiejętności przy projekcie, o którym będzie głośno? – zapoznaj się proszę z poniższym opisem. Ogłoszenie jest w języku angielskim, bo oczekujemy jego znajomości. To język urzędowy w naszej firmie.

Pracujemy teraz nad Fortnite’em. To duży, wieloletni projekt, do którego potrzebujemy wsparcia doświadczonych specjalistów.

Jeśli jeszcze o nim nie słyszałeś zapraszam do zapoznania się z klimatem gry na




Would you like to work with a team that consistently ships innovative and multi-million unit selling games. Would you like to help define the visual style of our latest project? If you answered yes to either of those questions we would like to talk to you about joining our team here at Epic Games Poland, a studio in the Epic Games family.


Epic Games Poland is currently working as part of the team developing Epic’s next big blockbuster… Fortnite and we are searching for an experienced Concept Artist to help turn the team’s visions into reality. In this roll you will work within a specific art style to help Level Designers and Environment Artists to create additional visual concepts for new environments, characters, and weapons. You should have a combination of strong creative/visual aesthetics, excellent design skills, and a clear rendering style. Will be able to think outside the box and translate an awesome gameplay experience into an awesome visual experience as well as have experience creating stylized concept content.



The ideal candidate will have the following:

Experience designing stylized environments, characters, weapons and vehicles

A creative mind, the ability to create scenes with a memorable “wow” factor, but with grounding details to make it believable and personal

Ability to work within gameplay design restraints (environment scale, character abilities, etc.) and translate those restrictions into visuals that enhance the experience

Ability to show visual storytelling within an environment design

Strong Traditional drawing skills and visual knowledge of human anatomy

Experience creating mechanical designs

Strong understanding of color theory and how color affects mood & focal points Strong portfolio showcasing your concept art skills

3D software knowledge (Maya/Max/SketchUp) is a plus

Ability to create matte paintings or skydomes is a plus Graphic design and previous UI experience is a plus

Excellent communication skills (written, verbal and visual)


Contact: The offer consisting of a CV in both Polish (if it is your native language) and English language versions and motivation letter shell be sent to . Please add also you portfolio. We will contact only some of candidates.

Please provide a signed clause in CV: I agree to the processing of the personal data included in my application by Epic games Poland Sp. z o. o., with its registered office in Warsaw (01-031), Al. Jana Pawła II 61 room 241 and its affiliates for the purposes of the recruitment process according to the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U., Y2002, no. 101, item 926 and later changes)

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