Napisano 23 Grudzień 20168 l [h=2]New Plugins for Your Holiday[/h] VOTE Ctrl C Ctrl V z Happy Holidays from Pixologic! Since the holidays are about giving, we at Pixologic wanted to distribute some custom plugins for ZBrush 4R7 P3 that have been created by our staff. These can be downloaded from the Pixologic Download Center. We hope that you find them useful -- not just during the holiday season but in the entire year to come! VOTE This plugin is for use with ZBrush 4R7 P3 and Adobe Photoshop CC. The plugin allows you to send BPR render passes from ZBrush to Photoshop CC through Extended Script functionality. Simply determine your camera angle, select the passes you want and click "Send to Photoshop!" Important Notes: This plugin requires ZBrush 4R7 P3 x64 and Adobe Photoshop CC. No other version of either software is supported. The plugin uses ExtendScript .JSX files to transfer data to Photoshop. .JSX files must be set to open with Photoshop for the process to work correctly. This plugin has had limited testing and could contain potential bugs -- please save your work before using. VOTE This plugin is for use with ZBrush 4R7 P3. The Scale Master plugin gives you greater control when working with scan data or models that are meant to be 3D printed. It allows you to choose what size your model should be, converting it to generic units resembling mm. With this size now being a constant, you can append and insert at the correct size and dimensions. Important Notes: This plugin requires ZBrush 4R7 P3 x64. No other version is supported. This plugin has had limited testing and could contain potential bugs -- please save your work before using. VOTE In addition to the plugins created by our staff, the Download Center also includes the new 3D Print Hub. This official plugin replaces the 3DPrint Exporter that was included with ZBrush 4R7. With 3DPrint Hub you will be able to scale and export your favorite ZBrush models for your own 3D printer or to a 3D printing service. The UI has been overhauled and there are various workflow enhancements including a direct link to Formlabs 3D printers. More printers will be supported in the future. ---- Od siebie dodam, że dal tych co nie mają PS CC, plugin też może okazać się przydatny. W folderze pluginu zapisuje wszystkie wybrane passy jako osobne pliki psd. Plik jsx służy tylko do załadowania ich do ps'a. Czyli można je pojedyńczo wrzócić do czegoś innego niż ps i nie trzeba zapisywać wszystkiego z osobna. Bajer :)
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