Postać 3D: golec
Hey ania If you got that white thing's alpha from some cool site(along with other cool alphas) tell us ... Keep it up girl :)
Pojazd 3D: Feng Zhu concept
Thanks guys vv3k70r : You can use Feng Zhu's concepts as long as you don't make money of that and you give credits to him. . . I gave him credits for concept and i make no profit from them.Just for my portfolio. cheers :)
Pojazd 3D: Audi TT
Looks like a great start... Keep up :)
Model 3D: PixelHasGone Project
It is coming out really nice :) Keep up
Postać 3D: golec
Hey ania You modeled that white thing or it is real life photo ? if you modeled it : Bravo :) How long it took you ? Take care girl :)
Scena 3D: Feng zhu concept - room
Thanks As i already said right now i am working on my modeling skills only . . . Here is the original : http://s2.slibe.com/image/febd629c-set_15_jpg/ PS : Not going to 100 % likeness . . .
Pojazd 3D: Feng Zhu concept
No, i was not going for the original 100 % ... It was kinda relaxing modeling excercise :) Thanks anyway :)
Scena 3D: Feng zhu concept - room
Concept by Feng Zhu http://www.slibe.com/image/a9581548-FINAL_11_jpg/ Coments welcomed
Pojazd 3D: BUGGY - my concept
Thanks Shogun 3D But right now i am working on my modeling skills only . . . Textures in future cheers :)
Pojazd 3D: BUGGY - my concept
Thanks How to drive it : How people drive tanks ?
Pojazd 3D: Feng Zhu concept
Thanks Here is the original : http://s2.slibe.com/image/6989fbd6-vehi_feng_image0/ Cheers
Pojazd 3D: BUGGY - my concept
BUGGY http://www.slibe.com/image/83478d3d-FINAL_3_jpg/ Cheers :)
Model 3D: Uzi
I can do both, even though i don't have low-poly stuff in my portfolio . . . Cheers :)
Pojazd 3D: Bmw serii 3 - model E46 (up 14.01.2007)
Nice modeling :) Keep up
Model 3D: Uzi
Thanks :) Textures in future cause right now i am working on my modeling skills only ...
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