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dziekuje i pozdrawiam
- Dan fixed (hopefully finally) the Rotate commands speed so they work as before.
- Dan fixed rotate in vertex mode so it centers around all selected vertices.
- Giniu made all active (compilable) plug-ins translatable and translated them to Polish
(the toxic and yafray plugins still needs to be translated, but are translatable).
- Giniu added 4 selection methods: select by vertices with 6 or more edges,
select by non quadrangle faces (all faces, faces with odd or even number of edges).
- Giniu added two new tools - "move->absolute" for positioning in absolute
coordinates and "weld" for welding single vertex to other one.
- DesiredUserName/MicrobeSoft implemented pick-up and drop images in outliner.
- Syndarion updated the French translation.
- AUTOUV changes (Dan):
- In face mode added a combined project from normal and unfolding command.
- In segmenting mode, when uv-mapping failes the good charts gets uv-mapped and
the failed charts stays in the segmenting window.
- MMB on uv-mapping, finds and marks the old chart cuts.
- Repeat implemented.
- Other minor stuff, uv-grid and changed material/image handling.
- Re-written the texture image creator, move images with your uv's or
use it to draw vertex color or materials it can also use opengl shaders.