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Hi, could someone help me to solve this thing?


I have:


- A film recorded on my camera, with my face opening wide, and shut after few seconds.

- A movie made in 3Dmax, i modeled a flat plane on the place where my head and mouth is, and animated a Ball so it looks like it comes out of my mouth, there is also another plane in the back, i wanted to simulate glowing blue light that was coming to my left wall and light it up, the ball has an omni light in it.


everything is in PINK color, and rendered to Quick Time movie (milions of colors+)


What i done:


I moved the 2 movies into Adobe after effects, the program asked me "what color to make aplha transparent" (or something like that), i made that color pink. then i puted the movie done in max on top of the first movie



a movie where everything i set to PINK color is transparent with semi transparent blue omni light spreading onto the wall, the sphere is coming out of my mouth, the plane in the shape of my head blocks the view of the ball for the time it comes out of my mouth, everything looks like the ball is really coming from my mouthsmile.gif



Reality.... TOTAL FAILURE:


- everything i modeled and set to PINK color is still visible as pink color in Adobe after effects....



What i did before:


- i made a sphere, and made the enviroment PINK, then when i moved it into After effects, and set the ransparent color to pink, everything was fine...


What i think is the problem:


I think the problem is, that After effects work with Alpha channel so when i modeled the face , and eferything else, it rendered to alpha channel too... and after effects did not made it transparent.... but if that's the case, then:


How can i made it look like i want it to look??:(


I mean with the Lights going to wall and my mouth covered by a plane so the sphere can realisticlly fly out from it




Please help me solve this problemsad.gif

Thank you

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Facialis: cudownie zredagowany, a odpowiedzi zero :-)


Why dont u try rendering animation into image sequence with alpha channel instead of mov ??

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well, i think it would be the same effect becouse alpha channel would still be based on object that are in the scene, and this transparency trick when you render to quick time, and transfer to After effects works only in the color set in ENVIROMENT properties when rendering.


Maybe it's some kind of option in After effects or i'm doing something wrong, i described what result i'm expecting and what i have. If there is another way to do that kind of stuff please tell me how should i do it.


thank you for your replies:)


In After Effects you can use Keing. You'll find it in Effects/Keing... in your situation I suggest usin Color Key and with a picker key out the PINK color. It'l make all PINK parts of you movie transparent...

Another way (or you can combine those two) is to use animated masks. With a mask you can draw a region on an animated sequence, that has to be transparent. You can animate the shape of your mask, so it traces the contour of desired transparency region...

and basicly that should do the job...


If there are still some problems please ask right away. Good Luck! :)

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Dzieki wszystkim za pomoc, DZIAŁA!:)


Nazywam sie Piotrek i mam 19,5 lat:P


Lubie rysowac i bawic sie programami 3D/2D, czasami porzebuje pomocy przy tak prostych problemach jak ten -_-"


Sory że moj pierwszy thread był po angielsku... szczerze mowiac, byłem juz tak wkurzony tym efektem(myslałem nad nim około 4 dni...) że powysyłałem na kilka angielskich forow (oraz na to) tematy z zapytaniem jak go zrobic...


I wiecie co? Nikt mi nie odpowiedział:P


widocznie polskie fora są de best:D


Kris_B - masz niesamowicie dobrze opanowany angielski... 0_0


Polskie fora są the best a ja jestem Kris_R a nie B :) Cieszę się, że mogliśmy pomóc. No i polecamy się na przyszłość

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