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Zrenderowaem obrazek. W pobliżu biurka są widoczne jakieś plamy, podejrzewam że to coś z cieniem, jak zrobić "czysty render" bez tego "brudu"?


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Powiedz tylko czym to renderujesz. Jeżeli to scanline, to pobaw się z parametrami próbkowania cieni, albo zmień po prostu typ cieni na 'raytrace'.

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Dzięki, spróbuję.


A czym renderuję - tochyba po to żeby się ktoś nie pytał umieściłem to w dziale Rendering>Mental Ray.


a jak najlepiej ustawiac min i max radius w FG? Od czego te ustawienia zaleza, bo nie chce ustawiac juz tak w ciemno :(


Wszystko zależy od sceny jaką zbudowałeś i od systemu miar- wielkości obiektów.


Najwygodniej jest jeżeli obiekty wykonane są w skali 1:1, wtedy łatwiej jest za pierwszym razem ustawić odpowiednie wartości, a później to już tylko seria próbnych renderów, która pomoże dobrać właściwe ustawienie.


Prawdą jest, że bardzo małe wartości "radius`ów", nie powodują wyświetlania "babuli"> powstaje wtedy ładne "ziarno", którego można się pozbyć zwiększając odpowiednio ilość sampli (500s i "ziarno" znika, a czas zliczania FG points`ów nie jest wysoki). Dlatego najbardziej uniwersalnym sposobem (wg. mnie) jest ustawienie "z miejsca" małych wartości i zabawa z "ziarnem", które osobiście bardzo lubię;)



przykład "ziarna" i jego ograniczenia


Cytat z "mental ray 3.3 manual"- jest na każdej płycie instalacyjnej Max`a 7 (w 6. też, tylko do wersji 3.2)} max`owy katalog "help":


"Final gathering is a technique for estimating global illumination for a given point by either sampling a number of directions over the hemisphere over that point (such a set of sample is called a final gather point), or by averaging a number of nearby final gather points since final gather points are too expensive to compute for every illuminated point.


For diffuse scenes, final gathering often improves the quality of the global illumination solution. Without final gathering, the global illumination on a diffuse surface is computed by estimating the photon density (and energy) near that point. With final gathering, many new rays are sent out to sample the hemisphere above the point to determine the incident illumination. Some of these rays hit diffuse surfaces, and the global illumination at those points is then computed by the material shaders at these point, using illumination from the globillum photon map if available and other material properties. Other rays hit specular surfaces and do not contribute to the final gather color (since that type of light transport is a secondary caustic). Tracing many rays (each with a photon map lookup) is very time-consuming, so it is only done when necessary - in most cases, interpolation and extrapolation from previous nearby final gathers is sufficient.


Final gathering is useful in scenes with slow variation in the indirect illumination, such as purely diffuse scenes. For such scenes, final gathering eliminates photon map artifacts such as low frequency noise and dark corners. With final gathering, fewer photons are needed in the globillum photon map and lower globillum accuracy is sufficient since each final gather averages over many values of indirect illumination.


In film production work, final gathering more and more replaces photon mapping, except for caustics. Without multiple-bounce effects, which are performed by photons by default and by final gathering only if the shaders adjusts the trace depth, tends to have far less impact on the final image than the first bounce that final gathering supports by default. Although physical correctness is lost, this is often ``good enough'' for film production, and final gathering is easier to control than photons emanating from distant light sources. However, for accurate indoor illumination simulations and other CAD-related applications, photon mapping is still the method of choice.


Final gathering is off by default, but can be turned on in the options. Final gathering is also useful without photon tracing; this only takes first-bounce indirect light into account but often gives good results where complete physical accuracy is not required.


To change the number of rays shot in each final gather (and optionally the max distance at which a final gathering result can be used for interpolation and the minimum distance at which it must be used), specify a finalgather accuracy in the options."


a to cytat z "3ds max 7 User Reference":


"Final gathering is an optional, additional step to calculating global illumination. Using a photon map to calculate global illumination can cause rendering artifacts such as dark corners and low-frequency variations in the lighting. You can reduce or eliminate these artifacts by turning on final gathering, which increases the number of rays used to calculate global illumination."


Są również obrazki.


= = = =


ps. Max`owy katalog "help" "czasami się przydaje..."

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