mirach Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Hej Na jednym z prywatnych forów gdzie sobie cicho siedze jakiś ludź (mówiący po englishu baaardzo łamanie, przez co szczegolow nie podał) stwierdził że testuje sobie właśnie vraya rc5 pod maxem 9. Sam nie wiem co o fakcie myśleć, rc4 było ponoć widziane gdzieś na tutku z gnomology, ale na wlasne oczy nigdy nie widzialem. Tak czy siak wrzucam liste ficzerów które podano odnośnie tego rc5. Change Log: Build 1.50.RC5 ============================== New features: (*) New render elements: VRayMatteShadow, VRayTotalLighting, VRayRawTotalLighting; (*) Added exporter script to the .vrscene file format supported by the standalone version of V-Ray; (*) Animation modes for the irradiance map (added two new modes "Animation (prepass)" and "Animation (rendering)" along with a paramter to control the blend between frames; Modified features: (*) Increased rendering speed for some types of scenes; (*) Updated WIBU-key drivers for 32- and 64-bit Windows* (including Windows* Vista*) are included with the installation; (*) VRaySun is now compatible with the 3dsmax Daylight system and can be selected as a sun type; (*) VRayDisplacementMod now supports high-dynamic range textures for displacement in "2d landscape" mode; (*) VRayPhysicalCamera supports horizon line in the viewports, clipping and environment near and far ranges; (*) Distributed rendering can now be started as a BackBurner job; (*) Added an option to exclude specific objects from overriding their material from the Global Switches rollout; (*) VRayColor texture has an option to apply gamma correction to the displayed color in the UI; (*) "Don't affect colors" option for color mapping; useful if you only need the sampling adaptation to be performed; (*) "Cutoff" threshold parameter for VRayLight's allows to reduce render times in scenes with many weak lights; (*) "Envrionment priority" option added to VRayMtl to control environment override behaviour between different materials; (*) Options for directly controlling the render mode (region, crop etc) of the V-Ray VFB; (*) "No GI on other mattes" and "GI surface ID" parameters added to VRayMtlWrapper; (*) Matte objects with the "Shadows" option checked will now generate VRayRawLighting, VRayRawShadow and VRayMatteShadow elements; (*) If "Check for missing files" option is checked, DR will now fail on the render slaves if some maps cannot be found, instead or rendering wrong buckets; (*) If there are several VRaySun nodes in the scene, VRaySky will now pick the first one that is enabled (rather than the first one at all); (*) V-Ray will now force multithreading when 3dsmax is in slave mode, regardless of the 3dsmax multithreading option; (*) When rendering to texture (RTT) the 3dsmax VFB is now always generated, regardless of whether the V-Ray VFB is on or off; (*) The irradiance map viewer will print out the progress of merging irradiance maps; (*) The autosave file names for irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are now updated at each frame, rather than only at the render start; (*) The irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are auto-saved as soon as they are computed, rather than at the end of the frame/rendering; (*) The "Save maps per frame" option has been removed from the GI rollout; (*) VRayProxy will now re-link the .vrmesh file at each frame, rather than only at the render start; (*) V-Ray will write a tiled OpenEXR file directly to disk, similar to a raw .vrimg file, if the raw file name ends in ".exr"; (*) Added a new "hybrid" SSS model in VRayMtl; (*) Added exclude list for material override in the Global Switches rollout; (*) The uninstaller will unregister any V-Ray services as well(DR spawner, license server etc.); (*) Added "Affect alpha" option to VRaySphereFade; (*) VRayLights now produce accurate motion blur when animated; (*) VRayFur can now generate motion blur with more than 2 geometry samples; (*) Global option to work in the system lighting units of 3dsmax for consistent results with 3dsmax photometric lights; (*) VRayLights produced wrong intensity with photometric units; (*) VRaySun/VRaySky had wrong photometric intensity; they now have a "legacy model" option to use the old model, which is turned on automatically for older files; (*) VRayPhysicalCamera ISO parameter produced wrong exposure; it now has a "legacy model" option to use the old model, which is turned on automatically for older files; (*) VRayProxy objects now produce motion blur when the proxy transformation is animated; (*) VRayProxy objects now generate velocity information for image motion blur when their transformation is animated; (*) Re-worked VRayFastSSS material to use the irradiance map interpolation mechanism for faster and smoother results; (*) Added an "Affect reflections" option to VRayLight's to control reflection visibility separately from speculars; Known issues: (*) When rendering a 3dsmax Raytrace material applied on VRayProxy objects, V-Ray will crash; (*) When rendering a high-resolution image with the "Hilbert" region sequence, V-Ray may crash; Bug fixes: (*) "Affect shadows" and "Affect alpha" options did not work for VRayMtls inside a Multi/subobject material (RC3 bug); (*) Moving VRayPhysicalCamera caused spurious MacroRecorder events about the target distance changing; (*) Problems with 2D displacement (RC3 bug); (*) Automatically created VRaySky did not have a name; (*) Horizontal scrolling problems with the V-Ray messages window; (*) VRayOverrideMtl could cause 3dsmax to crash; (*) Multi/subobject material inside a VRayBlendMtl etc. did not render; (*) 64-bit V-Ray could fall into an infinite cycle when rendering 2d displacement; (*) Some rare raycaster precision errors were fixed; (*) Starting/finishing rendering could be extremely slow in 3dsmax R9; (*) VRayHDRI always took at least 10 MB of memory, regardless of actual image size (RC3 bug); (*) Incorrect irradiance map density and texture sharpness when using camera clipping planes; (*) Missing files (textures/VRayProxies etc) were not always detected correctly; (*) Distributed rendering between mixed 32/64-bit V-Ray versions did not work properly; (*) Standard materials with transparency did not render properly (RC3 bug); (*) No motion blur for ParticleFlow on 64-bit 3dsmax; (*) Color corrections from the V-Ray VFB were applied to the alpha channel when splitting the render channels to files; (*) Crash with the "Show map in viewport" option for VRayMtl when using Direct3D (RC3 bug); (*) Textures with mapping channels greater than 1 are now correctly shown in the Material Editor; (*) The "Global light level" options from the Environment dialog now affect the color of VRayLights and standard 3dsmax lights; (*) VRayBlendMtl did not list the blend textures as sub-anims; (*) If "Render to raw image file" option for the V-Ray VFB was ON, but the file name is empty, V-Ray would freeze while rendering; (*) The parameters of VRayMtlWrapper did not have proper names in Track View; (*) If the primary GI engine was light cache or photon map but GI is turned off, standard materials would render black; (*) VRayMtl materials with low glossiness inside a VRayBlendMtl could produce polygonal artifacts on shadow/light boundaries; (*) The pixel aspect ratio from the Render Scene dialog was ignored when rendering with DR to the 3dsmax VFB; (*) A low-dynamic range 3dsmax frame buffer was used even when saving to a high-dynamic range file format (.exr, .hdr etc); (*) Problems when rendering animations in DR mode with light cache as both primary and secondary engine; (*) Small rectangle area lights could produce artifacts for points lying close to the light plane; (*) Somewhat better memory management for proxies and dynamic meshes; (*) Crashes with VRayFur on animated objects when using motion blur; (*) Incorrect environment color with several VRayLights in "dome" mode; (*) "Crop" render mode with the V-Ray VFB did not work for animations; (*) Sporadic crashes when using the "Camera Map Per Pixel" texture inside V-Ray materials (VRayMtl, VRayLightMtl etc); (*) VRayBmpFilter did not always display its bitmap texture successfully; (*) VRayBmpFilter could produce invalid colors; (*) Photon mapping could produce wrong GI on transparent surfaces; (*) Crashes with interpolated glossy reflections/refractions if there is only 1 sample in the interpolation map; (*) Irradiance map produced incorrect results when used with VRayLight in "Light portal" mode; (*) Faceting on low-poly geometry when using anisotropic reflections with UV-channel mapping; (*) Incorrect sampling with gamma color correction when some of the pixel RGB components is zero; (*) In 3dsmax 9, VRayMtlWrapper, VRay2SidedMtl, VRayOverrideMtl could crash when reset from the Material Editor; (*) Some V-Ray materials (e.g. VRayMtl) did not reset when the "Reset" button from the Material Editor was used; (*) The contents of the V-Ray VFB was not cleared regardless of the "Previous render" option in the System rollout; (*) V-Ray sun could produce brighter highlights than is correct when its size multiplier is much greater than 1.0; (*) Banding with very small spherical VRayLights; (*) SSS with VRayMtl did not work properly with intersecting refractive objects; (*) Problems with dome light and matte/shadow materials with GI on; (*) VRayBlendMtl in additive mode produced incorrect alpha channel; (*) VRayHDRI did not free is memory with the freeSceneBitmaps MaxScript command; (*) Crash when rendering disconnected Particle Flow events; (*) In 3dsmax 9, clearing a texture in VRayMtl could cause a crash, if the texture is visible in the viewport; (*) In 64-bit 3dsmax, the Dynamic raycaster memory spinner was still limited to 4096 MB; (*) In some cases VRayFur did not render properly; (*) Wrong mapping coordinates for VRayFur when motion blur was enabled; (*) Incorrect velocity G-Buffer channel due to camera movement for scaled cameras; (*) Distortion map for VRayToon had no effect; (*) Light cache prefiltering ignored GI surface IDs; (*) VRayLight's appeared in reflections for objects excluded from the lights; (*) Light cache files saved on 32-bit machines did not load properly on 64-bit machines and vice-versa pozdrawiam skonfundowany Mirach
Lis Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Dostępne jest RC4demo dla grona testerów. Jest na tutku gnomonology Vray Speed vs Quality. Ael oficjalnie jeszcze nie można pobrać z chaos group. RC5 nie ma ! EDIT: Jednak jest....
mirach Posted July 22, 2007 Author Posted July 22, 2007 Jest na tutku gnomonology Vray Speed vs Quality a tak, to chyba o tym slyszalem. RC5 nie ma ! hm, ciekawe czy zaraz na sieci pojawi sie tona fake'ów... po wpisaniu w google "vray rc5" wychodzi mase ruskich warezów, zastanawiam sie czy gosc poprostu nie dorawal czegos takiego i chcial zaszpanowac.
domel31 Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 musze przyznac ze ja rc 4 uzywam od jakis 6 miesiecy :] i co jest w nim pieknego to poprawienie ladowania sie materialow w slotach plus kilka fajnych fixow . A RC 5 wyszlo narazie tylko wersja 32 bitowa 64 jeszcze nie widzialem. Pozdrawiam
Yaro16 Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 heh to ja nie wiem komu wierzyć:p a skąd można zassać demo rc5??
Marcin Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 nie można. to beta dostępna dla zarejestrowanych posiadaczy orginalnych wersji i to też na własną prośbę skierowaną do Valdo na forum chaosów ;] nie liczcie że te wersje wyjdą na światło dzienne :) PS. RC4 używam już od kilku miesięcy i to tylko dla tego że RC3 wiesza się przy 2D Displacement w 64 bitowym maxie :)
Lukx Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Tak potwierdzam RC5 istnieje dla wybranych:) Jestem jednym z nich :P
voyager Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Ja nie jestem żadnym "the chosen one", ale v-rayka mam ^.^ Nie powiem jak, nie powiem skąd, bo Leru da mi urlop ;P Conclusion: Chodzi mi ok 10-20% szybciej (na moich scenkach) i mniej przy tym szumi. Z ciekawszych można wymienić parametr roughness w materiałach (działa chyba jak wysoki gloss), hybrid translucency mode (coś pomiędy wax a water model) i możliwość ustawienia samplowania niezależnego od Color mappingu (np. gdy ciemne miejsca szumią, bo w/g v-raya są prawie czarne i myśli, że i tak nic nie widać, a my podbiliśmy gamme i inne multipliery i nas szum razi) To tyle ode mnie. Pozdro dla v-rayowców
Hindus Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Tak potwierdzam RC5 istnieje dla wybranych:) Jestem jednym z nich :P ale sie chwali...pfiii
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