adek Napisano 25 Maj 2009 Napisano 25 Maj 2009 Autodesk wypuścił zestaw poprawek dla programów Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 oraz Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010. Co ciekawe na stronie Autodesku nie został on nazwany "Service Pack'iem" a po prostu "Hotfixem". Zestaw poprawek zawiera wszystkie poprzednio wydane "Hotfixy". Lista poprawek (w wersji angielskiej): Localized Versions When running the English version of 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design on a Japanese OS, or the English version of 3ds Max on an English OS with Language for non-Unicode programs set to Japanese, the mouse pointer now works correctly when using the ParticleFlow Particle View window. The pointer is no longer offset from the cursor when you drag an item onto a node. Materials When creating a new material that uses bitmaps, the bitmaps did not save with the material when saved to a library. Now when saving to a custom library, the bitmap and its full path are saved correctly. Maxscript When encrypting a Maxscript file (encryptscript, the file would generate an error when executing the resulting encrypted file (YourMaxScript.mse). This error would also occur when reading from an encrypted MaxScript file. These issues are resolved. Parameter Wiring When Resetting a Scene Parameter, Wire Sub-Controllers would be removed due to the Maxscript Garbage Collection clean-up process. This only occurred when the scene was Reset or an XRef tree was deleted. It did not occur when exiting with a scene Open. This clean-up procedure was fixed for all instances of scene change states. Undo Various instances where an action would not appear in the Undo Stack have been resolved. There is no longer an issue when: Loading the Render To Texture (RTT) dialog by pressing a keyboard shortcut while in the middle of a mouse operation in the viewport, where the mouse operation has started a hold, but not yet accepted or cancelled the hold. Switching focus away from 3ds Max/3ds Max Design and then back while in the middle of a mouse operation in Trackview, where the mouse operation has started a hold, but not yet accepted or cancelled the hold. Performing any actions after opening the Time Configuration dialog and clicking OK. New actions would not appear in the Undo stack. This was not a problem if you made changes in the Time Configuration dialog. Performing a file reset by pressing a keyboard shortcut while in the middle of a mouse operation in the viewport, where the mouse operation has started a hold, but not yet accepted or cancelled the hold. Switching focus away from 3ds max and then back while in the middle of a mouse operation in the viewport, where the mouse operation has started a hold, but not yet accepted or cancelled the hold. Więcej: Hotfix – Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 – 2009.05.19 Hotfix - Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 - 2009.05.19
SWRSC Napisano 25 Maj 2009 Napisano 25 Maj 2009 mam nadzieje, e ten hotfix rozwiązuje problem innego zarządzania teksturami niż w poprzednich wersjach. 2x dłużej liczący się displace na vrayu spowodował, że wróciłem do 2009.
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