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napisalem maly, prosty skrypcik tworzacy spray particles na dowolnym obiekcie(animacji) fal. Hafe Fun.







1. Copy script file (.rfs) wherever You want

2. Open Realflow with Your scene file

3. Open menu scripts / Add

4. In Add Script window, Name field enter "CustomOceanSpray"

5. Choose Spray_Batch.rfs in script field

6. Choose Spray_icon.png for Icon

7. Press "New Folder" (bottom left) and create folder for scripts

8. Choose created Folder and press OK

9. Open Even Script (Layout/EventScript of press F11), paste(replace) text from Spray_event.rtf



Choose Your desired custom ocean object, fire up CustomOceanSpray Batch script (from toolbar):


Spray Type = Dumb

You can choose what kind of spray type You want to create (Dumb type is usually enough)


Spray rand in m = 2

Spray randomisation in meters (it depends on Your scene scale so You may want to increase or decrease it)



Scene scale is very important in setting up 'rand in m' value!!!!


You may want to add daemons like Gravity, k_age, k_Volume, Noise_field, wind etc.




Q: I get half of my ocean object covered with particles! what should I do?

A: Check Your Axis setup (Realflow / Preferences), Y should be Upwards


Q: My particles are flying around!

A: Check If Gravity force is connected and try lowering 'rand in m' value because it depends on Your scene scale

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OMG, facet, jak to dziala to... cholera, nie moge miec z toba dzieci... ale naprawde super sprawa, niedlugo czeka mnie projekt w ktorym mi to moze bardzo ulatwic zycie.


ps: mozesz wystawic ten skrypt tutaj zeby nie trzeba sie bylo rejstrowac?

  • Autor

jakis babol byl i kilka osob mialo problemy z randomization. powinno byc juz dobrze

nie obeszło się :P


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