adek Napisano 6 Kwiecień 2012 Napisano 6 Kwiecień 2012 Jest tam gdzieś licencja na jakiej to jest udostępniane? Bo nie mogę odnaleźć? Czy w ZIPie jest dopiero?
Miłosz3ds Napisano 6 Kwiecień 2012 Napisano 6 Kwiecień 2012 Czołem. Jest w readme, w archiwum: The content disclosed with this disclaimer is provided free of any charge. There are no limitations on their personal or commercial use. All the content is provided “AS-IS”, without any warranties. xoio, peter stulz will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. You are allowed to store these files for personal use , provided that you do not remove any copyright, this disclaimer notice or other proprietary notices contained in the original materials or on any such copies. However, you are NOT allowed to distribute them commercially, forward them to third parties or put them on your website for download. A hyperlink from another website to our site is appreciated. You acknowledge and agree that use of the imagery is at your sole risk. jefim - dzięki za info, bardzo miłe teksturki :)
KoMic Napisano 7 Kwiecień 2012 Napisano 7 Kwiecień 2012 Niby nie powinno się narzekać, na darmowy towar, ale jakies takie to wszystko srednie. tzn mocno widac, szwy, tzn stampa pozdr
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