1 add marked parameters
2 chyba tylko skrypt...jak robisz w mayi to pisanie skryptow masz w malym palcu ;)
3 target kamery to zwykly null + direction cns na kamerze
emc2, z mailinglisty o jpg:
"I discovered a bug in the standard jpeg library that causes a problem
with some formats of jpeg -- probably progressive.
It uses a temp file to decompress them and in Windows that ends up
being a temp file in the root of the drive. If you're under Vista or
some account with limited privileges that prevent writing to the root
of the drive, the jpegs won't load.
to nie do konca tak...tutaj sa wieksze mozliwosci a nie zwykla zaleznosc kat miedzy koscmi - blending miedzy morfami. Zreszta dzisiaj juz ktos wrzucil compound do xsi ktory dziala podobnie.