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Zawartość dodana przez Hindus

  1. to Klicek z Jarasem w piwnicy złożyli i w kulki lecą...
  2. Dobra sprawdziłem - mi tam tiling dla dispa działa :) W czym problem?
  3. nie mam tu maxwella wiec odpowiem Ci jutro tj dzis rano jak cos. Zawsze mozesz w photoshopie tilingowac texture :D
  4. Achmed Sings Christmas Song
  5. Dobra to ja też pokaże ryja :D wynik siedzenia 6 dni na urlopie i konta rapidshare, zero golarki, maszynki, fryzjera i lakieru. Stwierdzam że tak się życ nie da. Ale spoko, doprowadze sie... chyba.
  6. Tomus podziel sie widokiem zza okna :)
  7. mi on tam mansona przypomina :D a nie geralta. Obejrzałem wczoraj tą Disturbie - ale jakos nic specjalnego. Hannibal Rising mi sie za to strasznie podobał - 9.5/10.
  8. pewnie jakies biuro in łorsoł :D Piksar obieżyświat obeznany w tych klimatach - wez mnie kiedys spakuj w torbe, chętnie obejrze cos, i nie dąsaj sie za tamto :) wiesz ze Cie kocham.
  9. Spokojnych, wesołych, radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, odpoczynku w rodzinnym gronie, góry prezentów, szybszego, bezawaryjnego sprzętu oraz pasma sukcesów w nadchodzącym Nowym 2008 Roku, składa zespół
  10. Hindus

    Proźba o tutorial

    Tak - nie łatwiej było spr zamiast pytac :)
  11. Hindus

    Proźba o tutorial

    Nie wiem kto to jest ale jest dobry... Masa roboty - zacznij od czegoś prostszego. Jak już chcesz się porywac to poczytaj o motion capture, a animowaną mape mozna wrzucic w 3ds do slotu diffuse (plik avi) Nie ma czegos takiego jak zczytywanie ruchu z obrazu a przynajmniej ja o tym nie słyszałem. Btw - literówka w temacie ktory na dodatek nie za wiele mowi.
  12. Na stronie foxita (pdf foxy reader) jest dobry sofcik do tworzenia pdfow.
  13. albo nie umiem zrobic zeza albo nie wiem o co biega, nie idzie mi wg instrukcji. Illy te twoje bardzo fajne. -- Bizarre Pics: When Russians Get Bored 18+
  14. Tłiti bez tej brudki bys był nawet sexi :D Fajna pani - gratki.
  15. Dobra świerszczu 5 gwiazdek - teraz podziel sie tekstura :)
  16. no to raczj plus :) fajna sprawa, poprostu kopiuje pliki z jednego katalogu do nastapnego - dobrze ze z docelowego nie kasuje
  17. też jestem ciekaw czy jest taki automat robiący wszystkie takie procesy w tle
  18. Chwilowo zamykam (...)
  19. To sobie przestaw :D Powiadomienia na telefon o nowych rekomach nie chcecie ?
  20. lol - chciałem dorżnąc stary komputer ale nie chce sie spalic [16/January/2007 14:54:08] SL of 1.00. Benchmark of 38.377. Time: 10s [16/January/2007 14:54:25] SL of 2.00. Benchmark of 37.008. Time: 27s [16/January/2007 14:54:45] SL of 3.00. Benchmark of 40.655. Time: 47s [16/January/2007 14:55:11] SL of 4.00. Benchmark of 44.502. Time: 1m13s [16/January/2007 14:55:47] SL of 5.00. Benchmark of 48.656. Time: 1m49s [16/January/2007 14:56:39] SL of 6.00. Benchmark of 51.746. Time: 2m41s [16/January/2007 14:57:57] SL of 7.00. Benchmark of 54.060. Time: 3m59s [16/January/2007 14:59:52] SL of 8.00. Benchmark of 55.898. Time: 5m54s [16/January/2007 15:02:45] SL of 9.00. Benchmark of 57.045. Time: 8m47s [16/January/2007 15:07:45] SL of 10.00. Benchmark of 55.046. Time: 13m47s [16/January/2007 15:15:01] SL of 11.00. Benchmark of 54.368. Time: 21m03s [16/January/2007 15:26:40] SL of 12.00. Benchmark of 52.695. Time: 32m42s [16/January/2007 15:36:36] SL of 12.62. Benchmark of 52.117. Time: 42m38s [16/January/2007 15:44:27] SL of 13.00. Benchmark of 51.340. Time: 50m29s [16/January/2007 15:57:10] SL of 13.55. Benchmark of 51.309. Time: 1h03m12s [16/January/2007 16:08:29] SL of 14.00. Benchmark of 52.263. Time: 1h14m31s [16/January/2007 16:18:42] SL of 14.34. Benchmark of 52.790. Time: 1h24m44s [16/January/2007 16:30:45] SL of 14.69. Benchmark of 53.320. Time: 1h36m47s [16/January/2007 16:44:06] SL of 15.00. Benchmark of 53.104. Time: 1h50m08s [16/January/2007 16:58:58] SL of 15.29. Benchmark of 52.649. Time: 2h05m00s [16/January/2007 17:07:46] SL of 15.47. Benchmark of 52.887. Time: 2h13m48s [16/January/2007 17:16:43] SL of 15.66. Benchmark of 53.533. Time: 2h22m45s [16/January/2007 17:25:43] SL of 15.84. Benchmark of 54.105. Time: 2h31m45s [16/January/2007 17:34:43] SL of 16.00. Benchmark of 54.620. Time: 2h40m44s [16/January/2007 17:44:45] SL of 16.17. Benchmark of 55.131. Time: 2h50m47s [16/January/2007 17:59:33] SL of 16.41. Benchmark of 55.798. Time: 3h05m35s [16/January/2007 18:10:01] SL of 16.55. Benchmark of 56.070. Time: 3h16m03s [16/January/2007 18:19:45] SL of 16.69. Benchmark of 56.389. Time: 3h25m47s [16/January/2007 18:33:32] SL of 16.85. Benchmark of 56.427. Time: 3h39m34s [16/January/2007 18:47:10] SL of 17.00. Benchmark of 56.500. Time: 3h53m12s [16/January/2007 19:00:49] SL of 17.15. Benchmark of 56.718. Time: 4h06m50s [16/January/2007 19:11:00] SL of 17.25. Benchmark of 56.829. Time: 4h17m02s [16/January/2007 19:21:58] SL of 17.36. Benchmark of 56.911. Time: 4h28m00s [16/January/2007 19:31:42] SL of 17.45. Benchmark of 57.044. Time: 4h37m44s [16/January/2007 19:42:34] SL of 17.55. Benchmark of 57.008. Time: 4h48m36s [16/January/2007 19:59:18] SL of 17.67. Benchmark of 56.600. Time: 5h05m20s [16/January/2007 20:08:58] SL of 17.74. Benchmark of 56.441. Time: 5h15m00s [16/January/2007 20:18:21] SL of 17.81. Benchmark of 56.345. Time: 5h24m22s [16/January/2007 20:37:36] SL of 17.91. Benchmark of 55.360. Time: 5h43m38s [16/January/2007 20:48:30] SL of 17.95. Benchmark of 54.755. Time: 5h54m32s [16/January/2007 20:58:27] SL of 18.00. Benchmark of 54.245. Time: 6h04m28s [16/January/2007 21:06:40] SL of 18.04. Benchmark of 54.022. Time: 6h12m41s [16/January/2007 21:19:32] SL of 18.12. Benchmark of 53.763. Time: 6h25m33s [16/January/2007 21:31:20] SL of 18.17. Benchmark of 53.336. Time: 6h37m21s [16/January/2007 21:40:48] SL of 18.23. Benchmark of 53.396. Time: 6h46m49s [16/January/2007 21:50:36] SL of 18.30. Benchmark of 53.489. Time: 6h56m37s [16/January/2007 22:00:36] SL of 18.36. Benchmark of 53.583. Time: 7h06m38s [16/January/2007 22:15:30] SL of 18.45. Benchmark of 53.702. Time: 7h21m31s [16/January/2007 22:28:41] SL of 18.51. Benchmark of 53.403. Time: 7h34m43s [17/January/2007 07:32:33] SL of 18.55. Benchmark of 24.751. Time: 16h38m42s [17/January/2007 07:32:44] SL of 18.55. Benchmark of 24.755. Time: 16h38m53s [17/January/2007 07:32:57] SL of 18.55. Benchmark of 24.759. Time: 16h39m06s [17/January/2007 07:33:21] SL of 18.55. Benchmark of 24.768. Time: 16h39m30s [17/January/2007 07:34:05] SL of 18.56. Benchmark of 24.789. Time: 16h40m14s [17/January/2007 07:35:29] SL of 18.57. Benchmark of 24.830. Time: 16h41m38s [17/January/2007 07:38:13] SL of 18.58. Benchmark of 24.911. Time: 16h44m22s [17/January/2007 07:43:27] SL of 18.61. Benchmark of 25.070. Time: 16h49m36s [17/January/2007 07:53:12] SL of 18.66. Benchmark of 25.364. Time: 16h59m21s [17/January/2007 08:03:14] SL of 18.71. Benchmark of 25.660. Time: 17h09m23s [17/January/2007 08:17:46] SL of 18.79. Benchmark of 26.081. Time: 17h23m55s [17/January/2007 08:27:49] SL of 18.84. Benchmark of 26.364. Time: 17h33m58s [17/January/2007 08:37:51] SL of 18.89. Benchmark of 26.642. Time: 17h44m00s [17/January/2007 08:49:37] SL of 18.94. Benchmark of 26.962. Time: 17h55m46s [17/January/2007 09:01:24] SL of 19.00. Benchmark of 27.275. Time: 18h07m33s [17/January/2007 09:11:27] SL of 19.05. Benchmark of 27.536. Time: 18h17m36s [17/January/2007 09:21:29] SL of 19.09. Benchmark of 27.792. Time: 18h27m38s [17/January/2007 09:31:32] SL of 19.14. Benchmark of 28.044. Time: 18h37m41s [17/January/2007 09:47:41] SL of 19.20. Benchmark of 28.370. Time: 18h53m50s [17/January/2007 09:57:48] SL of 19.24. Benchmark of 28.566. Time: 19h03m56s [17/January/2007 10:14:45] SL of 19.29. Benchmark of 28.785. Time: 19h20m53s [17/January/2007 10:23:29] SL of 19.33. Benchmark of 28.944. Time: 19h29m38s [17/January/2007 10:37:47] SL of 19.37. Benchmark of 29.156. Time: 19h43m56s [17/January/2007 10:49:23] SL of 19.41. Benchmark of 29.264. Time: 19h55m32s [17/January/2007 11:04:05] SL of 19.45. Benchmark of 29.400. Time: 20h10m14s [17/January/2007 11:14:10] SL of 19.48. Benchmark of 29.490. Time: 20h20m18s [17/January/2007 11:26:52] SL of 19.51. Benchmark of 29.617. Time: 20h33m01s [17/January/2007 11:36:23] SL of 19.54. Benchmark of 29.729. Time: 20h42m31s [17/January/2007 11:47:57] SL of 19.57. Benchmark of 29.832. Time: 20h54m06s [17/January/2007 11:57:45] SL of 19.60. Benchmark of 29.925. Time: 21h03m54s [17/January/2007 12:07:59] SL of 19.63. Benchmark of 30.012. Time: 21h14m08s [17/January/2007 12:16:35] SL of 19.65. Benchmark of 30.131. Time: 21h22m43s [17/January/2007 12:27:15] SL of 19.68. Benchmark of 30.253. Time: 21h33m23s [17/January/2007 12:43:09] SL of 19.72. Benchmark of 30.399. Time: 21h49m18s [17/January/2007 12:51:44] SL of 19.75. Benchmark of 30.522. Time: 21h57m52s [17/January/2007 13:05:45] SL of 19.78. Benchmark of 30.602. Time: 22h11m54s [17/January/2007 13:16:12] SL of 19.81. Benchmark of 30.649. Time: 22h22m21s [17/January/2007 13:24:53] SL of 19.83. Benchmark of 30.763. Time: 22h31m01s [17/January/2007 13:34:54] SL of 19.86. Benchmark of 30.894. Time: 22h41m03s [17/January/2007 13:48:32] SL of 19.90. Benchmark of 31.034. Time: 22h54m41s [17/January/2007 13:56:30] SL of 19.92. Benchmark of 31.181. Time: 23h02m38s [17/January/2007 14:08:28] SL of 19.96. Benchmark of 31.411. Time: 23h14m36s [17/January/2007 14:20:57] SL of 20.00. Benchmark of 31.626. Time: 23h27m06s [17/January/2007 14:32:21] SL of 20.04. Benchmark of 31.862. Time: 23h38m30s [17/January/2007 14:42:37] SL of 20.07. Benchmark of 32.062. Time: 23h48m45s [17/January/2007 14:53:16] SL of 20.11. Benchmark of 32.279. Time: 23h59m25s [17/January/2007 15:03:28] SL of 20.14. Benchmark of 32.478. Time: 24h09m36s [17/January/2007 15:21:19] SL of 20.17. Benchmark of 32.497. Time: 24h27m28s [17/January/2007 15:26:54] SL of 20.19. Benchmark of 32.606. Time: 24h33m02s [17/January/2007 15:36:11] SL of 20.22. Benchmark of 32.797. Time: 24h42m20s [17/January/2007 15:46:07] SL of 20.25. Benchmark of 33.003. Time: 24h52m15s [17/January/2007 15:56:08] SL of 20.28. Benchmark of 33.209. Time: 25h02m17s [17/January/2007 16:06:13] SL of 20.31. Benchmark of 33.411. Time: 25h12m21s [17/January/2007 16:16:23] SL of 20.34. Benchmark of 33.608. Time: 25h22m31s [17/January/2007 16:26:28] SL of 20.37. Benchmark of 33.799. Time: 25h32m37s [17/January/2007 16:45:02] SL of 20.42. Benchmark of 33.997. Time: 25h51m11s [17/January/2007 16:54:18] SL of 20.44. Benchmark of 34.118. Time: 26h27s [17/January/2007 17:02:37] SL of 20.47. Benchmark of 34.287. Time: 26h08m45s [17/January/2007 17:14:53] SL of 20.50. Benchmark of 34.534. Time: 26h21m02s [17/January/2007 17:24:53] SL of 20.53. Benchmark of 34.733. Time: 26h31m01s [17/January/2007 17:37:45] SL of 20.57. Benchmark of 34.902. Time: 26h43m54s [17/January/2007 17:49:28] SL of 20.59. Benchmark of 34.996. Time: 26h55m36s [17/January/2007 18:02:47] SL of 20.62. Benchmark of 35.102. Time: 27h08m55s [17/January/2007 18:12:29] SL of 20.64. Benchmark of 35.188. Time: 27h18m37s [17/January/2007 18:24:15] SL of 20.66. Benchmark of 35.282. Time: 27h30m23s [17/January/2007 18:33:06] SL of 20.68. Benchmark of 35.386. Time: 27h39m15s [17/January/2007 18:41:48] SL of 20.70. Benchmark of 35.502. Time: 27h47m56s [17/January/2007 18:50:40] SL of 20.73. Benchmark of 35.661. Time: 27h56m48s [17/January/2007 19:03:54] SL of 20.76. Benchmark of 35.897. Time: 28h10m03s [17/January/2007 19:13:56] SL of 20.79. Benchmark of 36.073. Time: 28h20m04s [17/January/2007 19:24:14] SL of 20.82. Benchmark of 36.252. Time: 28h30m22s [17/January/2007 19:35:28] SL of 20.84. Benchmark of 36.400. Time: 28h41m36s [17/January/2007 19:45:22] SL of 20.87. Benchmark of 36.533. Time: 28h51m30s [17/January/2007 19:59:30] SL of 20.90. Benchmark of 36.739. Time: 29h05m38s [17/January/2007 20:10:01] SL of 20.92. Benchmark of 36.872. Time: 29h16m09s [17/January/2007 20:19:35] SL of 20.95. Benchmark of 37.008. Time: 29h25m43s [17/January/2007 20:30:56] SL of 20.97. Benchmark of 37.169. Time: 29h37m04s [17/January/2007 20:42:21] SL of 21.00. Benchmark of 37.326. Time: 29h48m29s [17/January/2007 20:52:23] SL of 21.02. Benchmark of 37.463. Time: 29h58m32s [17/January/2007 21:02:25] SL of 21.05. Benchmark of 37.598. Time: 30h08m34s [17/January/2007 21:12:28] SL of 21.07. Benchmark of 37.732. Time: 30h18m36s [17/January/2007 21:22:30] SL of 21.09. Benchmark of 37.865. Time: 30h28m38s [17/January/2007 21:32:42] SL of 21.11. Benchmark of 37.993. Time: 30h38m51s [17/January/2007 21:42:48] SL of 21.13. Benchmark of 38.116. Time: 30h48m56s [17/January/2007 21:52:46] SL of 21.15. Benchmark of 38.239. Time: 30h58m54s [17/January/2007 22:07:30] SL of 21.19. Benchmark of 38.423. Time: 31h13m38s [17/January/2007 22:17:35] SL of 21.21. Benchmark of 38.546. Time: 31h23m43s [17/January/2007 22:31:46] SL of 21.24. Benchmark of 38.711. Time: 31h37m54s [17/January/2007 22:41:33] SL of 21.26. Benchmark of 38.832. Time: 31h47m41s [17/January/2007 22:54:36] SL of 21.28. Benchmark of 38.992. Time: 32h44s [17/January/2007 23:04:48] SL of 21.30. Benchmark of 39.110. Time: 32h10m56s [17/January/2007 23:17:20] SL of 21.33. Benchmark of 39.254. Time: 32h23m28s [17/January/2007 23:27:28] SL of 21.35. Benchmark of 39.366. Time: 32h33m36s [17/January/2007 23:39:29] SL of 21.37. Benchmark of 39.495. Time: 32h45m37s [17/January/2007 23:49:31] SL of 21.39. Benchmark of 39.601. Time: 32h55m39s [18/January/2007 00:00:49] SL of 21.41. Benchmark of 39.720. Time: 33h06m57s [18/January/2007 00:10:53] SL of 21.43. Benchmark of 39.825. Time: 33h17m01s [18/January/2007 00:21:33] SL of 21.45. Benchmark of 39.934. Time: 33h27m41s [18/January/2007 00:31:37] SL of 21.47. Benchmark of 40.035. Time: 33h37m45s [18/January/2007 00:41:39] SL of 21.49. Benchmark of 40.135. Time: 33h47m47s [18/January/2007 00:51:42] SL of 21.51. Benchmark of 40.234. Time: 33h57m50s [18/January/2007 01:01:24] SL of 21.52. Benchmark of 40.339. Time: 34h07m32s [18/January/2007 01:11:27] SL of 21.54. Benchmark of 40.446. Time: 34h17m35s [18/January/2007 01:21:31] SL of 21.56. Benchmark of 40.551. Time: 34h27m39s [18/January/2007 01:31:34] SL of 21.58. Benchmark of 40.656. Time: 34h37m42s [18/January/2007 01:41:36] SL of 21.60. Benchmark of 40.759. Time: 34h47m44s [18/January/2007 01:51:38] SL of 21.62. Benchmark of 40.862. Time: 34h57m46s [18/January/2007 02:06:07] SL of 21.64. Benchmark of 41.008. Time: 35h12m15s [18/January/2007 02:16:10] SL of 21.66. Benchmark of 41.108. Time: 35h22m18s [18/January/2007 02:29:08] SL of 21.68. Benchmark of 41.236. Time: 35h35m16s [18/January/2007 02:39:10] SL of 21.70. Benchmark of 41.334. Time: 35h45m18s [18/January/2007 02:50:41] SL of 21.72. Benchmark of 41.446. Time: 35h56m49s [18/January/2007 03:00:44] SL of 21.74. Benchmark of 41.542. Time: 36h06m51s [18/January/2007 03:10:55] SL of 21.75. Benchmark of 41.638. Time: 36h17m03s [18/January/2007 03:20:57] SL of 21.77. Benchmark of 41.732. Time: 36h27m05s [18/January/2007 03:30:59] SL of 21.79. Benchmark of 41.826. Time: 36h37m07s [18/January/2007 03:41:01] SL of 21.80. Benchmark of 41.919. Time: 36h47m09s [18/January/2007 03:51:04] SL of 21.82. Benchmark of 42.011. Time: 36h57m12s [18/January/2007 04:05:08] SL of 21.84. Benchmark of 42.138. Time: 37h11m15s [18/January/2007 04:15:10] SL of 21.86. Benchmark of 42.227. Time: 37h21m18s [18/January/2007 04:26:14] SL of 21.88. Benchmark of 42.325. Time: 37h32m21s [18/January/2007 04:36:17] SL of 21.89. Benchmark of 42.413. Time: 37h42m24s [18/January/2007 04:46:19] SL of 21.91. Benchmark of 42.500. Time: 37h52m27s [18/January/2007 05:00:41] SL of 21.93. Benchmark of 42.623. Time: 38h06m49s [18/January/2007 05:10:43] SL of 21.95. Benchmark of 42.707. Time: 38h16m51s [18/January/2007 05:20:45] SL of 21.96. Benchmark of 42.791. Time: 38h26m53s [18/January/2007 05:32:20] SL of 21.98. Benchmark of 42.885. Time: 38h38m28s [18/January/2007 05:44:07] SL of 22.00. Benchmark of 42.975. Time: 38h50m15s [18/January/2007 05:57:02] SL of 22.02. Benchmark of 43.073. Time: 39h03m09s [18/January/2007 06:07:05] SL of 22.03. Benchmark of 43.147. Time: 39h13m12s [18/January/2007 06:19:38] SL of 22.05. Benchmark of 43.240. Time: 39h25m46s [18/January/2007 06:29:40] SL of 22.07. Benchmark of 43.313. Time: 39h35m48s [18/January/2007 06:41:54] SL of 22.08. Benchmark of 43.401. Time: 39h48m01s [18/January/2007 06:51:57] SL of 22.10. Benchmark of 43.472. Time: 39h58m04s [18/January/2007 07:03:49] SL of 22.12. Benchmark of 43.556. Time: 40h09m57s [18/January/2007 07:13:53] SL of 22.13. Benchmark of 43.626. Time: 40h20m00s [18/January/2007 07:25:25] SL of 22.15. Benchmark of 43.706. Time: 40h31m32s [18/January/2007 07:35:27] SL of 22.16. Benchmark of 43.775. Time: 40h41m34s [18/January/2007 07:46:38] SL of 22.18. Benchmark of 43.851. Time: 40h52m45s [18/January/2007 07:56:41] SL of 22.19. Benchmark of 43.919. Time: 41h02m48s [18/January/2007 08:07:32] SL of 22.20. Benchmark of 43.992. Time: 41h13m39s [18/January/2007 08:17:35] SL of 22.22. Benchmark of 44.058. Time: 41h23m42s [18/January/2007 08:28:05] SL of 22.23. Benchmark of 44.128. Time: 41h34m13s [18/January/2007 08:38:07] SL of 22.25. Benchmark of 44.195. Time: 41h44m15s [18/January/2007 08:48:20] SL of 22.26. Benchmark of 44.261. Time: 41h54m27s [18/January/2007 08:58:23] SL of 22.27. Benchmark of 44.326. Time: 42h04m30s [18/January/2007 09:08:26] SL of 22.29. Benchmark of 44.390. Time: 42h14m33s [18/January/2007 09:18:30] SL of 22.30. Benchmark of 44.453. Time: 42h24m37s [18/January/2007 09:28:48] SL of 22.31. Benchmark of 44.510. Time: 42h34m56s [18/January/2007 09:39:10] SL of 22.33. Benchmark of 44.560. Time: 42h45m18s [18/January/2007 09:48:50] SL of 22.34. Benchmark of 44.615. Time: 42h54m57s [18/January/2007 09:58:46] SL of 22.35. Benchmark of 44.674. Time: 43h04m53s [18/January/2007 10:08:46] SL of 22.36. Benchmark of 44.733. Time: 43h14m53s [18/January/2007 10:18:52] SL of 22.38. Benchmark of 44.791. Time: 43h24m59s [18/January/2007 10:28:53] SL of 22.39. Benchmark of 44.850. Time: 43h35m00s [18/January/2007 10:39:51] SL of 22.40. Benchmark of 44.892. Time: 43h45m58s [18/January/2007 10:49:07] SL of 22.41. Benchmark of 44.944. Time: 43h55m14s [18/January/2007 10:59:06] SL of 22.43. Benchmark of 45.001. Time: 44h05m13s [18/January/2007 11:09:04] SL of 22.44. Benchmark of 45.058. Time: 44h15m12s [18/January/2007 11:19:05] SL of 22.45. Benchmark of 45.117. Time: 44h25m12s [18/January/2007 11:30:40] SL of 22.46. Benchmark of 45.149. Time: 44h36m47s [18/January/2007 11:39:35] SL of 22.47. Benchmark of 45.195. Time: 44h45m42s [18/January/2007 11:49:47] SL of 22.49. Benchmark of 45.245. Time: 44h55m54s [18/January/2007 12:02:09] SL of 22.50. Benchmark of 45.254. Time: 45h08m16s [18/January/2007 12:12:52] SL of 22.51. Benchmark of 45.251. Time: 45h18m59s [18/January/2007 12:21:08] SL of 22.52. Benchmark of 45.277. Time: 45h27m15s [18/January/2007 12:29:49] SL of 22.52. Benchmark of 45.269. Time: 45h35m56s
  21. Hindus

    Zakup playa 3

    Ja na 40 moge kopiowac, tak samo jak filmy i muzyke. Czekam na update z mozliwoscia odpalania napisow. Ponadto mozna stworzyc serwer z pc i ogladac filmy na plaju bez zadnych kabli sieciowych etc bo ma wbudowana karte.
  22. podziel sie :)
  23. Mogło by byc dobre ale przez rozdziałe nie za wiele widac
  24. Hindus

    Monitor 3D

    Strona odstrasza, ciekaw jestem jak jest dalej...z produktem, technologia etc
  25. Hindus

    Zakup playa 3

    druga tak (+wiekszy hdd), pierwsza nie (+mniejsza kasa)
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