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... a ja lubie potwierdzone fakty

Niestety w wiekszosci waznych spraw te rowniez nie istnieja. Istnieja hipotezy i uzasadnienia. Ceny warzyw na straganie. Te latwo ustalic ;)





a takie cos na skrzynke dostalem:




Save $500 when you buy today!


Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008 and Autodesk® Maya® 2008 software are coming soon! In these latest releases, Autodesk delivers product improvements that will enable you to deal with the issue of 3D datasets that are increasing in size and complexity – one of the most important challenges for the next-generation game, film, television, and design visualization industries.


There has never been a better time to buy these industry-leading products. Purchase Autodesk 3ds Max 9 with Subscription or Autodesk Maya 8.5 with Platinum Membership today and save $500! Subscription/Membership gets you exclusive access to product extensions and e-learning tools, and you'll be eligible for all software updates for the duration of your contract.


See what's coming:

Autodesk Maya 2008 key features

Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 key features


Save US$500 when you buy today and get priority access to 3ds Max 2008 or Maya 2008 as soon as they become available. Contact your local reseller.


Legal Disclaimer:

Autodesk 3ds Max must be purchased with Subscription to be eligible for the $500 rebate.


Autodesk Maya must be purchased with Platinum Membership to be eligible for the $500 rebate.


Cannot be combined with any other offer and offer is only valid for new subscriptions/memberships.




Coming Soon: Autodesk MotionBuilder 7.5 Extension 2


The perfect companion product to Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Maya, Autodesk® MotionBuilder™ software is one of the world's leading productivity suites for high-volume 3D character animation and 3D storytelling. With a focus on professional level character animation creation and editing, MotionBuilder provides "out-of -the-box" solutions to complex animation challenges.


Autodesk MotionBuilder 7.5 Extension 2 key features


Buy MotionBuilder 7.5 with Platinum Membership today and get Extension 2 at no additional cost as soon as it becomes available. Contact your local reseller today!

"Utrudnianie" to z pewnoscia chamowa. Nawet Adobe wprowadzilo mozliwosc zapisywania plikow z kompatybilnoscia w dol.

W przypadku Maxa, czy Majki jest to o tyle smieszne, ze w samej mechanice NIC sie nie zmienia.

Ba, nawet microsoft wypuścił pakiet zgodności dla office'a 2003, żeby ten mógł czytać pliki z '07


rzeczywiscie malutko jak na roczne prace nad programem i tak wielką cene za pakiet. Moze za mało osob kupuje maxy i nie mają pieniążka dla programistów ;)

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