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Hey guys its being long time since my last post. Here is my latest 3d project done. Produced 8 shots for a modern apartment in Beirut. Design was updated and developed by me. C&c are always welcomed


Production Info: 8 Perspectives 3500*1666

Rendering time: Average 2-6 Hrs. per frame on 24 GB Ram System

Work Time: Around 2 weeks


Programs & Plugins used: 3dmax 2014, vray3.0, Quad Chamfer, Multi texture, Photoshop.


15637166544_fe422e1543_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (1) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

16072042318_b458a4d5eb_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (2) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

16073722987_0495d5791a_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (3) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

16259570855_52bf870a1a_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (4) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

16257749061_81f2a3b231_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (5) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

16257748821_ff62cf5885_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (6) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

16233660516_26462eda9d_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (7) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

16073720447_3709ce2475_b.jpgHassan Jaber - Living Room in Winter (8) by Hassan.Jaber, on Flickr

Edytowane przez hassan jaber

  • Odpowiedzi 8
  • Wyświetleń 4,5k
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hmm zastanawiam się za co tu ma być front

-praktycznie na każdym obrazku przeostrzone krawędzie

-rozjechana kolorystyka w postprodukcji na podłodze i dywanie i na szafkach drewnianych ujęcia 3,4,8, tęcza barw na suficie :)

-ludzie za oknem też coś nie zimowi :)

-grzyb na suficie od strony okien

-na pierwszym ujęciu czarna ściana zasysa światło trochę dziwna sytuacja w tak naświetlonym pomieszczeniu

-ściana z cegły płaska


MichalJaroszewicz zapewne to ma być kamera :) stylizowna na tego typu sprzęty

  • Autor

thanks alot guys for all your comments its a camera shown by skaplel 3d. skalpel thansk alot for the critics it helped in improving the pictures my monitor brightness wasn't allowing me to see the rainbow color effect much appreciated ;)


Hi Hassan,The general impression of the cgis is good, I quite like the result..My comments/ thoughts..:-in the description you wrote '8 perspectives 3500*1666" - why the attached images are almost square? I believe it would be very benefitial to use the ratio as per description-the images are looking like.. effect oriented- what I mean by that is- not looking like real interior views.. showing the design, I appreciate you found/ bought some nice models of detailing pieces and stages some camera's to emphasize the effect, but I really miss more architecture in the views.-in the view 4 I don't think the pair outside is looking real- It gives me a bit surreal feeling connected to them..-I think that on the level you are trying to reach.. the wooden partition wall should be better uvw- mapped.. just a skightly rotated cube mapping will do eliminating repeatable texture.-I see it is your personal style and I totally understand it, but if it was me I would try to bring just a bit of warmth into the interiors- looking on the views I have a weird feeling like it was done during a zombie apocalypse :) a bit creepy.....cheers__EDIT: WHY MY POST GOT RAPED OF FORMATTING ?

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