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Mam pytanie: czy w 3D max-ie (albo viz-ie) można nadać właściwości światła obiektowi 3D (tak jak się nadaje teksturę)?

Nie chodzi mi o efekt neonu tylko o "normalne" światło.

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Jezeli uzywasz mentala, to mozesz dac mu material standard, self illumination na biały, a w slot diffuse wrzucasz shader Output i ustawiasz w nim output na 2,3 zalezy jak mocne swiatlo chcesz.

Włączasz FG i indirrect illumination i działa.

Przynajmniej ja tak robię


Coś znalazłam:

Place the mrGeomShaderObject.dlo into your 3dsmax/plugins folder.

Place the ctrl_geolights.mi file into your 3dsmax/mentalray/shaders_autoload/include folder

Place the ctrl_geolights.dll file into your 3dsmax/mentalray/shaders_autoload/shaders folder


Now you're ready to build a scene, so start 3dsmax.


1. Create a plane for your ground object, apply any material.

2. Create a teapot that sits on the ground plane, apply any material.

3. Create whatever shape/primitive object you wish for your light source.

4. Add a mrOmni light into your scene at world location 0,0,0.

5. In the create tab, go into the geometry rollout, scroll down to "mental ray". Then you'll see a mr Shader button, click it and in the top viewport, drag out a small box into your scene. Go ahead and create this item at worldspace 0,0,0 as well...but I'm not 100% sure that it needs to be at that location in order for it to work.

6. With the mr Shader box still selected, go to the modifier tab and add the geolight shader to the shader map slot. Then drag it as an instance over to the MEDIT.

7. Select your mrOmni light and under the "mental ray Light Shader" rollout, add a Light Point (base) shader. Also drag this shader to the MEDIT as an instance.

8. In the MEDIT, select the geolight shader and in the "instance" box, "add" the shape/primitive object you designated in step #3.

9. Enable the light checkbox and add the mrOmni light.

10. Enable "lightdefaultoverwrite", lightvisible, and objpreset.

11. Start with these settings for the samples:


lightsampleu = 4

lightsamplev = 4

lightsamplelevel = 3

lightsampleulow = 2

lightsamplevlow = 2


12. In the MEDIT, select the Light Point (base) shader.

Change the color if you wish. Enable the "shadows" checkbox.

You can enable attenuation if you wish as well.

RENDER...if it doesn't look right...render again.

You may have to render 2 or 3 times at first before the scene works properly.

And then if you change a setting, it may require additional renders to make it work again.


Niestety utknęłam na punkcie 4. - nie mam mrOmni ani "mental ray" w geometry rollout. :(


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