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Tapetka do windy :) nie wiem czy komus to przypadnie do gustu ale robilem dla siebie bo nia mialem tapety i -pomyslalem ze jak juz zrobilem to sie podziele :). http://www.republika.pl/rtk/Raiders%20Wallpaper.jpg mi explorer nie czyta jako plik graficzny, nie wiedziec czemu.... trzeba sciagnac i najlepiej odczytac w ACDSee Tematyka: Moj stary czolg antygrawitacyjny... tapetka na potrzeby RTK Project SOULFORGE TM.
1 pociemnij troche latarnie 2 walnij troche DOF\'a , przyda sie :) 3 pociemnij troszeczke niebo 4 dodaj troche polysku do kadlubu statku bo faktycznie farba olejna nawet zardzewiala jakis tam polysk daje. 5 fale na wodzie troche nie pasuja [te duze znaczy] ale to kwestia gustu 6 lampy sa jakies mikroskopijne :) moglbys troche nad nimi popracowac bo wygladaja troche malo wiarygodnie. 7 Lens Ray tez wyglada nieco dziwnie 8 dodaj troche szczegolow na brzegu... jakis material z rozladunku innych statkow... moze jakies liny... jakies boje wyciagniete z wody, pare desek... troche porozwalanego chodniku Bardzo mi sie podobaja tekstury i oswietlenie :) Cheers
Tomek Bagiński, Platige Image - Wasze pytania
Crash odpowiedział adek → na temat → Dyskusje o grafice
to ja juz wam na jedno odpowiem..... tak platige dostaje zlecenia z zagranicy :) -
Jak w maxsie 5.1 przyspieszyc viewport?? Kiedys pamietam byl tu taki topic.... ze sposobem na 5 krotne przyspiesznie viewport\'u ale to bylo jakis czas temu, czy ktos moglby odswiezyc temat??? Greetz
a zyjemy wspomozesz nas Gab??????
This picture is a concept art for the first scene of an animation. Concept only that is coz the whole scene will be created from the begining to match all the visual and technical needs... OK so the whole point of the animation will be to show the destruction of the old world.... to show what was the effect of the strugle for survival. [for insights read the Terran: Rebirth story ] I would like to show the fast life in the human world, the way that certine everyday activities easilly fall into oblivion and some don\'t. Then suddenlly everything slows down, yet happens very rapidlly... the slow seconds tick away bringing the moral and ethical destruction of the soul of the human race. It would go like this..... THE OBLIVION First Scene Static camera centered on the city from away... you can see the ant like movement of the antigraviti cars. There\'s a crew of people reparing some mulfunctioning mechanical parts of the railway [on the first set]. Second Scene The camera wanders between the buildings and in a period of few seconds everything happens faster [we\'ll deal with that in the post production] the cars motion become blurry... Third Scene In this shot the camera will be static again, centering on a complex highway knot. The camera angle will catch the sunset and with the 3-5x speed mode the sun will hide behind the horizont in a matter of second. The cars motion becomes even more blurry and that\'s becouse the lights are on. It\'s night now. Fourth Scene A monorail station. In the 3x speed mode, 3 trains, one at a time, arrive at the station... people are getting off and in... their movement is very blurry [we won\'t need superb human models for that... just a few variable dummies. When doors of the third train open the speed goes normal and a woman get\'s of the train... there\'s a man waiting for her. She starts to run in his direction and the camera goes on 2x slowmotionrate. She falls into his arms... their very happy... The camera goes into defocus. Fifth Scene Camera refocuses again on a bussines building complex of some sort. The speed is 3x on fast mode rate again and you can see the sunrise. The camera along with the target point goes straight down. and you can see a park. The day is cloudless, the sun is shinning. The camera goes into normal mode and we can see children chassing eachother, hidding behind trees. You can hear the joyful laughs for a few moments... Sixth scene You can see the city from a distance, the camera is high above the buildings. And again you see the ant like movement on the streets below [3x fast mode]. Still you can hear the laughs of the children. Then suddenly, they become strangelly deformed.We return to normal speed mode. After a few second you become aware of the danger as a missile appers from behind the camera and as it disappers in the city below the vision goes into a white fade. Senventh Scene We see the whole city again at the same angle as in the first scene. The speed goes normal. A train traveling along the same monorail track that was repaired in the first scene, is closeing in on the cameras position. From the background comes a nuclear shockwave [the camera starts a shake-like micro movement, but only for normal mode, in slow mode it won\'t be included] and as the camera fades into slowmode 3x again the building are rapidly torn apart. The Shockwave reaches the train and lifts it the air, a few meters above the railway and tosses it in front of the camera. When the train is half way to hit the camera, it all goes into normal speed mode again and with the trains impact the camera goes black. Eight scene A static view of the annihilation. Dust is everywhere, but still you can see the ruined city quite clearlly. The camera skips to another ruined city region near some old town buildings. Slowlly the camera is nearing to an object on the street and after a moment you relize it\'s a teddy bear, some childs toy. His cotton body is ripped into two pieces, seperating the legs from the upper body. After focusing on the toy for a few seconds the camera gets clouded by dust... THE END Anybody interested in joining the project? We need modelers, texturers, postFX guys, lightFX guys, enviromentalFX guys and animators..... Greetz PS Sorry za angielski ale tlumaczenie troche by zajelo a nie mam niestety na takie rzeczy czasu
czesc szukam kogosd kto mi pokoloruje to drzewko.... zaznaczam ze szkic nie jest moj.... ja tylko popraiwalem tabletem... za drzewem ma byc ksiezyc takze potrzebuje go w kolorach ciemnych.. pewnie jakies takie czarno niebieskawe... ale powinno byc widoczne... [przepraszam za kolosalny rozmiar ale nie mialem poprostu gdzie tego zahostowac]
hi, so my school test are closeing in but I would like to organize things to my come back......... so If any of you are still out there then please report as fast as you can to our forum http://learncg.f2o.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=16 .... we\'re starting to gather up a team for the grand reopening..... I\'ll try to reanimate the project..... so for now I\'m avalible only for support matters... let\'s get this rusty motor running.... Waiting for your replay Also we\'re looking for new potential participants..... If your interested with the project and would like to know more about it just send me a Private Message...... Raiders Scrap Tank prototype[plate]: by Crash http://www.pbase.com/image/12785428 Raiders Scrap Tank prototype[whole]: by Crash http://www.pbase.com/image/12785377 Raiders Scrap Tank prototype [innerview]: by Crash http://www.pbase.com/image/12785626 Raiders Scrap Tank prototype [downside]: by Crash http://www.pbase.com/image/12785619 Raiders Scrap Tank prototype [attempt on texturing]: by Crash http://www.pbase.com/image/12785596 Nebula: by Crash http://www.pbase.com/image/8821614 Raiders Fighter: by Thelios http://www.pbase.com/image/7891305 Kirusin Text: by Amalinde: http://www.pbase.com/image/8273245 Kirusin Fighter prototype:by Harrad http://www.pbase.com/image/8051602 Kirusin Bomber prototype: by ThetaDot http://www.pbase.com/image/8018575 Page Layout prototype: by Amalinde http://www.pbase.com/image/8308416 So here are the images, enjoy people and tell us if any of are interested, we need: 2dArtists [textures and concept art] 3dArtists [organic and non organic modeling and texturing] storyboard writers [to help me out with the whole story which is mostlly finished]. Also seeking comments on our work so far...... GReetz [piwo] PS Sorry za angielski ale przy projekcie i tak jest potrzebna jego znajomosc.... :D
Living Death: Skeleton Team (ukończony)
Crash odpowiedział Kroopson → na temat → Bitwa 03 - Living Death
Przypomina postac z gry Grim Fandango.... niezly pomysl. Greetz -
Draperia.... ladna... ale jak sie meczyles polygon po polygonie to zmarnowales duzo czasu. Identyczny efekt osigniesz w maxsie w przeciezgu godzin.... wystarczy quad patch z dzielnikiem 5x5 + edit mesh/soft selection/vertex i cala filozofi. Greetz
[wow] this one rocks my world jak ta pracka nie wygra to ja nie wiem co ja przebije.... az sie boje pomyslec[boje się] trzymaj tak dalej a grand prix jest Twoje, przy takim modelowaniu mozemy sie martwic tylko o ew. nieumiejetnosc teksturowania, ale na pewno sobie poradzisz, wspolczucia przy Unwrapowaniu :)
dawaj siateczke tego terenu bo jest poprostu fantastyczny :o mozesz pokazac light setup? ? na pewno wielu z nas by się troche nauczyło :), a co do samej bitwy to nie sądze żeby praca zajęła jakiekolwiek miejsce bo to niestety nie jest SF i słaby tu ten ogień :). Niemniej chciałbym dodać, że jak zobaczyłem ten render z terenem to myślałem, że zapostowałeś jakiś reference pic, a tu szok :o Cheers
co by nie pisac jakie to sliczne i cudowne to tylko napisze co jest nie tak. zauwazylem tylko jedno drobne niedociagniecie, a moze to wina kata kamerki ale te sutki sa na zlym miejscu :( Pozatem creepy :D Cheers
ehhh gadacie jak potloczeni. po pierwsze angielski moze znac dobrze...... ja sie uczylem ang o 6 roku zycia, takze przez 6 lat to nawet najwiekszy glab zalapie.... po 2, po co niby angielski do maxa? zeby poznac jego opcje nie trzeba znac angielskiego, mozna byc nawet sredniowyksztalconym uzbekistanczykiem....... bo niby jakbym sie nauczyl np Metasequoi ktora jet p japonsku, ja japonskiego nie znam wogole.. dalej. jak ma sie spory talent plastyczny, wyobraznie i zapal to mozna dobrze opanowac maksa w niecaly rok i robic naprawde niezle pracki...... a poziom jaki reprezentuje tutaj kolega jest niezly ale nie jakis niewiarygodny.... i watpie zeby wymagal jakiegos super starzu... bardzo prawdopodobne ze ma 14 lat... i spory potencjal, ot i wszystko..... Cheers
wszystko na 5 z + tylko ze brakuje tu dynamiki i jakiejs sensowniejszej kompozycji, wyglada troche jak poustawiane figurki, chyba ze takie bylo zamierzenie.... really nice . Pozdrawiam