max_1989 Napisano 25 Maj 2006 Autor Napisano 25 Maj 2006 dzieki za komentarze :) przyznam sie ze leń ze mnie i nie chciało mi sie tego dopracowywać ale nadrobie to w minibitwie :). Wedle życzenia daje mapki:
Przybysz Napisano 25 Maj 2006 Napisano 25 Maj 2006 [harcore mode on] Będe szczery. Nie podoba mi sie. Nie wiem co, chyba całokształt. Ogólnie to nie rozumiem z czego on jest, co to jest to zielone, sraczkowate coś i to brązowe w okolicach oczu. Ogólnie strasznie chaotyczna ta textura, bez pomysłu. [hardcore mode off] No ogólnie nie jest źle. Troche textura kuleje, a że nie lubie nadziabanych normali które prócz random noisa nie wnoszą nic ciekawego to troche pojechałem. ;) Nie przejmuj sie, tak mam. Gratuluje ukończenia bo to ważne. :) KLICEK---> aleś pojechał z tą texturą, Fajowa. Za każdym razem jak coś takiego zobacze zaczynam mieć wątpliwości...
Por@szek Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Klicuch nie doluj ludzi, chyba wszyscy widzieli modele z wojny miedzy polycountem a cgchatem. Nie pokazuj ich tutaj bo wszyscy pojdziemy zebrac pod kosciol, chociaz moze nie, bo ostatnio mozna tam splonac :]
PAINbringer Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Napisano 26 Maj 2006 (...) Nie pokazuj ich tutaj bo wszyscy pojdziemy zebrac pod kosciol, chociaz moze nie, bo ostatnio mozna tam splonac :] Hhahahaa to niestety prawda. Nie wiem jak na Cyprze, ale w kraju naszych pradziadów to na pewno :O. Odkąd władze przejął książe Toruński, niejaki R. to po ulicach krążą fanatyczne oddziały bojówek różowych-moherowych beretów :) A tak do tematu: czy to pani sload? pytam bo wskazują na to jej/jego kobieco czerwone usta ;) Pozdr.
bartonfink Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Napisano 26 Maj 2006 czy do animacji nie powinnien byc przypadkiem wykorzystany tangent normal ?!
KLICEK Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Por@szek wiesz moze kto to zrobil i gdzie moge dorwac scriny modelu ? :D:d Max , Barton dobrze prawi nie zwrocilem uwage nawet na normal :)
max_1989 Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Autor Napisano 26 Maj 2006 thx za komenty. barto fink: co to tangent normal?
KLICEK Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Tangent to taka ładna niebieska mapka nieche mi sie pisac wiecej wiec czytaj nizej : Object Space and Tangent Space: Whether using object space or tangent space, normal-mapping with skeletal animation is much the same. Hopefully I'll explain more&better about tangent space here later. The main idea behind using tangent space is going through extra steps to allow the reuse of a normal map texture across multiple parts of the model (storing normals/binormals/tangents at the vertices, and computing the normals of the normal map relative to them, then converting back when rendering. Also, you could use tangent-space to skin a flat bump texture around a model.) By writing a tutorial on object space, I'm not saying object space is better. However it does have some advantages, and is certainly a usable approach. I only use object space for normal maps generated from a high-res mesh, but I use tangent space for bump-mapping on levels. Below are a few of my personal thoughts on the two methods for those interested, but be aware that there are some tricks or different ways to do things with any method. Advantages to using Object Space: It's simpler to implement and I find it more straightforward to think about. The normal map contains the normals pointing in their actual directions (for an unrotated model at least.) You get to forget about per vertex normals, tangents, and binormals ( which I'll call n/t/b for short. ) This means less initial calculations, and you don't have to worry about poorly behaved n/t/b causing distortion. It's also slightly faster because you don't have to rotate the n/t/b with your model, or convert light vectors to tangent space. Level of detail algorithms or anything else that reduces and changes the vertices in your model can easily run fine. (In tangent space the changing n/t/b interpolations caused by removed vertices would probably distort the mesh normals, although I'm not sure if it will be noticeable. ) Object space may have less noticeable seems at texture uv boundaries than tangent space, but this depends greatly on the meshes and implementation. Disadvantages (as opposed to Tangent Space): You can't reuse texture coordinates for symmetric parts of the model. If you had a model that is completely symmetric along an axis, and 1 MB normal map, that means 0.5 MBs of it is redundant information. If this bothers you, keep in mind this is only for something rendered as one piece. In the case mentioned above you could render the model in two halves, each using the same normal map, but one rendered with the light vector x component reversed ( or y or z depending on the axis of symmetry. ) Which is a tiny bit of extra work, but this is what I do myself. (My skeletal meshes have always had a chunk system, and flags settable per chunk, so flip x,y,z can be set to re-use parts of the texture.) Another main disadvantage to not using tangent space is that you can't use a detail normal map for fine close-up detail in addition to the one that approximates the high resolution mesh. (You can add details into the object space normal map when generating it, however, a detail normal map would be highly repeating, thus offering much greater resolution than just using the one normal map.) Also Tangent Space normal maps can be more easily compressed by storing only the X,Y channels. Since the normals are unit vectors, and the Z channel is always in the same direction, the Z channel can be computed this way: Normal.z = sqrt( 1.0 - Normal.x*Normal.x - Normal.y*Normal.y ); A small issue to be aware of is that using mipmaping with normal maps can sometimes cause visible seems when downsampling causes the uv coordinates to align improperly with the texture. To fix this you can extend the edges on the normal map texture, or use fewer or no mipmaps. In tangent space mis-aligned UVs don't matter as much, since the texture is mostly blue (z-component).
KLICEK Napisano 26 Maj 2006 Napisano 26 Maj 2006 klicor.... yyy... coz za madafaka to popelnil?? jest sliczne po prostu :D mialbys moze model do tego?? podzielilbys sie?? thnx jeszcze tak sobie max mysle - chlopcy maja racje - ale sie nie przejmooj - nastepny bedzie lepszy :D ale nauka moim zdaniem bezcenna - takie drobiazgi (jak zeby, dlonie) mocno wychodza - zeby je poprawic to w sumie zadna robota a efekt jest wtedy lepszt (bo nie czuje sie opierdalactwa...) zpoa prosze udalo sie znalesc (Don Mario dzieki za linkora ) :) pozdrawiam
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