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Właśnie zainstalowałem nowego vraya 2.40.01

Z nowości które dla mnie są ok to target dla vray lighta :) nareszczie


New features:

(*) VRayHairFarmMod: Added support for rendering HairFarm 2.0 with V-Ray;

(*) VRayProxy: Support for Alembic .abc files;

(*) V-Ray RT: Support for instancing;

(*) V-Ray RT: Support for Forest Pro instancing;

(*) V-Ray RT CPU: Faster update when adjusting VRayLights;

(*) V-Ray RT GPU: CUDA speed optimizations and optimizations for GK110 cards;

(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Support for the ColorCorrection texture;

(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Support for the Mix texture;


Modified features:

(*) V-Ray: Added include/exclude object lists for different color channels to the MultiMatte render element;

(*) V-Ray: Added option to the VRayExtraTex render element to avoid auto-renaming the element when the texture is changed;

(*) V-Ray: Default memory limit for dynamic geometry changed to 4000 MB for x64 versions;

(*) V-Ray: Fixed issue that was slowing down multi-core rendering for VRayProxy objects;

(*) V-Ray: Optimized multi-core rendering for OpenEXR textures;

(*) V-Ray: Optimized unnecessary velocity calculations when no velocity channel is needed;

(*) V-Ray: V-Ray components now register in the respective menus across different language 3ds Max builds;

(*) V-Ray RT CPU: Added support for VRayHairMtl;

(*) V-Ray RT CPU: Added support for VRayFur;

(*) V-Ray scene converter: Added mr_Sun/mr_Sky lights in export to VRaySun/VRaySky respectively;

(*) V-Ray scene exporter: Added subdivided geometry export;

(*) VRayEdgesTex: Improved the round corners algorithm;

(*) VRayAmbientLight: Made some of the parameters animated;

(*) VRayFur: Added "Level Of Detail" option to reduce geometry along the distance from the camera;

(*) VRayHDRI: Added "Color space" section and moved the "Gamma" option there;

(*) VRayIESLight: Added an option to override the IES shape;

(*) VRayIESLight: Made selecting both the light and it's target when clicking on the line between them;

(*) VRayLight: Added a preview of the "directionality" parameter of VRayLights in the viewports;

(*) VRayLight: Added "targeted" option for rectangle VRayLights;

(*) VRayLight/VRayIESLight: Added textured lighting in Nitrous viewport, for Dome light enabled by an environment variable VRAY_DOME_VIEWPORT=1;

(*) VRayMeshGeom: The sample plugin was extended to create V-Ray Standalone shaders on the fly;

(*) VRayMtl: Made "Fog color" mappable;

(*) VRayMtl: Made reflections to affect the alpha of matte objects;

(*) VRayMtlGLSL: Added ability to save and load compiled shaders;

(*) VRayMtlGLSL: Added cubemap texture support;

(*) VRayMtlGLSL: Added viewport color parameter;

(*) VRayMtlGLSL: Added vr_brdf_light builtin BRDF support;

(*) VRayProxy: Support for flipping of Z/Y axis;

(*) VRayProxy: Support for visibility lists for .vrmesh and .abc files;

(*) VRaySphereFade: Added support for box and cylinder gizmos;

(*) ply2vrmesh: Added option to specify the name of the velocity attribute (-velocityAttrName);

(*) ply2vrmesh: Added support for .hclassic and .bhclassic files produced by Houdini 12;

(*) ply2vrmesh: Added support for color sets from .bgeo files;

(*) ply2vrmesh: Added support for exporting the face and vertex normals in .geo and .bgeo files;

(*) ply2vrmesh: Added ability to store the V-Ray user attributes when creating a proxy;

  • Odpowiedzi 6
  • Wyświetleń 7,4k
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Obiekty Proxy ze zwiększoną skalą zmieniają mi położenie w scenie. Trzeba wrócić do starej w wersji... :/


Dokładnie, teraz już chyba nie ma żadnego argumentu za stosowaniem tradycyjnych IESów :)


(*) VRayMtl: Made reflections to affect the alpha of matte objects - Jak dla mnie to mniam!

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