Napisano 21 Grudzień 201311 l Jakby ktoś miał info o czymś ciekawym związanym z cinemą, to fajnie jakby wrzucił tutaj. Rzeczy, które nie koniecznie nadają się na oddzielny topic. To tak na start: Jak się uda, w przyszłym roku może pojawić się system motion captur dla Cinemy4D (wystarczy wersja prime od odczytu danych) oparta na wifi, nie wymagająca kamery. jakby ktoś znał niemiecki to tutaj więcej informacji na ten temat: pozdrawiam,
Napisano 10 Styczeń 201411 l Autor Pojawił się plugin TradigiTOOLs, pomocny przy tworzeniu animacji. Do tej pory był dostępny na Maya a teraz jest dostępny również na C4D. link do wątku na CGTalku
Napisano 11 Wrzesień 201410 l Autor Na GSG pojawiły się prezentacje (nie wszystkie, ma być jeszcze jeden zestaw dodany) z Siggraph 2014 dot. C4D
Napisano 23 Wrzesień 201410 l Autor Na Josefa Bsharaha pojawiło się wprowadzenie do VrayforC4D, może kogoś to zainteresuje. I przy okazji mała recenzja Corony dla C4D
Napisano 2 Październik 201410 l Autor Został wydany fotfix do Corona C4D A1.1
Napisano 29 Kwiecień 20159 l Autor Pojawiły się już filmy z NAB 2015 związane z C4D:
Napisano 29 Lipiec 20159 l Autor Hotfix from Cinema 4D R16.050 to R16.051 Podobno naprawia część błędów związanych ze sterownikami nVIDIA. edit: za dużo to chyba nie naprawia, bo wiesza się, jak wieszała wcześniej. Co ciekawe, w domu mam 960 (wcześniej 660) i nie mam problemów, a w pracy Quado 600 oraz K2200 i regularnie mam zwiechy. Edytowane 29 Lipiec 20159 l przez makak
Napisano 13 Sierpień 20159 l Autor Została zapowiedziana nowa wersja VRAYforC4D v3.25, a w niej między innymi: New great V-Ray 3 render speed. faster ray tracing and render performance; all parts of V-Ray had been greatly optimized using state of the art ray tracing technology. you see the same render speed as in newest V-Ray Max3.25 New progressive sampler rendering: see your render within seconds instead of waiting for buckets Dynamic Bucket splitting New default universal render setup for path tracing (BFLC) and IRLC based work, which eliminates the need to set or tune any light or material subdivision, or DMC settings (all done by the V-Ray core). biased and unbiased ray tracing methods for choice. Fast IPR window (interactive preview render): based on V-Ray RT v3 (cpu or gpu for choice) V-Ray RT production rendering in picture viewer and editor RT Lightcache support multifacetted GTR BRDF (ggx pro with tail control) Min shading rate (can replace subdivision control within one single slider) v3 max ray intensity setting (can speed up rendering) Lot faster hair, grass & fur rendering Lot faster instance and proxy rendering Embree 2.3 (also dynamic geometry like displacement ,hair, mb, proxies) Probabilistic light sampling:a lot faster rendering with huge number of area lights Render masks V-Ray Clipper (make easy render time sections of objects or groups of objects) Reflection/refraction sets (include /exclude lists) New Object based and unbiased/raytraced (still fast) subsurface scattering option in SSS2 mat and channel, RT compatible V-Ray Skin material V-Ray Volume material New static displacement options (faster) Udim textures** Tiles exr and tiff loading (load /unload buckets of bitmaps on demand to save ram) Open exr2 Separate light select layers for render elements (V-Ray light select) Deep image saving Sampler-Info-Tex shader as in V-Ray Maya, to read out scene data and use for shading OSL shader and OSL material New disk area light V-Ray frame buffer,with ICC, .OCIO, LUT, .cube, interactive burn,exposure,highlight, color balance controls (for sure in windows, for OSX depends yet on the V-Ray sdk, for OSx it might come in SP) Lens effects New vrmesh export, with all features, animated vrmeshes, hair and particles in vrmeshes Vrscene node (loading external vrscene files on render time)** Vray metaball surface, Open subdiv support Additional vray shaders (vray curvature, vray ray switch, vray user data color, vray user skalar, bercon noise) Clip opacity feature for faster cutout alphas Optimised volume rendering New LC feature for animation Support for OpenVDB, Field 3d and Vray Volume grid** Improved translucency in 2 sided mat New Dr features (add & release nodes while render, exclude local machine from render) Cache geometry and textures** Quick setup Simplified user interface (optional like vray 3 max) Faster material & shader preview & GUI Support for V-Ray stereo cameras Support for 6x1 cubic stereo VR cameras (for Oculus Rift use p.e New Spherical Panorama stereo camera Support for sub folders in c4d search paths Bitmap aperture & optical vignetting in V-Ray physical camera Shademap support for stereo images(speeds render up) OGl resolution options for bitmaps in editor V-Ray presets, V-Ray tool bar V-Ray Node based Material editor (in SP) MAXON Team Render still image splitting support
Napisano 20 Sierpień 20159 l Autor Cineversity wypuściło krótkie filmiki pokazujące nowości R17
Napisano 21 Sierpień 20159 l Autor Pojawiły się już pierwsze filmy z Siggraph 2015. W końcu może będzie można spokojnie obejrzeć, bo przyznam, że live strasznie się rwał (przynajmniej pierwszego dnia) i nie dało się oglądać/
Napisano 24 Sierpień 20159 l Autor Jest już dostępne demo Cinema4D R17
Napisano 10 Wrzesień 20159 l Autor Iray Render ma się pojawić dla Cinemy.
Napisano 18 Wrzesień 20159 l Autor MAXON Cinema 4D Advertising Reel 2015 [video=youtube;VZoyN_1-B0w] MAXON Cinema 4D Motion Graphics Reel 2015
Napisano 17 Grudzień 20159 l Autor Pojawił się kolejny update do R17 Originally Posted by Maxon This is the service update 17.048 for Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D R17. This update is highly recommended for all R17 users. In general there have been a lot of stability improvements, functional bug fixes as well as some performance improvements and idea implementations. New Improvements in This Release ANIMATION Fixed an issue with Euler filter and track types BIRENDER Sketch and Toon is now available in hardware render settings Fixed an issue with artefact on overlapping Sketch and Toon lines Fixed an issue with Hair in secondary specular multi-pass C++ API Fixed an issue with Blocksize 128 AES File CHARACTER ANIMATION Fixed an issue with weight transferring Fixed an issue with Collision deformer memory usage Fixed an issue with console errors with Character Builder Fixed an issue with Weight effector naming CINERENDER NEMETSCHEK Fixed an issue with Update Merge material update Fixed an issue with Update Merge and Sky object Fixed an issue with Update Merge material update and UVW tags Fixed an issue with Update Merge and materials Fixed an issue with Update and selection tags COLOR CHOOSER Mode of the Color Chooser is now passed to the pop-up when clicking on the current color Fixed an issue with loading multiple swatch Fixed an issue with Color Chooser pan in image mode Fixed an issue with double-click on color value slider in Color Chooser Fixed an issue with color swatches in Color Chooser Fixed a typo in the name of "Complementary" mode in Color Chooser Fixed an issue with saturation when working in Color Wheel mode Fixed an issue with reordering color swatches in Color Chooser Fixed an issue with Monochromatic mode in Color Chooser CONTENT BROWSER Fixed an issue with renaming of folders DEFORMER Fixed and issue with Collision deformer threading Fixed an issue with Shrink Wrap deformer and SDS DEMO VERSION Fixed the URL to order the full Cinema 4D out of the demo version DYNAMICS Fixed an issue with soft body dynamics when object is far away from world center Fixed a stability issue EXCHANGE Fixed an issue with Alembic Polygon selections OBJ now exports the texture in the Color reflectance layer Fixed an issue with DXF Export when objects have a “.” in their name OBJ now optionally adds and exports randomly colored materials for objects without materials OBJ: Alpha texture will now be imported to the Alpha channel Fixed an issue with wrongly disabled materials channels on OBJ import Fixed an issue with FBX export stability Fixed an issue with component instance texture UVs in SketchUp import Fixed an issue with texture paths and SketchUp import Fixed an undo issue when changing Alembic settings Fixed distorted UVs on OBJ export Fixed an issue with the scale option in case the axis are flipped or swapped on OBJ export Fixed an issue with Alembic and Instance Object - Render Instances Fixed an issue with broken UVs if Flipped UV option is used on OBJ export Adapted the OBJ exporter to overcome some limitations of 3ds Max and Maya OBJ importers The OBJ import options Flip and Swap axes do not flip the faces anymore. Fixed an issue with OBJ export option Duplicate Vertices Fixed an issue with the default preset for OBJ Exporter Fixed an issue with Physical Sky import and SketchUp Adapted OBJ for the future Maya versions Fixed an issue when making Alembic splines editable Fixed an issue with Alembic "update PSR" option being active when it shouldn't Fixed an issue with the distribution of the materials while exporting complex hierarchies to OBJ Fixed an undo issue when bulk changing Alembic objects Fixed an issue with the ID of FORMAT_OBJEXPORT Fixed an issue in OBJ exporter with UVs being outside of the canvas Fixed a hierarchy issue when importing certain alembic files OBJs exported out of CATIA can now be imported FBX Fixed an issue with merging FBX file Upgrading FBX SDK to version 2016.1 Fixed an issue with FBX and animated textures Fixed an issue with FBX and animated textures Fixed an issue with FBX and rotation order Fixed an issue with FBX and joint falloff Fixed an issue with multiple UV sets and smoothing groups Fixed an issue with baking deformations Fixed an issue with FBX and normals Fixed an issue with FBX and camera export Fixed an issue with FBX and camera fov Fixed an issue with FBX and Clean Tracks option Fixed an issue with FBX and animated takes Fixed an issue with FBX stability HOUDINI EXCHANGE Updated Houdini Engine plugin to run Houdini Engine version Fixed an issue with creation of Houdini asset parameters on load Fixed an issue with selection inputs of Houdini assets Fixed an issue with a license mismatch warning Fixed an issue the caused Houdini asset parameters to be reset on load when one was keyframed INTERFACE Fixed an issue on Windows with Navigation Keys and ALT modifier Tokens drop-down now supports the cursor position in the file path field Fixed an issue with empty script pasting Adding tokens no longer modifies the render path unnecessarily Added Material override to Attribute Manager render settings Fixed an issue with saved layout with search field open in Take Manager LICENSE SERVER Fixed an issue with lease license on OS X MATCHMOVING Fixed an issue with scroll wheel zoom in Graph View Fixed an issue with lens distortion post effect that caused objects to render slightly too big Fixed a stability issue Fixed an issue when deleting tracks MATERIAL Fixed an issue with animated material preview Corrected a text string Fixed an issue with Variation shaders hierarchy mode Fixed an issue with Variation shader and saving with assets Fixed an issue with Variation shaders UVW rotation Fixed an issue with Variation shader and Object Buffers MELANGE Fixed an issue with Texture tag Restriction parameter in Melange Fixed an issue with Save Animation for Melange and cache MODELING Fixed several stability issues Fixed an issue with Spline Pen arc preview Fixed an issue with Spline Mask and connect object Fixed an issue with Spline Mask conversion Fixed an issue with Knife tool rapid usage Fixed an issue with Polygon Groups to Objects command Fixed an issue with Spline arc segment selection Fixed an issue with Spline Mask refresh Fixed an issue with Spline Mask transformation refresh Fixed an issue with Spline Mask Boolean 'Or' mode Fixed an issue with Spline Mask exchanging input splines Fixed an issue with Spline Arc incorrect result Fixed an issue with Spline Mask and instances recognition Fixed an issue with Spline Mask Boolean 'or" resulting spline Fixed an issue with Spline Arc generation Fixed an issue with Set Point Value naming Fixed an issue with Boolean and legacy scenes Fixed an issue with Connect+delete command Fixed an issue with Poly Pen extrusion and snap precision Fixed an issue with Create single object in generators performance Fixed an issue with scene loading from File Manager Fixed an issue with incorrect mesh being generated Fixed an issue with artifacts in mesh Fixed an issue with Spline Pen new spline and snapping Fixed an issue with Spline Pen snapping to inactive splines Fixed an issue with Spline Pen preview on hovering Fixed an issue with Spline Pen highlighting inactive splines Fixed an issue with Spline Pen RMB menu and previews Fixed an issue with Close Polygon Hole naming Fixed an issue with Spline Arc slice tweaking Fixed an issue with Spline arc 360 angle value Fixed an issue with Connect object memory release Fixed an issue with Spline Mask unwanted transformations Fixed an issue with Spline Mask performance loss Fixed an issue with Spline Mask modes and scene orbiting Fixed an issue with Spline Mask overall scene interaction Fixed an issue with Spline Mask and Alembic assets Fixed an issue with Poly Pen strip mode and new object creation Fixed an issue with Poly Pen edge removal artefacts Fixed an issue with Poly Pen double-click triggering undo Fixed an issue with Spline Booleans and Spline deformer MOGRAPH Fixed an issue with lost annotation tags when making a cloner editable. NAVIGATION Fixed an issue with Alembic camera switching animation NLA Fixed an issue with undo in layers Fixed an issue with layer conversion undo redo Fixed an issue with convert Layer to keyframes OBJECT MANAGER Fixed an issue with Connect command used on parametric objects Fixed an issue with Connect command used on primitive splines OBJECTS Fixed an issue with Platonic object axis Fixed an issue with Hemisphere bounding box Fixed an issue with Icosa platonic size Fixed an issue with Pyramid missing Phong tag ONLINE UPDATER Fixed several cosmetic issues Fixed an issue with OSX spotlight index OPENGL Fixed an issue with display of OpenGL capabilities Fixed several stability and performance issues PICTURE VIEWER Fixed an issue with Picture Viewer and drag-and-drop Fixed an issue with Picture Viewer stability PREFERENCES Fixed an issue with the display of OpenGL requirements PYTHON Added IsTakeRenderRunning() and StopTakeRender() Added CKey.GetAutomaticTangentMode()/SetAutomaticTangentMode() and CKey.SetTimeLeftAdjustValue()/SetTimeRightAdjustValue() Added fps Parameter for CCurve and CTrack GetValue() Added missing Settings parameter to GeDialog.AddColorChooser() Added Quaternion class and related functions Added BaseDocument.GetTargetObject()/SetTargetObject() Added optional parameter 'deselectAll' to BaseSelect.SelectAll() Added GeGetDummyThread() and GeGetEscTestThread() functions Added DescID.GetHashCode() Added GvPort.GetUserData()/SetUserData() Added PaintTexture.SetColorProfile()/GetColorProfile() Added TreeViewCustomGui.GetVisibleScrollArea()/GetVisibleLineCount() Added InitSpline() implementations, GetLineObject(), GetPointMatrix() and GetDirty() Added new c4d_tools functions Added support for SculptBrush MouseData + BrushDabData.GetOriginalVertexNormals() Fixed an issue with GetJointRestState Fixed an issue with GetOverrideGroups() Fixed an issue with BaseOverrideGroup.AddTag Fixed an issue with BaseOverrideGroup.Find() Fixed an issue with BaseOverrideGroup.GetObjectsInGroup() Fixed an issue with TakeData.InsertTake() 'destTake' Fixed an issue with BaseTake.AutoTake() 'node' and 'undo' parameters Fixed an issue with BaseTake.FindOverride() 'node' Fixed an issue with BaseTake.DeleteOverrideGroup() 'og' parameter Fixed an issue with BaseTake.SetCamera() 'camera' parameter Fixed an issue with BaseTake.SetRenderData() 'camera' parameter Fixed an issue with BaseTake.Reset() Fixed an issue with ByteSeq and operator Fixed an issue with TakeData.InsertTake() Fixed an issue with BaseDocument.DoUndo() Fixed an issue with FilenameSlicePath() Fixed an issue with c4d.Vector precision of y and z component Fixed an issue with c4d.utils.BooleanSplines Fixed an issue with c4d.utils.CalcSplineDefaultTangents Fixed an issue with CKey.GetClone() RENDERER Fixed an issue with rendering Content Browser file Fixed an issue with Radiosity Maps differences across operating systems Fixed a stability issue Fixed an issue with adding of the Material Transparency Pass Fixed an issue with Preview Rendering and QuickTime on OS X Fixed an issue with Irradiance Cache and orthogonal views SKETCH AND TOON Fixed a render issue with the Spot shader Fixed an issue with resetting defaults for the Spot shader Strokes are now enabled by default for Sketch and Toon materials TAKE SYSTEM Fixed an issue with and undo after running Python script Fixed an issue with excluding Subsurface Scattering shader in Material Override with Physical Renderer Added the possibility to rename the Main Takes Fixed an issue with refresh of Take Manager and Group Overrides Fixed an issue with QuickTime format and rendering to subfolders Fixed an issue with copying of takes including Child takes Fixed an issue with the pop-up windows of presets Fixed an issue with with keyframing and unlocked Overrides Fixed an issue with drag-and-drop of Child takes Fixed an issue with line breaks in pasted file names Fixed an issue with Material Override and Physical Sky Fixed an issue with overridden copied shaders after being changed TEAM RENDER Fixed several stability issues Fixed an issue with malformed preferences Fixed an issue with GlobaI Illumination caches and animation Fixed an issue with rendering Marked Takes and missing assets Fixed an issue with rendering Marked/All Takes and subfolders in pathnames Fixed an issue with Marked Takes and sub-folder Tokens TEAM RENDER SERVER Fixed a performance issue Fixed an issue with the repository drive running out of space Fixed an issue with blocked webserver port Fixed an issue with display of wrong error message when clients go offline Fixed an issue with machine list not showing "wrong version" Fixed an issue with absolute windows paths and assembling with QuickTime format Fixed an issue with clearing results while zipping Fixed an issue with the preview image of .mov results Fixed an issue with subfolders and QuickTime format TIMELINE Graph scale limit increased in Timeline editor Clamp option is turned off by default Fixed a display issue of the mini F-Curve Fixed an issue with undo and subsequent performance USER PARTI****TION Fixed an issue with Unicode support XPRESSO Fixed an issue with XPresso color preferences OTHER Fixed an issue with Cineware and purge memory Fixed an issue with Revert to Saved Fixed an issue with Render Queue log information with TR and Multi-Passes Fixed an issue with Update Merge and Vectorworks Fixed an issue with ArchiCAD 18 Scene Combine Tool with no object selected Fixed an issue with pi2inv and pi05inv constants ArchiCAD 18 Scene Combine has been renamed to ArchiCAD 18+ Scene Combine Fixed an issue with Windows 10 being displayed as Windows 8 in Team Render Server Fixed an issue with connecting clouds Fixed an issue with the font preview on OS X
Napisano 11 Luty 20169 l MochaBlend C4D Dla mnie wow! :) Może być bardzo przydatne.
Napisano 7 Kwiecień 20168 l Autor cinema4d-alpha-v5-released
Napisano 20 Kwiecień 20168 l Cinema 4D to potężne narzędzie. Ile lat trwa nauka tworzenia w tym programie?
Napisano 20 Kwiecień 20168 l Cinema 4D to potężne narzędzie. Ile lat trwa nauka tworzenia w tym programie? wieczność. uczysz się bez końca grafika 3D idzie bardzo szybko do przodu. jeśli np przez 2-3 miesiace sobie zrobisz wakacje. to może się okazać że wypadłeś z topa. bo już są nowe metody nowe programy itp dobry grafik to taki który potrafi się adaptować.
Napisano 26 Sierpień 20168 l Cycles for C4D już wkrótce :)
Napisano 26 Sierpień 20168 l Autor Fajnie :) Trochę szkoda, że nie mam sensownej karty do niego. Bo rozumiem, on renderuje przez GPU? A tak przy okazji, to niesamowite, że kolejny renderer z nodami, a Maxon nie umie zrobić do defautlowego systemu.
Napisano 26 Sierpień 20168 l to nie jest że nie umie. tylko ich założenie jest zupełnie inne. Nie widze potrzeby nodów tam.
Napisano 27 Sierpień 20168 l Autor Tak tylko narzekałem, wiem, że do poprawy w Cinemie jeszcze sporo rzeczy jest (jak pewnie w każdym programie). I tak Maxon chyba teraz głównie dłubie nad poprawa wydajności vieportu (a przynajmniej takie plotki są).
Napisano 8 Wrzesień 20168 l Maxon ogłasza współpracę z Nvidią... ... i razem prezentują Iray dla C4D
Napisano 15 Grudzień 20168 l Autor Z racji pojawienia się nowej wersji VrayforC4D (po 2,5 roku!?) pojawiło się kilka filmów związanych z tym tematem:
Napisano 11 Styczeń 20178 l Autor Pojawił się nowy update R18.039 This is the service update 18.037 for Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D R18. This update is highly recommended for all R18 users. New Improvements in This Release Animation •Fixed an issue with Key Interpolation tab in the project settings BodyPaint 3D •Fixed a stability issue with BodyPaint 3D C++ API •GeClipMap::GetFontDescription() now returns the correct value •PythonLibrary::InitConstant() now returns the correct value Character Animation •Fixed an issue with Morph Deformer Base Pose •Fixed an issue with Visual Selector not scaling dropped icons •Fixed a stability issue in the character animation IK system •Fixed an issue with calculated offset of Parent constraint CineRender Nemetschek •Fixed an issue with Update Merge dialog and modal dialogs on macOS Color Chooser •Corrected a naming consistency issue with the Color Chooser's color swatches •Color Chooser can now also pick screen colors on scaled high-resolution screens on Windows Deformer •Fixed an issue with a Bevel Deformer Dynamics •Fixed a stability issue with Dynamics when high number of objects is used Exchange (General) •Fixed an issue with exporting COLLADA and reflectance •Fixed an issue with DDS images on macOS 10.12 •Fixed an issue with BodyPaint 3D/Maya Exchange •Fixed several issues with Update Merge •Fixed a performance issue with the Substance plugin •Fixed an issue with Substance plugin that caused artefacts Exchange (Alembic) •Fixed an issue with Hair object on export •Fixed an issue with Subdivision Surface object on export •Fixed an stability issue with Subdivision Surface object on import •Fixed an issue with Camera Deformer used with exported camera •Fixed an issue with exporting animations driven by effectors •Fixed an issue with incorrect Normals •Fixed an issue with export via Python script •Alembic Vertex Color tags can now be read in XPresso Exchange (FBX) •Fixed an issue with saving FBX file when exporting a compositing project file via the render settings •Fixed an issue with FBX export of animated material color. •Fixed a stability issue with FBX export •Fixed an issue with FBX export/import of Subdivision Surfaces •Fixed an issue with FBX export of scenes with an empty Subdivision Surfaces Weight tag •Fixed an issue with FBX and reflectance •Fixed an issue with FBX and nested Takes •Fixed an issue with FBX export of scenes with Subdivision Surfaces Weight tags Exchange (OBJ) •Fixed a stability issue with Alembic particles coming from Houdini •Fixed an issue with false additional meshes on OBJ import •Fixed an issue with incorrect Normals on rotating objects •Fixed an issue with incorrect Normals when using the Boole object •Fixed an issue with incorrect Normals when using the Subdivision Surface object •Fixed an issue with incorrect Normals when using the Particle Emitter object •Fixed an issue with Deformers on export •Fixed an issue with Symmetry object on export •Fixed an issue with Metaball object on export Houdini Engine •Updated Houdini Engine to version 15.5.632 •Fixed a performance issue with Houdini Engine Interface •Fixed an issue with Text Spline •Fixed an issue with Color Chooser interface •Fixed an issue with Viewport •Fixed an issue with wrong version number in the title bar •Fixed an issue with MoText used in XRef •Fixed an issue with MoText and kerning •Fixed an issue with Material Manager •Fixed an issue with scrolling •Fixed a stability issue Powerslider and Fill command •Fixed an issue with missing tabs in the Attribute Manager •Fixed an issue with saving non-default positions of the Object Manager window License Server •Fixed an issue with RLM runtime license •Fixed an issue with License Server Material •Fixed an issue with Reflectance Layer •Fixed an issue with the Thin Film shader and transparency •Fixed a stability issue with Reflectance user interface Modeling •Fixed several issues with Plane Cut tool and Gizmo handle rotation •Fixed an issue with the Bevel Deformer •Fixed several stability issues with the Loop Cut tool •Fixed several issues with Line Cut tool and undo •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and Spline Cut highlighting •Fixed several issues with Line Cut tool control points •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and missing cuts •Fixed an issue with the Plane Cut tool on small geometry •Fixed a stability issue with Ctrl+dragging of Line Cut tool control points •Fixed an Issue with the Bevel tool and partial rounding •Fixed an issue with the Plane Cut tool gizmo •Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool and complex cuts creation •Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool and moving control points •Fixed an issue with the Plane Cut tool gizmo and Auto Snap •Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool control points and clipping settings •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool snapping •Fixed an issue with saving scenes with SDS weights •Fixed an issue with the Plane Cut tool and workplane •Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool when performing several cuts from similar points on the mesh •Fixed several issues with Line Cut tool and temporary cut •Fixed an issue with the Plane Cut tool on small geometry •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and N-gons •Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool and camera navigation •Fixed an issue with Plane Cut Tool Highlighting •Fixed an issue with the disconnected Line Cut tool control points •Fixed a stability issue with the Line Cut tool •Fixed an issue with Line Cut Tool and view clipping •Fixed an issue with Spline Mask •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool when cutting from a view within an object •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and view clipping •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool preview cut •Fixed an issue with Spline Mask and converting splines •Fixed an issue with Bevel tool when beveling points •Fixed a stability issue with Plane Cut tool and multiple objects •Fixed an issue with component display in OpenSubDiv •Fixed a stability issue with Line Cut tool when splines are used for cutting •Fixed an issue with Loop Cut tool and loop range •Fixd an issue with Line Cut tool and dynamic guides •Fixed an issue with Knife tools and Viewport Icons •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and Spline Cut tool and re-using splines •Fixed several issues with Line Cut tool and undo/redo •Fixed several issues with Line Cut tool and spline cut highlighting •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and generated splines •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and Select Cuts option •Fixed a stability issue with Line Cut tool and Spline Cut •Fixed an issue with Bevel Tool and Ending option •Fixed an issue with Poly Pen undo •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and spline cut projection •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool temporary cut and Ctrl+dragging •Fixed an issue with Bevel tool and Fixed Distance •Fixed a stability issue with Plane Cut tool and preview cut movement •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool and Split mode •Fixed an issue with Bevel tool leading to distorted results •Fixed an issue with Line Cut tool in orthographic Views •Fixed an issue with Loop Cut tool and Preserve Curvature preview •Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool and falsely created edges MoGraph •Fixed an issue with keyframe animated lights as MoGraph clones •Fixed an issue with position inaccuracy of the Camera shader •Fixed an issue with MoText and undo •Fixed an issue with missing units in Push Apart interface •Fixed an issue with empty dropdown list for clones •Fixed an issue with Cloner object and light intensity when lights are made Child objects of the Cloner object •Fixed an issue with MoSelection painting •Fixed an issue with cloned lights and time offset •Fixed an issue with incorrect Matrix numeration •Fixed an issue with wrong scaling sizes using Cloner Enable Scaling to Polygon •Fixed an issue with naming of multiple MoGraph Selection tags •Fixed an issue with nested Voronoi Fractures and MoGraph selections •Fixed an issue with Delay Effector and MoGraph Weight Paintbrush •Fixed an issue with Delay Effector and MoGraph Selection •Fixed an issue with Voronoi Fracture and images as Point Generator source •Fixed an issue with Voronoi Fracture aligning points with shader •Fixed a stability issue with Voronoi Fracture and Sample Mode set to Surface •Fixed an issue with Voronoi Fracture and polygon center as creation mode •Fixed an issue with Voronoi Fracture Selection tags •Fixed an issue with Voronoi Fracture and Sort Result •Fixed a stability issue •Fixed an issue with animated Voronoi Fracture •Fixed a stability issue adding Cloner objects •Fixed an issue with Voroni Fracture not using axis of polygon islands •Fixed an issue with Voroni Fracture not using polygon islands •Fixed an issue with very large Voronoi Fracture objects •Fixed an issue with Voronoi Fracture changing the shape of fractured parts Motion Tracker •Fixed an issue with the Object Tracker that kept it from solving when parts of the frame range had too few tracks •Fixed an issue with the Lock View on Track(s) mode in the Motion Tracker •Fixed a stability issue with the Motion Tracker •Fixed an issue with Track creation the Motion Tracker that caused an offset Objects •Fixed a Phong issue with the Figure object •Fixed an issue with ObjectData particle modifier Online Updater •Fixed an issue with missing images in the Updater OpenGL •Fixed an issue with Tessellation mode •Fixed a stability issue with Material Preview Python •Fixed an issue with CPyObject_FromDragtypeID •Fixed an issue with GetTakeSelection() •Fixed an issue with BaseObject.EvaluateSynchronizedRotation() •Fixed an issue with Description.GetParameter() •Fixed an issue with InitBakeTexture() •Fixed an issue with CreateSubstanceShader() •Fixed an issue with CallUVCommand() Powerslider •Fixed a performance issue caused by missing texture libraries •Fixed several stability issues with the Powerslider Renderer •Fixed an issue with Color channel affecting Alpha channel •Fixed several issues with artefacts in Soft Shadows •Fixed an issue with Specular Multi-Pass •Fixed an issue with progress bar during rendering •Fixed an issue with artefacts appearing when using Hair, Irradiance Cache and Physical Renderer Sketch and Toon •Fixed an issue with Strokes pattern •Fixed a stability issue with Commander Take System •Fixed a stability issue with Take System camera •Fixed an issue with Take System export •Fixed an issue with lost Take System material links •Fixed an issue with Take System material polygon selection Team Render •Fixed an issue with Team Render messages •Fixed a stability issue with Stop Rendering in Picture Viewer •Fixed a stability issue with rendering at high resolution •Fixed a stability issue with Rendering character animation •Fixed a stability issue with Stop Rendering in Render Queue Team Render Server •Fixed an issue with reordering jobs in web interface •Fixed an issue with wrong time displayed in web interface •Fixed an issue with job priority of Render Clients •Fixed an issue with failed render jobs •Fixed an issue with reordering jobs in web interface •Fixed an issue with opening Team Render Server/Team Render Client •Fixed an issue with Team Render Server/Team Render Client window Texture Manager •Fixed missing context menu entries in the Texture Manager •Fixed missing default directory for the Relink function of the Texture Manager •Added support for textures of 3rd-party renderer •Enhanced the functionality of the context menu in the Texture Manager •Fixed an issue with backslash at the end of path names •Fixed an issue with the redo function after clearing textures in the Texture Manager •Defined a highlight color to point out the current focus element in a selection list in the Texture Manager •Fixed an error in the menu structure of the Texture Manager •Fixed an error in the Texture Manager, which allowed renaming the "No Layer" tag •Fixed an error in the way the Texture Manager displays the frame range of animated textures •Fixed a flicker of the preview image in the Texture Manager Timeline •Fixed several issues with Bubble Help in the Timeline UV Tools •Fixed an issue with UV Peeler helper lines Vertex Color •Fixed several issues with Vertex Map shader OpenGL display •Fixed a stability issue with vertex colors and the Connect command •Fixed an issue with Paint mode being lost in Paint tool Viewport •Fixed an issue with Viewport refresh •Fixed an issue with Tessellation •Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport •Fixed an issue with wrong shading in Viewport •Fixed an issue with Viewport filter XPresso •Fixed an issue with XPresso tags •Fixed an issue with the spline GUI Other •Fixed an issue with moving Point Light and flickering shadows
Napisano 13 Luty 20178 l Autor Ciekawostka, może komuś się przyda. Stare to, ale może ktoś nie znał (np ja, bo dzisiaj sobie wyszukałem): Skrypt w C.O.F.F.E.E. do włączania/wyłączania grid floor'a jednym kliknięciem: main(doc,op) { var doc = GetActiveDocument(); doc->GetActiveBaseDraw()#BASEDRAW_DISPLAYFILTER_GRID = !doc->GetActiveBaseDraw()#BASEDRAW_DISPLAYFILTER_GRID; doc->GetActiveBaseDraw()#BASEDRAW_DISPLAYFILTER_HORIZON = !doc->GetActiveBaseDraw()#BASEDRAW_DISPLAYFILTER_HORIZON; }
Napisano 17 Luty 20178 l Autor Coś nowego od Maxona, oby zadziałało lepiej niż ich blog:
Napisano 22 Maj 20177 l Autor Na Cineversity pojawiły się filmy z ostatniego Nab 2017
Napisano 23 Sierpień 20177 l Autor Na Corona Road Map - Cinema 4D - pojawiła się data wypuszczenia wersji Beta Corony - 15 września 2017 :)
Napisano 24 Sierpień 20177 l Oby jak najszybciej finalna wersja. Genialny kawał renderera. Choć nie tak szybki jak sądziłem. Przynajmniej w wersjach alpha. Ale dzięki Lightmixerowi można zaoszczędzić masę czasu. Edytowane 5 Styczeń 20187 l przez jaceks
Napisano 24 Sierpień 20177 l Autor Też się nie mogę doczekać. Już używam normalnie w pracy, ale brakuje jeszcze kliku rzeczy do takiej zupełnie już przyjemnej pracy :)
Napisano 25 Sierpień 20177 l Omówienie różnych silników renderujących dla Cinemy Edytowane 5 Styczeń 20187 l przez jaceks
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