Napisano 10 Luty 201510 l Hi guys. This is my first post here. I'm not polish but i find this site very inspiring even if i don't understand a word. :) So this is my latest work. 3dsmax 2015 Vray Hdrlightstudio Hope u'll like it. Bests. Edytowane 10 Luty 201510 l przez cgiout
Napisano 10 Luty 201510 l Hey! not bad :) AA is not so good especially on the outer edge and black background (roof) its probably because you don't have any geo behind it like on lower parts of the image. but also on front rim and headlight the "staircase" is very noticeable And maybe there is not enough materiel samples but I'm not sure if that carpaint is grainy or it look metallic with little speckles :) so not a big deal here other than that very god image, model and redner :) good job ! and welcome :P
Napisano 10 Luty 201510 l Hi. There could be another reason of AA issue, sharpen filter may be too strong, otherwise like Imperator said you should try to increase samples in material or render setting. Also, i think bottoms of tires are highlighted to much. There's noticeable seam between car and groundplane, making final picture look like composition of them two. But everyone have own taste. Overall, like modeling, lighting, shaders, the job is great.
Napisano 10 Luty 201510 l Autor Thank you guys for your feedbacks. Really appreciated. @Imperator & Pawlito The materials are already high sampled. The reason why the car seems detached from the background is the sharpen effect filter that i applied in post production, because i wasn't satisfied at all of the AA produced in Vray. @Plasti: you are right, the background doesn't exactly match the perspective. Actually the background has been cut out from an image that i've purchased on and then placed as backdrop. The intention was to create a semi-studio image.
Napisano 16 Luty 201510 l Autor Hi guys again. Tried to follow your advices and did some new shots. Here you are 2 of them. Bests.
Napisano 16 Luty 201510 l That looks very well. There is one thing you could do to improve realism, which is slightly flatten the aera of tire where it touches the ground, or intersect it but i'm guessing the bg was rendered in alpha and overpainted in posproduction. Anyway, that would create more convicing impression of cars weight. Again, it's great!
Napisano 18 Luty 201510 l Looking very good. I would crank up the aliasing a bit and add some weight for a car. Some FFD deformer on the wheels. Also Additional Oclusion layer between the wheels and floor. Cheeres.