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Zawartość dodana przez Hindus

  1. Możemy zorganizować mini 'konkurs' na taką statuetke ale nie możemy dac słowa że ta która będzie najlepsza trafi w nasze gusta i zostanie zastąpiona, nie mniej jednak szansa jest bo poziom na forum niezle wzrósł ostatnimi laty. Więc?
  2. Pinero podaj ustawienia świateł albo Cie zbanuja ;) Osom
  3. Dobre, szczegolnie pierwsze, chociaz pobawił bym sie troche w podmiane albo podkrecenie nieba - mogło by byc duzo ciekawiej - nie mniej jednak fajne foty :)
  4. Hindus

    minimiasteczko i wszystko jasne :D
  5. pewnie masz racje Piotrek tylko że przy takich łbach z dziedziny warezów i programowania jakich jest pełno na necie na tą chwile to nie zajeło by im dużo czasu - a nie wiem czy taka forma konwertera łamała by jakieś prawa i czy można by zabronić wypuszczenia czegoś takiego na legalu - no ale to inna historia. To nie zmiania faktu że postawa Autodesku to rzeczywiście kpina ale cóż...
  6. pinero - pierwszy render ciekawy ale ten dof jesli tak ten efekt mozna nazwac to rzeczywiscie chyba twój pierwszy, to jakas odmiana sferikal dofa z biedronki :D testuj testuj.
  7. mnie zastanawia że jeszce nikt się nie wziął za zrobienie jakiegos softu do konwersji plików pomiędzy poszczególnymi maksami - a może gdzieś tam sobie jest a ja o tym nie wiem.
  8. Hindus

    Armia wzywa

    Prawda jest taka że i tak trzeba sie uczyć i tak - jak zniosą w 2009 to się będe cieszył, jak nie zniosą to nie będe płakał - polska.
  9. arevulopapo - ten swietny Do-It o ktorym mysle ?
  10. Hindus

    Armia wzywa

    Pobór będzie, nie będzie przymusowych wcieleń (obowiązkowej 9-miesięcznej służby) - tez tak słyszałem - wykop to nie portal godny zaufania.
  11. w takim tempie to niedługo będzie cidiekszyn :D Śmiechu warte te ich monopolistyczne zagrywki. Dobry ten tekst z przedwiośniem :)
  12. Powiedzmy :D
  13. .ai - fajne, tylko dodaj jakas teksturke :) Dobre na banerek. Tomuś - link Ci nie wchodzi z imageshacka :)
  14. Hindus

    Prosba o tutka CG ? Bez kitów :-o
  15. o masakra !! Świetny wątek. Gdzie moja cyfrówka :D
  16. Wrzucam po angielsku(stołuje się gdzie indziej) bo i tak większosc z was dobrze kmini inglisz a nie chce mi sie pisac od nowa :) _____________________________________ Atonement Just saw it two days ago, got some weird feeling about this movie. Weird doesn't mean bad at all. Its not war movie, its not even action, there's some love aspect but I wouldn't say this is story of love in time of WW II. Id rather say that is a story about hurting someones love by making terrible decision. First half of movie is really 'normal' - I dont know it's proper word up here - we got some nice introduction, and during watching the movie we start thinking that we allready know what is all about - but the real sens of the movie we can see in second half part of it - this second part of the movie (I dont know to spoil it so I dont say what moment is that) make this movie really great. And there are few moments with "forward-rewind screenplay movement" - you probablly know or even seen that trick in other movie, theres the scene, and in the middle of it, action rewind backward before itself - its preety dizzy effect, but in this case - you don't lose any aspect of storyboard like in otheres movies. Great composition, nice performances - Keira Knightley (so hot in this movie), James McAvoy, Saoirse Ronan.. Strange but yet most truly storyline - all this make this movie really unique. Keep in mind that the movie end in the strange way - but someone who appreciate creativity will really love it. Ill give 7.9/10 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford There are quite a number of reasons to watch, maybe even love this movie. I just decided to watch it because I really like Brad Pitt - and the movie was on some top list so... But during watching the movie there growed up little details and aspects that made this movie such a good production - now its not only about B.Pitt. It's a story of Robert Ford, big fan of Jesse James (local gang leader) who trie to join his gang - not everything goes like in his mind, something's flip up. Don't except a lot of action there (yes it's but not full of it), it's more drama then western. Everything is great in this movie - story, actors, enviroment, sounds, camera movement and even postproduction. So If somone really like good drama movies, with a bit of action, good actors and great unpredictable storyboard - you should just check it out. Ill give 8.3/10 Gone Baby Gone "Everyone Wants The Truth... Until They Find It" - tagline say it all. Based on the Dennis Lehane novel, Directed by Ben Affleck, impressive story about searching truth, about relationship and cooperative work between two detectives - investigating a little girl kidnapping - and the cops. During all the things, both of the detectives get serious problem because for one of them it's become more personnally case then professionally work. After every movie like that I need to rebuild my own rating system, because the scale is not enough. I dont know why I really like this movie, is it because I saw Casey Affleck again - Its just my second movie with this actror(The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) and I really love him - or is it bacause Its preety good movie If we're talking about storyboard and great performances (Casey Affleck, Ed Harris, Michelle Monaghan, Morgan Freeman). Worth of time. (btw rebuilding my rate system) Result 8,65 out of 10 Storyboard(creativity, or am I boring watching it) 8.0, Performances(how real they are and play or how they don't) 9.3 I've allways use this two values to rate my movies. Hot Rod IMDB should change the tagline for this one... It should be more in way like: Waisting two hour's of your life... Shall we? Just spend two hours.. ekhh... I dont even know how long it was... nevermind. I was thinking if its comeddy from 2007 it should be some good work there - but no, it wasnt. In my opinion its not even a bad movie - 'Bad' have to good meaning here - Yes I know, someone can think that I only like action movies - but No, its not truth - I like to watch every type of movie if it's look interesting - this one was when I saw the first scene at the beginning... Than I realized that it's total disaster. Im not even waste my time for going and checking who direct that. So ok I will spoil a bit, because I dont think that's a bad idea in this case - it's a storry about guy, who think that he's an stuntman, after his father (not the biological one) became sick and is dying - he decide with group of dumb friends to collect the moneys for operation by making jump over 15 buses... I saw a lot of good comedy - Freddy Got Fingered, Knocked Up, and so on... They were really good - but looking forward I dont even know that the COMEDY is proper genre for this movie - because from wikipedia "Comedy film is a genre of film in which the main emphasis is on humor. Also, films in this style typically have a happy ending" - this one didnt make my laugh for more that 5 minutes. Story is bad, performances are bad too - they dont even know how to play dumb role? Can you imagine this - so wthat thay do in the movie that supposed to be comedy? Result 3,75/10 Storyboard (3.5) Performances (4.0) _____________________________________ hołp ju dont majnd :D
  17. steczkowaska vs lima,9637600,img,9637610,kat,52556,galeriazdjecie.html?rfbawp=1202662299.530&ticaid=15562 Jak wogóle mozna steczkowska do limy porownywac?
  18. Ale wersja shagiego tez ma swoj urok.
  19. nielot zeskaluj tylko srodek, poszerz ciut i będzie to samo :)
  20. Hindus

    Armia wzywa

    teraz luty - mozna sie gdzies zapisac.
  21. Sorki umknęło mi w natłoku informacji. Świetna robota !! gratki Pionierq.
  22. popraw temat bo ten nie jest zgodny z zasadami forum - temat musi mowic cos na temat zagadnien omowionych w nim.
  23. Kawał świetnej roboty !! dzięki wielkie Muzzy.
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