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(+ficzery Vray Final'a zapodane przez Juniora na str.2):



VRay 1.5RC4 755c42653435e144.gif


New features:

New render elements: VRayMatteShadow, VRayTotalLighting, VRayRawTotalLighting.


Modified features:

Updated WIBU-key drivers for 32- and 64-bit Windows* (including Windows* Vista*) are included with the installation;

VRaySun is now compatible with the 3dsmax Daylight system and can be selected as a sun type;

VRayDisplacementMod now supports high-dynamic range textures for displacement in "2d landscape" mode;

VRayPhysicalCamera supports horizon line in the viewports, clipping and environment near and far ranges;

Distributed rendering can now be started as a BackBurner job;

VRayColor texture has an option to apply gamma correction to the displayed color in the UI;

"Don't affect colors" option for color mapping; useful if you only need the sampling adaptation to be performed;

"Cutoff" threshold parameter for VRayLight's allows to reduce render times in scenes with many weak lights;

"Envrionment priority" option added to VRayMtl to control environment override behaviour between different materials;

Options for directly controlling the render mode (region, crop etc) of the V-Ray VFB;

"No GI on other mattes" and "GI surface ID" parameters added to VRayMtlWrapper;

Matte objects with the "Shadows" option checked will now generate VRayRawLighting, VRayRawShadow and VRayMatteShadow elements;

If "Check for missing files" option is checked, DR will now fail on the render slaves if some maps cannot be found, instead or rendering wrong buckets;

If there are several VRaySun nodes in the scene, VRaySky will now pick the first one that is enabled (rather than the first one at all);

V-Ray will now force multithreading when 3dsmax is in slave mode, regardless of the 3dsmax multithreading option;

When rendering to texture (RTT) the 3dsmax VFB is now always generated, regardless of whether the V-Ray VFB is on or off;

VRayFur can now generate motion blur with more than 2 geometry samples;

The irradiance map viewer will print out the progress of merging irradiance maps;

The autosave file names for irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are now updated at each frame, rather than only at the render start;

The irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are auto-saved as soon as they are computed, rather than at the end of the frame/rendering;

The "Save maps per frame" option has been removed from the GI rollout;

VRayProxy will now re-link the .vrmesh file at each frame, rather than only at the render start;


Known issues:

When rendering a 3dsmax Raytrace material applied on VRayProxy objects, V-Ray will crash;


Bug fixes:

"Affect shadows" and "Affect alpha" options did not work for VRayMtls inside a Multi/subobject material (RC3 bug);

Moving VRayPhysicalCamera caused spurious MacroRecorder events about the target distance changing;

Problems with 2D displacement (RC3 bug);

Automatically created VRaySky did not have a name;

Horizontal scrolling problems with the V-Ray messages window;

VRayOverrideMtl could cause 3dsmax to crash;

Multi/subobject material inside a VRayBlendMtl etc. did not render;

64-bit V-Ray could fall into an infinite cycle when rendering 2d displacement;

Some rare raycaster precision errors were fixed;

Starting/finishing rendering could be extremely slow in 3dsmax R9;

VRayHDRI always took at least 10 MB of memory, regardless of actual image size (RC3 bug);

Incorrect irradiance map density and texture sharpness when using camera clipping planes;

Missing files (textures/VRayProxies etc) were not always detected correctly;

Distributed rendering between mixed 32/64-bit V-Ray versions did not work properly;

Standard materials with transparency did not render properly (RC3 bug);

No motion blur for ParticleFlow on 64-bit 3dsmax;

Color corrections from the V-Ray VFB were applied to the alpha channel when splitting the render channels to files;

Crash with the "Show map in viewport" option for VRayMtl when using Direct3D (RC3 bug);

Textures with mapping channels greater than 1 are now correctly shown in the Material Editor;

The "Global light level" options from the Environment dialog now affect the color of VRayLights and standard 3dsmax lights;

VRayBlendMtl did not list the blend textures as sub-anims;

If "Render to raw image file" option for the V-Ray VFB was ON, but the file name is empty, V-Ray would freeze while rendering;

The parameters of VRayMtlWrapper did not have proper names in Track View;

If the primary GI engine was light cache or photon map but GI is turned off, standard materials would render black;

VRayMtl materials with low glossiness inside a VRayBlendMtl could produce polygonal artifacts on shadow/light boundaries;

The pixel aspect ratio from the Render Scene dialog was ignored when rendering with DR to the 3dsmax VFB;

A low-dynamic range 3dsmax frame buffer was used even when saving to a high-dynamic range file format (.exr, .hdr etc);

Problems when rendering animations in DR mode with light cache as both primary and secondary engine;

Small rectangle area lights could produce artifacts for points lying close to the light plane;

Somewhat better memory management for proxies and dynamic meshes;

Crashes with VRayFur on animated objects when using motion blur;

Incorrect environment color with several VRayLights in "dome" mode;

"Crop" render mode with the V-Ray VFB did not work for animations;

Sporadic crashes when using the "Camera Map Per Pixel" texture inside V-Ray materials (VRayMtl, VRayLightMtl etc);

VRayBmpFilter did not always display its bitmap texture successfully;

VRayBmpFilter could produce invalid colors;

Photon mapping could produce wrong GI on transparent surfaces;

Crashes with interpolated glossy reflections/refractions if there is only 1 sample in the interpolation map;

Irradiance map produced incorrect results when used with VRayLight in "Light portal" mode;

Faceting on low-poly geometry when using anisotropic reflections with UV-channel mapping;

Incorrect sampling with gamma color correction when some of the pixel RGB components is zero.




VRay v.1.5 RC5 755c42653435e144.gif

New features:

(*) New render elements: VRayMatteShadow, VRayTotalLighting, VRayRawTotalLighting;

(*) Added exporter script to the .vrscene file format supported by the standalone version of V-Ray;

(*) Animation modes for the irradiance map (added two new modes "Animation (prepass)" and "Animation (rendering)" along with a paramter to control the blend between frames;


Modified features:

(*) Increased rendering speed for some types of scenes;

(*) Updated WIBU-key drivers for 32- and 64-bit Windows* (including Windows* Vista*) are included with the installation;

(*) VRaySun is now compatible with the 3dsmax Daylight system and can be selected as a sun type;

(*) VRayDisplacementMod now supports high-dynamic range textures for displacement in "2d landscape" mode;

(*) VRayPhysicalCamera supports horizon line in the viewports, clipping and environment near and far ranges;

(*) Distributed rendering can now be started as a BackBurner job;

(*) Added an option to exclude specific objects from overriding their material from the Global Switches rollout;

(*) VRayColor texture has an option to apply gamma correction to the displayed color in the UI;

(*) "Don't affect colors" option for color mapping; useful if you only need the sampling adaptation to be performed;

(*) "Cutoff" threshold parameter for VRayLight's allows to reduce render times in scenes with many weak lights;

(*) "Envrionment priority" option added to VRayMtl to control environment override behaviour between different materials;

(*) Options for directly controlling the render mode (region, crop etc) of the V-Ray VFB;

(*) "No GI on other mattes" and "GI surface ID" parameters added to VRayMtlWrapper;

(*) Matte objects with the "Shadows" option checked will now generate VRayRawLighting, VRayRawShadow and VRayMatteShadow elements;

(*) If "Check for missing files" option is checked, DR will now fail on the render slaves if some maps cannot be found, instead or rendering wrong buckets;

(*) If there are several VRaySun nodes in the scene, VRaySky will now pick the first one that is enabled (rather than the first one at all);

(*) V-Ray will now force multithreading when 3dsmax is in slave mode, regardless of the 3dsmax multithreading option;

(*) When rendering to texture (RTT) the 3dsmax VFB is now always generated, regardless of whether the V-Ray VFB is on or off;

(*) The irradiance map viewer will print out the progress of merging irradiance maps;

(*) The autosave file names for irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are now updated at each frame, rather than only at the render start;

(*) The irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are auto-saved as soon as they are computed, rather than at the end of the frame/rendering;

(*) The "Save maps per frame" option has been removed from the GI rollout;

(*) VRayProxy will now re-link the .vrmesh file at each frame, rather than only at the render start;

(*) V-Ray will write a tiled OpenEXR file directly to disk, similar to a raw .vrimg file, if the raw file name ends in ".exr";

(*) Added a new "hybrid" SSS model in VRayMtl;

(*) Added exclude list for material override in the Global Switches rollout;

(*) The uninstaller will unregister any V-Ray services as well(DR spawner, license server etc.);

(*) Added "Affect alpha" option to VRaySphereFade;

(*) VRayLights now produce accurate motion blur when animated;

(*) VRayFur can now generate motion blur with more than 2 geometry samples;

(*) Global option to work in the system lighting units of 3dsmax for consistent results with 3dsmax photometric lights;

(*) VRayLights produced wrong intensity with photometric units;

(*) VRaySun/VRaySky had wrong photometric intensity; they now have a "legacy model" option to use the old model, which is turned on automatically for older files;

(*) VRayPhysicalCamera ISO parameter produced wrong exposure; it now has a "legacy model" option to use the old model, which is turned on automatically for older files;

(*) VRayProxy objects now produce motion blur when the proxy transformation is animated;

(*) VRayProxy objects now generate velocity information for image motion blur when their transformation is animated;

(*) Re-worked VRayFastSSS material to use the irradiance map interpolation mechanism for faster and smoother results;

(*) Added an "Affect reflections" option to VRayLight's to control reflection visibility separately from speculars;


Known issues:

(*) When rendering a 3dsmax Raytrace material applied on VRayProxy objects, V-Ray will crash;

(*) When rendering a high-resolution image with the "Hilbert" region sequence, V-Ray may crash;


Bug fixes:

(*) "Affect shadows" and "Affect alpha" options did not work for VRayMtls inside a Multi/subobject material (RC3 bug);

(*) Moving VRayPhysicalCamera caused spurious MacroRecorder events about the target distance changing;

(*) Problems with 2D displacement (RC3 bug);

(*) Automatically created VRaySky did not have a name;

(*) Horizontal scrolling problems with the V-Ray messages window;

(*) VRayOverrideMtl could cause 3dsmax to crash;

(*) Multi/subobject material inside a VRayBlendMtl etc. did not render;

(*) 64-bit V-Ray could fall into an infinite cycle when rendering 2d displacement;

(*) Some rare raycaster precision errors were fixed;

(*) Starting/finishing rendering could be extremely slow in 3dsmax R9;

(*) VRayHDRI always took at least 10 MB of memory, regardless of actual image size(RC3 bug);

(*) Incorrect irradiance map density and texture sharpness when using camera clipping planes;

(*) Missing files (textures/VRayProxies etc) were not always detected correctly;

(*) Distributed rendering between mixed 32/64-bit V-Ray versions did not work properly;

(*) Standard materials with transparency did not render properly (RC3 bug);

(*) No motion blur for ParticleFlow on 64-bit 3dsmax;

(*) Color corrections from the V-Ray VFB were applied to the alpha chennel

(*) Crash with the "Show map in viewport" option for VRayMtl when using Direct3D (RC3 bug);

(*) Textures with mapping channels greater than 1 are now correctly shown in the Material Editor;

(*) The "Global light level" options from the Environment dialog now affect the color of VRayLights and standard 3dsmax lights;

(*) VRayBlendMtl did not list the blend textures as sub-anims;

(*) If "Render to raw image file" option for the V-Ray VFB was ON, but the file name is empty, V-Ray would freeze while rendering;

(*) The parameters of VRayMtlWrapper did not have proper names in Track View;

(*) If the primary GI engine was light cache or photon map but GI is turned off, standard materials would render black;

(*) VRayMtl materials with low glossiness inside a VRayBlendMtl could produce polygonal artifacts on shadow/light boundaries;

(*) The pixel aspect ratio from the Render Scene dialog was ignored when rendering with DR to the 3dsmax VFB;

(*) A low-dynamic range 3dsmax frame buffer was used even when saving to a high-dynamic range file format (.exr, .hdr etc);

(*) Problems when rendering animations in DR mode with light cache as both primary and secondary engine;

(*) Small rectangle area lights could produce artifacts for points lying close to the light plane;

(*) Somewhat better memory managment for proxies and dynamic meshes;

(*) Crashes with VRayFur on animated objects when using motion blur;

(*) Incorrect environment color with several VRayLights in "dome" mode;

(*) "Crop" render mode with the V-Ray VFB did not work for animations;

(*) Sporadic crashes when using the "Camera Map Per Pixel" texture inside V-Ray materials (VRayMtl, VRayLightMtl etc);

(*) VRayBmpFilter did not always display its bitmap texture successfully;

(*) VRayBmpFilter could produce invalid colors;

(*) Photon mapping could produce wrong GI on transparent surfaces;

(*) Crashes with interpolated glossy reflections/refractions if there is only 1 sample in the interpolation map;

(*) Irradiance map produced incorrect results when used with VRayLight in "Light portal" mode;

(*) Faceting on low-poly geometry when using anisotropic reflections with UV-channel mapping;

(*) Incorrect sampling with gamma color correction when some of the pixel RGB components is zero;

(*) In 3dsmax 9, VRayMtlWrapper, VRay2SidedMtl, VRayOverrideMtl could crash when reset from the Material Editor;

(*) Some V-Ray materials (e.g. VRayMtl) did not reset when the "Reset" button from the Material Editor was used;

(*) The contents of the V-Ray VFB was not cleared regardless of the "Previous render" option in the System rollout;

(*) V-Ray sun could produce brighter highlights than is correct when its size multiplier is much greater than 1.0;

(*) Banding with very small spherical VRayLights;

(*) SSS with VRayMtl did not work properly with intersecting refractive objects;

(*) Problems with dome light and matte/shadow materials with GI on;

(*) VRayBlendMtl in additive mode produced incorrect alpha channel;

(*) VRayHDRI did not free is memory with the freeSceneBitmaps Maxscript command;

(*) Crash when rendering disconnected Particle Flow events;

(*) In 3dsmax 9, clearing a texture in VRayMtl could cause a crash, if the texture is visible in the viewport;

(*) In 64-bit 3dsmax, the Dynamic raycaster memory spinner was still limited to 4096 MB;

(*) In some cases VRayFur did not render properly;

(*) Wrong mapping coordinates for VRayFur when motion blur was enabled;

(*) Incorrect velocity G-Buffer channel due to camera movement for scaled cameras;

(*) Distortion map for VRayToon had no effect;

(*) Light cache prefiltering ignored GI surface IDs;

(*) VRayLight's appeared in reflections for objects excluded from the lights;

(*) Light cache files saved on 32-bit machines did not load properly on 64-bit machin when splitting the render channels to files; es and vice-versa;

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Tadzio. Nie wiem czy wiesz ale jed już wersja Następca rc5.

W każdym razie dzięki za featury.

  • Autor

Lisie wiem.To znaczy o nastepcy rc5 nie slyszalem.

Ale wrzucam to co znalazlem.

RC4 i RC5.



Mi się tam rc3 chyba nigdy nie sypnoł, pomijając przeladowanie sceny i braki ramu :)

Tadzio: zrób tą liste bardziej user freindly, zamiast takiej tony ficzersów wpisz że rc4 jest fajniejszy od rc3 a rc5 fajniejszy od rc4 - wszyscy bedą zadowoleni ;)

  • Autor

Mirach- dokladnie:) he he he....

Poza tym RC5 podobno faktycznie i odczuwalnie jest szybszy niz RC3 [ (*) Increased rendering speed for some types of scenes; ]

Zreszta wszystko wyjdzie w praniu.



No RC5 bardzo dobry bardzo, nie wysypuje sie i szybciej dziala

Najnowszy Vray 1.5 Final dziala tylko na dongle keyu podobnie jak fryrender :p(takie male info)


po co RC5 jak jest juz finalna wersja 1.5 ?

rc3,4,5 jak wiadomo byly wersjami beta czy cos takiego, z tego co sie orientuje te wersje dostaja ludzie ktorzy kupili wczesniej vraya, to takie Up`y za free.


1.50.00 final



New features:

(*) New render elements: VRayMatteShadow, VRayTotalLighting, VRayRawTotalLighting;

(*) Added exporter script to the .vrscene file format supported by the standalone version of V-Ray;

(*) Animation modes for the irradiance map (added two new modes "Animation (prepass)" and "Animation (rendering)" along with a paramter to control the blend between frames;


Modified features:

=== Core engine

(*) Increased rendering speed for some types of scenes;

(*) By default V-Ray no longer uses rQMC sampling; instead, a modified version of Schlick sampling is used (noise is reduced in certain situations);


=== Installation

(*) Updated WIBU-key drivers for 32- and 64-bit Windows* (including Windows* Vista*) are included with the installation;

(*) The uninstaller will unregister any V-Ray services as well (DR spawner, license server etc.);

(*) The installation has three options for the type of installation (full workstation installation; render slave installation; and license server only);


=== Lights and cameras

(*) New photometric models for VRaySun, VRaySky, VRayPhysicalCamera and VRayLights;

(*) Global option to work in the system lighting units of 3dsmax for consistent results with 3dsmax photometric lights;

(*) VRayLight has a "Cutoff threshold" parameter, which allows to reduce render times in scenes with many weak lights;

(*) VRayLight has an "Affect reflections" option to control reflection visibility separately from speculars;

(*) VRayLight has a "Simple portal" option that speeds up the rendering by considering environment color only (rather than tracing behind the portal);

(*) VRayLight has a "Cast shadows" option;

(*) VRayLight objects now produce accurate motion blur when animated;

(*) VRaySun is now compatible with the 3dsmax Daylight system and can be selected as a sun type;

(*) VRaySky will now pick the first VRaySun light in the scene that is enabled (rather than the first one at all);

(*) VRayPhysicalCamera supports horizon line in the viewports, clipping and environment near and far ranges;

(*) VRayPhysicalCamera has a parameter for controlling the amount of vignetting;


=== Disributed rendering (DR)

(*) DR is now supported for Render-to-texture;

(*) DR can now be started as a BackBurner job;

(*) Render slaves can be added on the fly to the distributed rendering;

(note: the servers must still first be added as DR servers list in the DR settings);

(note: if more than 1 network adapters are installed on the slave, set the VRAY_DR_SUBNET env. variable);

(*) If "Check for missing files" option is checked, DR will now fail on the render slaves if some maps cannot be found, instead or rendering wrong buckets;


=== Geometry

(*) New default "Auto" mode for the "Default geometry" parameter automatically detects heavy meshes and instances and renders them as dynamic geometry to save RAM;

(*) The ply2vrmesh converter now supports .obj files and has some .obj-specific options;

(*) VRayProxy objects display faster in the viewports;

(*) VRayProxy will now re-link the .vrmesh file at each frame, rather than only at the render start;

(*) VRayProxy objects now produce motion blur when the proxy transformation is animated;

(*) VRayProxy objects now generate velocity information for image motion blur when their transformation is animated;

(*) VRayProxy objects now declare the .vrmesh files to the Asset Tracker in 3ds Max 9;


=== Materials and textures

(*) Added exclude list for material override in the Global Switches rollout;

(*) Matte objects with the "Shadows" option checked will now generate VRayRawLighting, VRayRawShadow and VRayMatteShadow elements;

(*) VRayDirt has an option "Work with transparency", which causes it to take into account the transparency of occluding objects;

(*) VRayHDRI has a "Render multiplier" parameter, which additionally modifies the map only at render time;

(*) VRayHDRI maps now declare their files to the Asset Tracker in 3ds Max 9;

(*) VRayMtl has a new "hybrid" SSS model;

(*) VRayMtl now has an "Envrionment priority" option to control environment override behaviour between different materials;

(*) VRayMtl now has a "Roughness" parameter that allows to produce effects close to dusty surfaces (like skin or the surface of the Moon);

(*) VRayColor texture has an option to apply gamma correction to the displayed color in the UI;

(*) VRayFastSSS material has been reworked to use the irradiance map interpolation mechanism for faster and smoother results;

(*) VRayEdgesTex can now be used as a bump map to produce a rounded-corners effect on triangle meshes;

(*) VRayMtlWrapper has the options "No GI on other mattes" and "GI surface ID" added to it;

(*) VRayOverrideMtl has a shadow override option;


=== GI solutions

(*) The irradiance map viewer will print out the progress of merging irradiance maps;

(*) The autosave file names for irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are now updated at each frame, rather than only at the render start;

(*) The irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics maps are auto-saved as soon as they are computed, rather than at the end of the frame/rendering;

(*) The "Save maps per frame" option has been removed from the GI rollout;


=== Render output

(*) "Don't affect colors" option for color mapping; useful if you only need the sampling adaptation to be performed;

(*) "Clamp Level" option for color mapping (specifies the level at which colors are clamped, if clamping is on);

(*) Options for directly controlling the render mode (region, crop etc) of the V-Ray VFB;

(*) When rendering to texture (RTT) the 3dsmax VFB is now always generated, regardless of whether the V-Ray VFB is on or off;

(*) V-Ray will write a tiled OpenEXR file directly to disk, similar to a raw .vrimg file, if the raw file name ends in ".exr";


=== Others

(*) VRayDisplacementMod now supports high-dynamic range textures for displacement in "2d landscape" mode;

(*) V-Ray will now force multithreading when 3dsmax is in slave mode, regardless of the 3dsmax multithreading option;

(*) Added "Affect alpha" option to VRaySphereFade;

(*) VRaySphereFade works correctly with transparent objects;

(*) VRayFur can now generate motion blur with more than 2 geometry samples;

(*) The default value for the number of light cache passes is now 8;

(*) The parameters of the renderer have been split into several tabs in the Render Scene dialog for 3ds Max 9 and later;


Known issues:

(*) When rendering a 3dsmax Raytrace material applied on VRayProxy objects, V-Ray will crash; removing the Raytrace material prevents the crash;

(*) Instancing a group inside a ParticleFlow system may cause a crash, if the original group is rendered as well; hiding the instanced group prevents the crash;


Bug fixes:

(*) "Affect shadows" and "Affect alpha" options did not work for VRayMtls inside a Multi/subobject material (RC3 bug);

(*) Moving VRayPhysicalCamera caused spurious MacroRecorder events about the target distance changing;

(*) Problems with 2D displacement (RC3 bug);

(*) Automatically created VRaySky did not have a name;

(*) Horizontal scrolling problems with the V-Ray messages window;

(*) VRayOverrideMtl could cause 3dsmax to crash;

(*) Multi/subobject material inside a VRayBlendMtl etc. did not render;

(*) 64-bit V-Ray could fall into an infinite cycle when rendering 2d displacement;

(*) Some rare raycaster precision errors were fixed;

(*) Starting/finishing rendering could be extremely slow in 3dsmax R9;

(*) VRayHDRI always took at least 10 MB of memory, regardless of actual image size (RC3 bug);

(*) Incorrect irradiance map density and texture sharpness when using camera clipping planes;

(*) Missing files (textures/VRayProxies etc) were not always detected correctly;

(*) Distributed rendering between mixed 32/64-bit V-Ray versions did not work properly;

(*) Standard materials with transparency did not render properly (RC3 bug);

(*) No motion blur for ParticleFlow on 64-bit 3dsmax;

(*) Color corrections from the V-Ray VFB were applied to the alpha channel when splitting the render channels to files;

(*) Crash with the "Show map in viewport" option for VRayMtl when using Direct3D (RC3 bug);

(*) Textures with mapping channels greater than 1 are now correctly shown in the Material Editor;

(*) The "Global light level" options from the Environment dialog now affect the color of VRayLights and standard 3dsmax lights;

(*) VRayBlendMtl did not list the blend textures as sub-anims;

(*) If "Render to raw image file" option for the V-Ray VFB was ON, but the file name is empty, V-Ray would freeze while rendering;

(*) The parameters of VRayMtlWrapper did not have proper names in Track View;

(*) If the primary GI engine was light cache or photon map but GI is turned off, standard materials would render black;

(*) VRayMtl materials with low glossiness inside a VRayBlendMtl could produce polygonal artifacts on shadow/light boundaries;

(*) The pixel aspect ratio from the Render Scene dialog was ignored when rendering with DR to the 3dsmax VFB;

(*) A low-dynamic range 3dsmax frame buffer was used even when saving to a high-dynamic range file format (.exr, .hdr etc);

(*) Problems when rendering animations in DR mode with light cache as both primary and secondary engine;

(*) Small rectangle area lights could produce artifacts for points lying close to the light plane;

(*) Somewhat better memory management for proxies and dynamic meshes;

(*) Crashes with VRayFur on animated objects when using motion blur;

(*) Incorrect environment color with several VRayLights in "dome" mode;

(*) "Crop" render mode with the V-Ray VFB did not work for animations;

(*) Sporadic crashes when using the "Camera Map Per Pixel" texture inside V-Ray materials (VRayMtl, VRayLightMtl etc);

(*) VRayBmpFilter did not always display its bitmap texture successfully;

(*) VRayBmpFilter could produce invalid colors;

(*) Photon mapping could produce wrong GI on transparent surfaces;

(*) Crashes with interpolated glossy reflections/refractions if there is only 1 sample in the interpolation map;

(*) Irradiance map produced incorrect results when used with VRayLight in "Light portal" mode;

(*) Faceting on low-poly geometry when using anisotropic reflections with UV-channel mapping;

(*) Incorrect sampling with gamma color correction when some of the pixel RGB components is zero;

(*) In 3dsmax 9, VRayMtlWrapper, VRay2SidedMtl, VRayOverrideMtl could crash when reset from the Material Editor;

(*) Some V-Ray materials (e.g. VRayMtl) did not reset when the "Reset" button from the Material Editor was used;

(*) The contents of the V-Ray VFB was not cleared regardless of the "Previous render" option in the System rollout;

(*) V-Ray sun could produce brighter highlights than is correct when its size multiplier is much greater than 1.0;

(*) Banding with very small spherical VRayLights;

(*) SSS with VRayMtl did not work properly with intersecting refractive objects;

(*) Problems with dome light and matte/shadow materials with GI on;

(*) VRayBlendMtl in additive mode produced incorrect alpha channel;

(*) VRayHDRI did not free is memory with the freeSceneBitmaps() MaxScript command;

(*) Crash when rendering disconnected Particle Flow events;

(*) In 3dsmax 9, clearing a texture in VRayMtl could cause a crash, if the texture is visible in the viewport;

(*) In 64-bit 3dsmax, the Dynamic raycaster memory spinner was still limited to 4096 MB;

(*) In some cases VRayFur did not render properly;

(*) Wrong mapping coordinates for VRayFur when motion blur was enabled;

(*) Incorrect velocity G-Buffer channel due to camera movement for scaled cameras;

(*) Distortion map for VRayToon had no effect;

(*) Light cache prefiltering ignored GI surface IDs;

(*) VRayLight's appeared in reflections for objects excluded from the lights;

(*) Light cache files saved on 32-bit machines did not load properly on 64-bit machines and vice-versa;

(*) When rendering a high-resolution image with the "Hilbert" region sequence, V-Ray could crash;

(*) A light which had "Affect diffuse" option off still contributed to the diffuse lighting channels;

(*) When mass-editing V-Ray object or light properties, greyed out properties with different values across the nodes were incorrecly applied to the nodes;

(*) Area VRayShadows with Box type did not respect the rotation of the light;

(*) DR render slaves crashed when photometric Linear or Area lights were contained in the scene;

(*) VRayFastSSS displayed black in the viewports;

(*) VRImg2Exr tool gave error when converting large .vrimg files rendered in "region" mode;

(*) MaxScript error when adding VRayCausticsMap to the RTT bake elements;

(*) When rendering animations with DR, slaves faster than the client machine could fail to contribute to some of the frames;

(*) Using RoyalRender client as a service caused a wxWidgets error when no-one is logged on the machine;


w sumie nudy, Proxy moze byc good ;]

No RC5 bardzo dobry bardzo, nie wysypuje sie i szybciej dziala

Najnowszy Vray 1.5 Final dziala tylko na dongle keyu podobnie jak fryrender :p(takie male info)




czy ten final to rc5??i czy nadal displejs sie wysypuje..?i czy sens istalowac..

final to 1.5 Final bez zadnych rc :)

Sens napewno zawsze jakis jest ;]



ok nie było pytania :D


wlasnie testuje nowego vray 1.5 z tego co zuwazylem tak powierzchownie to nie ma qmc a zamiast tego jest brute force, zapuszcze scene i zobacze jaki rezultat ale wydaje mi sie ze to cos podobnego do qmc, przedewszystkim szybszy jest i sun&sky fajnie dziala z daylightem :]

A i jest dmc sampler a nie qmc :p


A ogolnie to extra, za duzo zmian jakis tam nie ma w porownaniu z rc5 ale zauwazylem ze na maxie 8 sie nieraz wysypuje :p


ten nowy vray bardzo lubi wysypywac sie przy renderenowaniu wieloma kompami :/ to jest duzy minus.

  • Autor

pospieszyli sie chyba z tym Finalem...?

a jak stoi przyspieszenie w stosunku do poprzednich wersji?


Pospieszyc to chyba raczej sie nie pospieszyli bo wersja final jest naprawde dobra moze tylko na maxie 8 cos sie sypie, nie testowalem jeszcze na maxie 9 wiec dokladnie nie wiem jak z nim dziala

Co do przyspieszenia to widac odrazu ze jest szybszy przy sun&sky, hdri itp :)

Renderenuje szybciej poprostu :D

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