ramze Napisano 24 Listopad 2002 Napisano 24 Listopad 2002 Tu s± tutoriale od ramze specjalnie dla was ZANIM WEJDZIESZ NA JAKˇ¦ Z TYCH STRON PRZYCZYTAJ 3 ZDANKA KTÓRE NAPISAŁEM NA SAMYM DOLE !!!!! 3DSMAX GENERAL TUTORIALS http://www.3dmaxer.dk/tutorial.asp?ak=11 http://www.comet-cartoons.com/toons/3dhelp.cfm/ http://www.3dtotal.com http://www.3dcafe.com/ http://www.raph.com/ http://www.exchange3d.com/main/index.php http://www.3dark.com/ http://www.maxhelp.com/ http://www.max3d.com/ http://www.3dluvr.com/ http://mr2k.3dvf.com/frameset.htm (French) http://www.topleftpixel.com/ila_solomon/Tutorials.htm (provided by Ila Solomon) http://www.x99online.net (by Conrad) ABSTRACT DESIGN http://www.voidix.com/tutorials3d.php BOOLEAN http://www.atomic-animation.com/boolean_reminders.htm CLOUDS: (afterburn) by Daniel P. Ferreira http://www.wonderslime.com/tutorial...uds/clouds.html CHARACTER RIGGING http://www.maxtd.com/ CHARACTER STUDIO http://www.maxhelp.com/csc/default.htm FOLEY STUDIO http://www.boomerlabs.com/ FOREST PRO http://www.itoosoft.com/english/forest_tutorial.html GRASS http://www.suurland.com/tut_grass/tutorial_grass.htm HAIR: (by Lizard Head) http://www.lizard-head.com/Tutorial..._MAX_Hair_1.htm HEAD http://www.jonesinc.com/inktutorial5.html HUMAN BODY (MODELING) http://www.dlc.fi/~ops/tutorial/human.htm LENS FLARE (BASIC) http://www.digitalproducer.com/pages/Max_effects.htm LIGHTING (Fun with Lights By Dr-spline) http://www.raven-nation.com/fil.htm LIGHTING (Grayson Chalmers) http://grayson.cgworks.com/tutorials/lighting LIGHTING (VOLUMETRIC) http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-57917/Tutktx.html LIP SYNCHING http://www.comet-cartoons.com/toons/3dhelp.cfm/ MENTAL RAY http://www.cinegrfx.com/ http://www.mentalimages.com MESHSMOOTH http://max3dstuff.com/msmooth.html http://www.max3dstuff.com/hand.html MODELING (Sebulba): (meshtools) http://www.polysculpter.fsworld.co.uk/lessons.html MODELING (Joan D\'Arc (character + clothes) tutorial in English, at least part of it.) http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...rc/joanmenu.asp MODELING (BALL SOCCER) http://www.suurland.com/tut_ball/tutorial_football.htm MODELING (GUITAR) http://perso.wanadoo.fr/3d/tutorials/lespaul/lp.htm MODELING (HAIR) http://www.comet-cartoons.com/toons/3ddocs/hair MODELING (MOUTH - ANIMATED) http://www.geocities.com/mad-guru.geo/mouth.htm MODELING (ROLLING CARPET - ANIMATED) http://burningpixel.com/Max/MaxCarp1.htm MODELING (SANTA) http://visualmagic.awn.com/html/tutorials/santa.html MODELING (TREE) http://www.controlzed.com/greg/3dtipstree.html NURBS (BASICS) http://www.webreference.com/3d/lesson67/index.html http://www.webreference.com/3d/lesson64 http://www.webreference.com/3d/lesson65 REFLECTION http://www.digitalproducer.com/pages/Max_effects.htm RHINO http://members.tripod.com/~fyre3d/rhino.htm RUBBER MAP http://www.rubberflex.com/RubMap/rubmap2.htm SCRIPTING (MAXSCRIPT) http://www.origamy.com.br/max/English/maxscript_01.html http://www.origamy.com.br/max/English/maxscript_02.html http://www.origamy.com.br/max/English/maxscript_03.html http://www.origamy.com.br/max/English/maxscript_04.html http://www.origamy.com.br/max/English/maxscript_05.html http://www.origamy.com.br/max/English/maxscript_06.html http://www.origamy.com.br/max/English/maxscript_07.html http://www.ruff-stuff.com/3dmax/Tutorials/Scripting.zip SHAGFUR http://www.3dgate.com/techniques/000328/03283ds.html SKIN http://www.webreference.com/3d/lesson98/ SMOKE (CIGARETTE) http://www.suurland.com/tut_smoke/t...e-smoke_r3.htm/ SHADOWS (SOFT) http://max3dstuff.com/sspot.html http://max3dstuff.com/sspot2.html SPLASH http://hem.passagen.se/lexcyber/3dsmax/tut1/tut1.htm TEXTURE MAPPING (Multiple UV Channels) http://www.uvmapper.com/ TEXTURE MAPPING http://members.shaw.ca/loganfoster/download/index.html TILEABLE TEXTURE (Grayson Chalmers) http://grayson.cgworks.com/tutorials/tile/ UV Mapping (In-Depth Look at UVW Mapping in 3D Studio Max 5) http://waylon-art.com/uvw_tutorial/uvwtut_01.html WATER / RUNNING WATER http://www.3d-sdp.com/water%20tutor.htm MODELING (various courtesy of insect666) http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=116 [A very good tutorial about making realistic jewelry.] ***** http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/car/ [Making a concept car. This tutorial is for a bit advanced.] ***** http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/dmf/ [a very good tutorial about making, texturing and lighting a missile.] ***** http://www.ludd.luth.se/~strat/tutorials.html [A serie of tutorials about Mesh-modeling.] **** http://www.trinisica.com/sub_learn_...=virtual-studio [A tutorial for early beginners.] **** http://www.trinisica.com/sub_learn_...ow=polymodeling [another poly-modeling tutorial.] ***** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...tut/owntut1.asp [A tutorial for total begginers. Useful for those who have just started.] *** http://www.cgm3d.com/tutorials/teeth/teeth.php [making human teeth. Usefull.] *** http://www.cgm3d.com/oceantutorial.php [an ocean scene.] *** http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...al.asp?id=20035 http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...al.asp?id=20248 [two sets of tutorials for making an insect alien. My fav. =)] **** http://www.voidix.com/glasscrystal.html [A glass crystal effect.] *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=115 [A way to make text on objects.] *** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/dolphin.html [modeling a dolphin.] **** http://www.geocities.com/ribok7/multiloft.html [Here\'s something about multi-lofting.] **** http://www.studiowhiz.com/_tutorial...index.php?id=60 [fractals or shards... Very good abstract visualisation.] **** http://www.3dworldmag.com/tutorials/eggcell/ [Eggcell tutorial... What weird look.] **** http://www.raz.ro/tutorials/heart/heart.htm [making a neclace with two hearts.] ***** http://3dworld.3dark.com/tutorial/3d/lathe/index.htm [another nice lathe tutorial for beginners.] **** http://www.taffix.com/Tutorials/Sur...s_Ear/index.htm [modeling an ear... !] **** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/Windows.html [Making a simple window frame and applying textures to it.] *** http://gamedesign.4players.de:1026/...ReflectionE.htm [a nice tutorial about making bullets. For begginers.] **** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/Cartman.html [Modeling some guy from south park.] *** http://www.comet-cartoons.com/toons/3ddocs/eyerigging/ [making an animatable cartoony eye setup.] *** http://www.taffix.com/Tutorials/GoldRing/gold_ring.htm [Even a tutorial for making a ring.] *** http://www.suurland.com/tut_ball/tutorial_football.htm [making a soccer ball... Simple?.. Not actually.] **** http://www.terra.es/personal2/palmiro/tut_jar.htm [A good tutorial for modeling a jar.] **** http://3dworld.3dark.com/tutorial/3d/warp/index.htm [space warps for beginners.] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=37 [lofting a spoon... Not so stupid idea.] *** http://www.voidix.com/coolabstract.html [doing abstracts.] **** http://www.topleftpixel.com/ila_solomon/tut_exh_01.htm [Modeling a fantasy toy car\'s exhaust pipe.] **** http://www.cgm3d.com/tutorials/boxm1/boxm1.php http://www.cgm3d.com/tutorials/boxm2/boxm2.php [a two-part box modeling tutorial.] **** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...rc/joanmenu.asp [modeling the full human body.] ***** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorials/max/geoff/main.asp [making a cartoon character. ] **** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...ike/sadmike.asp [And another character.] **** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...torial/head.asp [A head tutorial...] **** http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/bolt/ [A bolt and a nut...] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=13 [an interesting way of making candle sticks.] **** http://www.derelictsands.com/tutorials/t-aloe.htm [some stuff to make plants.] *** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/F1-1.html [Modeling a ferrari F-1.] *** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...g_sebulba01.asp [Making \"Sebulba\" (heh?). A very nice tutorial for making a full head of a sci-fi character.] **** http://perso.wanadoo.fr/3d/tutorials/lespaul/lp.htm [a bumpy guitar...] *** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.co...%20Windows.html [Making windows and doors in a wall without booleans.] **** http://www.derelictsands.com/tutorials/t-space.htm [Making a full space scene... Texturing modleing lighting, etc...] *** http://www.derelictsands.com/tutorials/t-mushroom.htm [Modeling and texturing a mushroom.] *** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...i/modelaudi.asp [Patch-modeling a car.] *** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa..._and_chains.htm [some more uses of the PathDefor modifier.] **** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/shipgrid.html [some space stuff that everyone does.] *** http://www.digitalproducer.com/pages/old_house.htm [A full scene in an old house... The atmosphere, fogs, lighting, texturing.] *** http://www.dlc.fi/%7Eops/tutorial/clothing/clothing.htm [Making clothes on a character.] *** http://www.ifrance.com/gregg/Tutori...t_eye_gregg.htm [NURMS modeling.] *** http://www.dlc.fi/~ops/tutorial/human.htm [modeling a full human body, by using box-modeling.] **** http://solobiking.tripod.com/3d/tut1.html [oh joy! A low-poly \"hummer\"! ] *** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...lley/valley.asp [Modeling a valley. Like a practice of the displace modifier.] *** http://perso.wanadoo.fr/3d/tutorials/splines/index.html [How to make Rhino and Max to work togeather... ie. A Rhino and max tutorial.] **** http://www.digitalproducer.com/pages/rezin_grass.htm [ok... This is another tutorial about making grass.] *** http://www.reel3d.freewire.co.uk/to...rrain/index.htm [making simple terrains.] **** http://www.comet-cartoons.com/toons...g/modeling.html [another way of making faces by using spline-modeling.] *** http://www.saunalahti.fi/ops/tutori...tut/treetut.htm [making trees without any plug-ins.] **** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...t/modeldust.asp [using CrossSection...] *** http://www.geocities.com/ribok7/shapemerge_tut [a shapemerge tutorial.] *** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...torial/car1.asp [that\'s a cool car. :] Quite interesting modeling too...] **** http://www.fineart.sk/tut/yoda/Yoda_Tut_p1.htm [Modeling and texturing that small green guy from star wars: episode II... I guess his name\'s Yoda. =)] **** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...torial/nose.asp [lol! The tutorial is good... But what are they modeling?.. lol!] ***** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...orial/mouth.asp [Damn... face features again.] **** http://www.renderedrealities.net/tutorials/hand1.html [Modeling a human hand.] **** http://www.cglearn.com/tutorials/ma...he_martini.html [simle exercise... lathe.] *** http://www.cglearn.com/tutorials/max3/07_boolean.html [booleans.] *** http://www.cglearn.com/tutorials/ma...trude_logo.html [a logo.] *** http://www.saunalahti.fi/ops/tutori...tut/treetut.htm [another tutorial for making trees without plug-ins] TEXTURING (various courtesy of insect666) http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/IOR.html [HOLY SHIT !!! IOR Table! Man, If you\'re doing 3D - bookmark this.] ***** + http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6648 http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7681 http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11053 http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17631 [A 5 part tutorial about proper texturing. Lot\'s of tips.] ***** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...ranslucency.htm [A very in-depth tutorial about translucency.] ***** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...al_and_refs.htm [some usefull tips about metal materials.] ***** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...t_materials.htm [making wet materials...Uhmmm, not making acctually - just an explanation of what makes a material look wet.] ***** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...ome_pottery.htm [Realistic glass, chrome and glazed pottery shaders for brazil.] **** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...f/aniso_ref.htm [Anistropic higlights. A long tutorial for advanced.] ***** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=125 [The AA filters is 50% what makes a good renderer realy work.] ***** http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.ph...&highlight=clay [A nice little tutorial about making clay.] **** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...rkling_snow.htm [How to achieve the sparkling snow effect.] **** http://www.davidtitusproductions.co...utorial_uv.html [A very good tutorial about UVW mapping a shoe/boot.] ***** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...ats_falloff.htm [some complex organic materials.] ***** http://www.flay.com/getarticle.cfm?articleid=5 [Making a leather jacket.] **** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...etal_shader.htm [making a \"blin\" shader look like \"metal\"] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=31 [How to add animated textures.] *** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/Iris1.html [An iris texture tutorial - very useful for making eyes.] **** http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-12643/tutoria2.html [A very easy way of making a seamless texture.]{Photoshop for 3D}{Non-software-specific} ***** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...haders_proc.htm [making a green tongue by mixing complex maps.] **** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/Skin.html [A human skin material.] *** http://interneteye3d.com/Tutorials/...apM/default.asp [using the Camera_map modifier.] *** http://www.axsstudios.com/tut/Dirt/ [Adding some dirt to liven your maps a bit.] *** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...ap_channels.htm [Another good mapping lesson.] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=107 [blending directly two (or more) materials.] *** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/psptiles.html [Making a stone texture in PS. {Not software specific.}] **** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.com/photomagic.html [maping photos onto objects, to get a photorealistic look.] *** http://www.3dgate.com/techniques/00...214hussain.html [making skin for characters.] *** http://www.3rddimensiontutorials.co...opicshader.html [Anistropic surfaces of disks and stuff like that.] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=91 [car paint that looks good.] **** http://www.cleverlikeamonkey.com/sh...s/composite.htm [using a composite material.] *** http://www.nawyecky.com/tuts/tut-me.htm [mixing procedural maps is my favourite way of texturing... =)] ***** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=53 [making a very interesting material, called X-Ray material.] *** http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/can/ [the poor can...] **** http://www.comet-cartoons.com/toons.../headpolymodel/ [poly-modeling another head.] *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=119 [Texturing a tire.] *** http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...al.asp?id=23265 [a set of texture-mapping tutorials.] **** http://www.taffix.com/Tutorials/Mat...inMap/index.htm [The basic way of texturing a mountain.] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=118 [making and texturing a very nice tire.] *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=80 [basics of compositing materials.] **** http://www.bergen.org/AAST/Projects...oordinates.html [introduction to mapping coordinates.] *** http://www.taffix.com/Tutorials/SwimPool/index.htm [A swimming pool material.] *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=126 [some tips for making organic materials.] **** http://www.bergen.org/AAST/Projects...rials_info.html [material tips for begginers.] *** http://www.taffix.com/Tutorials/Undersea/index.htm [the making of different underwater effects.] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=52 [the \"polished wood\" look] *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=122 [silk material.] **** http://www.rethinkfx.com/tutorials/texture.htm [realistic texturing... Nice dream-house =D ] ***** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...s/alphamaps.asp [Mapping without using an UVW modifier.] *** http://www.planetquake.com/q3empire...ng/skinning.htm [\"One way of skining a model\". A very nice tutorial about skining.] **** http://www1.linkclub.or.jp/%7Einosu...l/neta12_e.html [mixing two maps with a falloff mask.] *** http://hem.passagen.se/kareola/tut/drops/drops.htm [droplets on a surface, as the material.] *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=114 [morphing materials can be usefull for making *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=41 [A metalic surface that works very good onto text.] *** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=57 [a realistic ocean surface.] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=109 [the way of making the ground to be of background color, except display shadows.] **** http://perso.wanadoo.fr/3d/tutorial...ce/mapface.html [head texturing with a photo.] *** http://www.3dlinks.com/tutorials/ma...?tutorial=apple [a photorealistic [Yeah sure... heh] apple by only usin procedural textures.] *** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...g/texturing.asp [texturing landscapes.] *** http://perso.wanadoo.fr/3d/tutorial...ul/sunburst.htm [sunburst guitar texture.] *** http://www.geocities.com/ribok7/halfwire.html [Half wireframe rendering with 3DsMax and PS.] **** http://www.3dstation.net/Tutoriaux/php/tut_face01.htm [Texturing a face. An extrememly good tutorial, but it\'s written in french...] **** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...assmaterial.asp [A good glass material.] ** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...raltextures.asp [yay! Procedurals! =P] *** http://www.planetquake.com/polycoun...s-mapping.shtml [NURBS mapping.] *** http://hjem.get2net.dk/Gollum_Graph...tutwatermat.htm [making raytrace water.] *** http://www.cglearn.com/tutorials/ma..._life_pt_1.html [the first steps for making materials.] *** http://www.saunalahti.fi/ops/tutori...e/landscape.htm [Making a simple landscape. Good one.] **** http://www.cglearn.com/tutorials/ma..._life_pt_2.html [using sub-object materials] *** http://www.cglearn.com/tutorials/ma...ife_part_3.html [mapping coords.] *** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...s/lotsmetal.asp [a fast tutorial... But usefull tips about making metals.] **** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial...metal/metal.asp [ughhh... lots of work, but nice results.] LIGHTING (various courtesy of insect666) http://www.geocities.com/pixelmagic2002/Page1.html [An awesome GI tutorial! Worth checking out even for advanced artists.] ***** + http://www.3d-worxx.de/tutorials/lighting.html [A set of lighting tips. Very good explanations.] ***** http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...&stage=5&page=0 [Lighting without using lights... Stupid?.. no.] ***** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=7 [radiosity tutorial. Essential.] *** http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_educa...ctor_lights.htm [Projection maps for making a forest scene.] ***** http://www.nawyecky.com/tuts/tut-gi.htm [Another good GI tutorial.] ***** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=121 [soft shadows (GI again). A very full of examples tutorial.] **** http://www.3dlight.com/page-lighting.htm [matching lighting in compositing.] **** http://www.3dtotal.com/team/Tutoria...3ptlighting.asp [Three point lighting setup... Or so called \"modeling with light\".] ***** http://www.3d-worxx.de/tutorials/lighting.html [some basic explanation of lighting.] **** http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...&stage=2&page=0 [some research on a spotlight\'s anatomy...] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=97 [faking sunlight.] *** http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...&stage=5&page=0 [using negative light.] **** http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...&stage=3&page=0 [selecting which lights should affect diffuse, which ambien, which specular...] **** http://www.taffix.com/Tutorials/Lighting/light03.htm [some explanation about painting with light.] **** http://www.3dlight.com/page-softlights.htm [This one\'s very usefull for making realistic lighting.] **** http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutor...&stage=4&page=0 [The light\'s Including/excluding list.] **** http://www.maxhelp.com/content/tuto...smoky/smoky.htm [some practice with volume lights.] *** http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/tutorials...lume/volume.asp [some more basic practice with volume lights.] *** http://www.3dtotal.com/team/Tutoria...3ptlighting.asp [i like this one... It makes your characters look much better.] **** http://interneteye3d.com/Tutorials/...CAL/default.asp [the usual way of doing area lights in Max.] **** http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorial.../striplight.asp [VERY usefull! may be used instead of a softlight, but that\'s not easy to apply to animatuions.] ***** + ANIMATION (various courtesy of insect666) http://www.maxhelp.com/content/tuto...ding/hiding.htm [Hiding objects in an animation... Believe me! That\'s a puzzle if you don\'t know how.] **** http://www.3dm-mc.com/tutorials/carving/ [woodcarving. A very useful trick.] *** http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/jcmiller/Acell.htm [A very quik tutorial about acceleratio9n and deceleration.] *** http://www.3dspline.com/boom-box.htm [Yay! A subwoofer animation! =)] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=24 [How to switch multiple cammeras during an animation.] **** http://www.the3dstudio.com/tutorials.asp?id=11 [A tutorial about motion capture.] *** http://www.anticz.com/animatio.htm [some very good tips about making good animation.] **** http://www.anticz.com/eularqua.htm [some kind of gimbal lock and why it occures.] *** http://www.anticz.com/morphy.htm [prograssive morphing for animations.] **** No to mówie jak jest. Dorwałem jak±¶ stronkę (forum) i tam znalazłem pokazny zbiór tutoriali do maxa (przejżałem tylko czę¶ć, ale zdaje mi sie, że wszystkie tycz± się maxa) Władowałem je tu na forum bo nie jestem egoistom i tak się podzielilem odkryciem. P.S. Czę¶ć z tych tutoriali już gdzie¶ widziałem wcze¶niej ale tu s± fajnie zebrane w jedn± cało¶ć. TUTKI s± EN !!! i chyba jeszcze w jakim¶ innym języku, nie róbcie sobie nadziei !! :mad:
adek Napisano 29 Listopad 2002 Napisano 29 Listopad 2002 No naprawde niezle ... ladny zbior tutoriali. Teraz u mnie ciezko z czasem aby na dany moment przetlumaczyc jakis i wrzucic na stronke ale moze ktos moze pomoc w tlumaczeniu ? :) tak tylko pytam ... Adek
saygon Napisano 29 Listopad 2002 Napisano 29 Listopad 2002 ja moge przetłumaczyć,ale nie umiescze tego w żadnej formie poz txt. o html nie mam pojęcia.
Nezz Napisano 29 Listopad 2002 Napisano 29 Listopad 2002 wyglada jak zywcem wziete z forum cgtalk.com ;P ctrl+c i ctrl+v jest bardzo przydatne ale latwiej bylo podac linka : http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21263 :P
KLICEK Napisano 1 Grudzień 2002 Napisano 1 Grudzień 2002 witam!!! Adku osobiscie wole pisac wlasne niz tlumaczyc czyjes ale jak tylko bede mial chwile czasu :-) to postaram sie przetlumaczyc kilkanascie tutkow :D
ramze Napisano 17 Grudzień 2002 Autor Napisano 17 Grudzień 2002 No to mówie jak jest. Dorwałem jak±¶ stronkę (forum) i tam znalazłem pokazny zbiór tutoriali do maxa (przejżałem tylko czę¶ć, ale zdaje mi sie, że wszystkie tycz± się maxa) Tak napisałem !!! A co do forum to racja cgtalk. tak to było cgtalk.com. Żeby forum.max3d.pl rozrosło się do takich rozmiarów.!!
wesoły Napisano 19 Grudzień 2002 Napisano 19 Grudzień 2002 a dla mnie 2dtotal.com jest nawet nawet ;]
ramze Napisano 5 Luty 2003 Autor Napisano 5 Luty 2003 dobra napisze tu kilka słów, aby ten watek nie został zapomniany i aby mogli korzystac z niego uzytkownicy którzy go jeszcze nie widzieli, a jak wszystkim wiadomo wiekszość uzytkowników for przeglada tylko pierwsze strony działów. Takie jest moje zdanie a poza tym tak słyszałem na innych forach.
bartonfink Napisano 5 Luty 2003 Napisano 5 Luty 2003 ee tam ja jak pierwszy raz dotarlem na strone Adka to przez jakies 2 czy 3 dni przegladnolem ja calutenka wlacznie z kazda strona forum (tyle ze wtedy zadawalem sobie pytanie \"oczym ci kolesie wogole pisza\" heheh
ramzess Napisano 1 Marzec 2003 Napisano 1 Marzec 2003 znalazłem - przypadkowo Server, gdzie są książki elektroniczne , a jest ich tam w chu*a i jeszcz troszke. Adres: pos.gwardii.bmj.net.pl m.in. 3dsm4 techniki modelowania biblia, cyfroawa animacja twarzy pl, i wiele wiele wiele wiele innnych ;) Nie musicie dziękować Pozdr :cool::cool::cool::cool:Apostezjon :cool::cool::cool::cool:
Ajgor Napisano 13 Marzec 2003 Napisano 13 Marzec 2003 A ja mam plik o nazwie \"All Web 3D Studio Max Tutorials\". Chyba nie musze tlumaczyc co to jest:) Ma toto 56MB (po zzipowaniu 44MB). Jak ktos poda jakis serwer Ftp to moge wzucic. Na prawde warto.
Gość Karawan Napisano 1 Kwiecień 2003 Napisano 1 Kwiecień 2003 Jestem niezly w tlumaczeniu moge tez co dokonac, ale za 2miesiace najszybciej (matura)...
Tomek Kosiorek Napisano 13 Kwiecień 2003 Napisano 13 Kwiecień 2003 Mi to sie podoba bardzo to co tu sie dzieje thx[piwo]
STANEK Napisano 22 Kwiecień 2003 Napisano 22 Kwiecień 2003 Super sprawa i Super zgranie.To mi się podoba.Jeżeli ktoś potrzebuje jakiś tutek a nie może znależć go w necie to zapraszam na gg. Postaram się pomóc. [piwo]
Andree Napisano 28 Maj 2003 Napisano 28 Maj 2003 A ja mam plik o nazwie \"All Web 3D Studio Max Tutorials\". Chyba nie musze tlumaczyc co to jest Ma toto 56MB (po zzipowaniu 44MB). Ajgor ja mam mozliwosc wrzucenia tego na ftp klanowego :) mylse ze da rade to tam zmiescic greetz
Ajgor Napisano 28 Maj 2003 Napisano 28 Maj 2003 Podaj jakiegos namiara to ci wzuce:) Mam wiecej ksiazek. Na przyklad niedawno doszla mi \"3DStudio MAX 4 Discreet Officjal Training Courseware\" (88MB:)) \"3DStudioMAX Bible\" (Cala biblia ale po angielsku).. I jeszcze inne:) Acha.. Adresik... [email protected]
Andree Napisano 28 Maj 2003 Napisano 28 Maj 2003 najlepiej to ustalmy to na gg :) wrzucisz na moj servek domowy a ja to wysle na ten klanowy. Na U2U podalem moje gg
mORPH Napisano 1 Czerwiec 2003 Napisano 1 Czerwiec 2003 Ja również moge pomóc tłumaczyć angielskie tutoriale w wakacje.
darkelf Napisano 27 Sierpień 2003 Napisano 27 Sierpień 2003 sorki, ze tak pozno pisze, ale jakos macie zoorganizowane tlumaczenie tych tutkow? Bo jezeli tak, to moglbym cos tlumaczyc :).
Crashy Napisano 28 Sierpień 2003 Napisano 28 Sierpień 2003 a propo tlumaczen moze to nie 3d ale zawsze www.tutki.tk dopiero sie rozrasta ale koncepcja ciekawa.
Yansen Napisano 23 Styczeń 2004 Napisano 23 Styczeń 2004 Czy w ogule warto pisać Tutki ?? Ja Jeden ostatnio napisałem (patrz forum ->Animation) o tym jak zrobić radar w Max\'ie i odzew zerowy - wygląda na to , że straciłem bezproduktywnie czas...
Falcrum Napisano 23 Styczeń 2004 Napisano 23 Styczeń 2004 Yansen...tutek jest dobry...zaciekawił mnie...szkoda tylko, że nie wiem co za pluga trzeba do niego...:( Pozdr
cyphoner Napisano 23 Styczeń 2004 Napisano 23 Styczeń 2004 Originally posted by Yansen Czy w ogule warto pisać Tutki ?? Ja Jeden ostatnio napisałem (patrz forum ->Animation) o tym jak zrobić radar w Max\'ie i odzew zerowy - wygląda na to , że straciłem bezproduktywnie czas... typowe ;]
Yansen Napisano 24 Styczeń 2004 Napisano 24 Styczeń 2004 Przecież napisałem ... w pierwszych linijkach tutoriala - przeczytaj dokładnie - The Essencial Texture (teraz pewnie mylę pisownię). Co typowe ??
Yansen Napisano 14 Czerwiec 2004 Napisano 14 Czerwiec 2004 Cześć wszystkim. Wrzucam link do ciekawych tutoriali związanych z grafiką. Całość niestety po francuzku :-( ale obrazki mówią same za siebie :-). http://www.pixelcreation.fr/pixel/pixel/hometut.asp
Marcin Napisano 4 Lipiec 2004 Napisano 4 Lipiec 2004 boze dali ci przeciez linka do tutoriali na www.max3d.pl eh tam sa po polsku
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