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Nie zajmuje się grafiką, jedynie opiniuję. Ale czasem trzeba zrobić overpaint grafikowi, to może w tym celu zainstaluje.

Wypadałoby przestać używać Photoshopa do tego celu.

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Wiem ale miałem wrażenie, że już kiedyś trochę się nim bawiłeś :)


Co do photoshopa to ja już w sporo ponad połowie zastosowań przy produkcji tekstur czy prostym składzie używam Affinity i niejednokrotnie radzi sobie lepiej ni PS ale czasem jak klient podrzuci pliki PSD z masą styli to photoshop jednak jest konieczny żeby to przygotować do dalszej pracy, ale może i w tym przypadku afinity nadgoni i już nie będzie potrzeby ps uruchamiać.


Swoją drogą tak sobie photoshop radzi jeśli są dwa monitory w różncyh rozdzielczośćiach tj WQHD i 4K, industry standard ;)



Nowa wersja wysza kilka dni temu


VERSION 2.32 (04.02.2019)

- Kaleidoscope mode added – it is a super powerful tool for creating incredible ornaments

- Undo/redo options added for moving the frame and the"Free transform" points. Also, the "Free transform" frame can now be moved beyond the edges and not just beyond the vertices

- The ability to "Highlight layer" added (You can customize highlighting options in Options-> Main-> Highlights Layers on)

- "Snap" function added. You can use it when moving layers as well as when moving the "Free transform" frame

- The ability to align layers added. The corresponding "Align" buttons are displayed in the "Move Layers tool" panel

- "Recent files" panel changed completely. Now you can have a look at the previews of the documents and you can also quickly go to the folder with the corresponding file.

- "Autosaves" settings added to Options panel. Now autosaves are saved in the "FileName-date-time" format and you can choose a folder to save as well as the maximum number of files. We alse added autosaves for the "Drawing stages" in jpg.

- Now you can drag'n'drop layers and folders into a neighboring document.

- The previews are now displayed when you hover over documents in the top menu. Option can be disabled in Options-> Interface

- Now you can disable Antaliasing for brushes

- A feature added that will allow you to display a grid of pixels with a strong approximation of the canvas (Options-> openGL-> Show pixels grid)

- Invert button added to "Gradient" panel

- Several new hotkeys added: "Flip layer horizontally", "Flip layer vertically", "Image resize", "Canvas resize", "Switch to next document"

- Now you can change the "Opacity" and "Blendmode" of several layers at once.

- Now you can duplicate multiple layers at once.

- If you click on a folder while several layers selected, they will now be grouped

- A feature added that will allow you to change the imprint of the brush transparency to “Options”

- "Hide menu on TAB" feature added to “Options”

- You can now enable or disable the panel animation (Options-> Interface-> Enable panels animation)

- The texture window is now centered at the current texture when opening, while the current folder and texture are being highlighted in blue. Same features are applied for "Custom forms"

- Now it will not be possible to open the file that had already been opened before, you will be offered to reopen this file

- Little bugs fixed

















super, dobrze wiedzieć, że wciąż się rozwija. Nie wiedziałem, że ma panel animacji. Przypomniał mi się TV Paint.

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