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Zbrush 2021.6


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3 minuty temu, gryzon napisał:

Tylko jak to działa i do czego potrzebne? Tak z ciekawości pytam. 

I wiele latwiej niektore detale meshowe porozkladac na obiekcie na plasko a pozniej zmorfowac w obiekt. No ale musisz miec mozliwosc rozlozenie modelu do UV -> podpiecie modeli na gore uv i morphu do oryginalnego modelu

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Wycinanie dziur mesh balloonem jest dobre 😄 Mam nadzieje, ze mysla o tym, zeby dodac takie wycinanie maska do jakiegokolwiek obiektu. Niech bedzie ze musi byc dynamesh, ale zeby sie dalo 😉 Mesh project spoko dziala. Zrobilem testy na jakiejs chorej siatce i ladnie sobie poradzil.

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Po cichu, po wielkiemu cichu...
wyszla wersja 2021.6.3
Pewnie i tak wam to ZBrush powie jak wlaczycie ale co tam 🙂
Lista zmian/dodatkow:

This version includes updates that affect the ZBrush experience, as well as introducing new features:


  • A dot has been added to DynaMesh Resolution, offering a different skinning mode. When off, ZBrush will use classic skinning for DynaMesh operations. When on, DynaMesh will automatically increase resolution for smaller objects.
  • PolyGroup Select Growing. This will allow the user to select a few faces of a PolyGroup and grow only to the border of the selected PolyGroup.
  • Curve Flat and Curve Flat Snap brushes have been added. These brushes are perfect for drawing out hair cards for games or creating a ribbon.
  • Curve Tube and Curve Tube Snap brushes can now support gradient PolyPaint color.


  • Set lasso Stroke “Smoothness” to zero by default (to allow for improved accuracy).
  • SpotLight will no longer readjust all images when adding more images.
  • PolyGroup color ID Assignment improved.
  • GoZ has been updated to work with Maya 2022.
  • GoZ has been updated to work with 3DSMAX 2022.
  • Decimation Master has been improved to handle decimating meshes up to 100 million polygons.
  • Stored Undo History will now display a red bar when the undo is stored on a SubTool that is not the selected SubTool.


  • The Material Diffuse and Specular sliders updated to high exponential (in order to increase accuracy when using small values) .
  • The default ZModeler welding tolerance to be 5.
  • The Brush Modifiers slider to show values from -100 to 100.
  • The IMM Selector will only be shown if the brush has more than one mesh. With this change, ZModeler will not show the default included mesh in order to conserve space.
  • Raytracing AO default Samples slider will be set to 256 by default.


  • Keyboard value entry in sliders when CTRL or SHIFT key is pressed.
  • ZIntensity / RGB / Draw Size values not being stored when typing in the values.
  • Deleting the first curve when using brushes with Curve Mode enabled will no longer produce unexpected results.
  • Projects with active Gizmo Deformers will now load properly.
  • Fixed stability issues related to NanoMesh.
  • The “As Line” brush curve mode now works as expected.
  • Selection Marquee is now as accurate as with previous versions.
  • Double option for Arrow3d primitive now updates the mesh.
  • Using the Gizmo on 3D primitives now works as expected.
  • Crease Lvl will be retained when making adjustments to the mesh with ZModeler.
  • DragRect stroke works as expected in 2.5D mode.
  • Eliminating spikes in geometry when using layers + triangles + crease.
  • Decimation Master progress bar is now displaying properly.
  • LIVE Boolean Show Issues will now display correct results when used on meshes created with the Folder>Make Boolean option.
  • MaskRect and Mask Square strokes no longer shrink when used.


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Z serii "daily builds of ZBrush" 😄 - wersja 2021.6.4:


  • LightBox will now also show folders with a period in the name.


  • Resolved issue reported with brushes not working consistently when using a stored Undo History.
  • Dots display mode.
  • SliceRect and TrimRect brushes now work as they did in previous versions.
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