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Scena 3d - outdoor lighting


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hi ;]


i see that you can get 100% from scanline ...

most of all you have a great textures ... maby its not compare with a original lightning but is v.close to that


thextures make it look great ...


just perfect work .... but this flour is little noisy to this scene ;]

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marcin: nice to see you. actually i like scanline rendering a lot, it's fast and it's a challenge to me to make realistic render with scanline. i want to prove scanline can get close to realistic render.


knysha: yes, i have vray and menta; ray and i do use them for other work at my office.


BTW, one thing my 'courtyard' scene that i posted in another thread few days before got selected in the discreet 3dsmax showcase gallery. it's nice that the judges out there liked my work :-d



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nice news ... ;]


happy for your sucsess


adn we are waiting for your next works ...


maby try to intruduce your self

telll us how long do you working with CG ... where we can see other of your work examples ... etc ... that will be great info

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actually i wanted to put more info about me in the control panel, but i could nt understand what the heading is sating in the field. so i left them. can anybody please translate which are the fields, like web site, email, msngr, hobby ... thanks a lot

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It is realy impresing what you can get from a scanline. In my opinion the b&w render is better(try to use higher contrast, and mayby add some film grain to imitate photography). Keep working:) Could you show us the scene printscreen with the light setup?

PS. Sorry about my poor english.

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about your scene, I commented already on 3dk, I'd like to add that I don't understand why people are so much against scanline, you make good renders with it, so why shouldn't you use it.




the control panel:

klick on "szybkie linki" on the very top of the page (quick links):

edytuj podpis - edit signature

edytuj avatar - edit avatar

edytuy profil - personal information

edytuj opcje - options


in the "edytuj profil" you can change following things:

E-mail i haslo - e-mail and password

Data urodzenia - date of birth (miesiac, dzien, rok = month, day, year).

Strona www - webpage

Icq, aim, msn, yahoo - I think that's clear.

Gadu-Gadu, Tlen - similar as icq or msn, but polish. I guess you don't have those anyway.

Miasto, kraj - city, country in which you live

Uzywane programy - 2d/3d programs you use

Info o sobie - short information about yourself

Zapisz zmiany - save changes

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baju: thanks, sure. i will post a screen shot later.


ania c: thanks :-D so much. yes, i am agree with you rgding the scanline. in each and every update of 3ds max scanline has come up with lot more quality and sped is a factor also. it's pretty fast. you saved me by translating those term. thanks you so much.

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Find the ten diferences within this two pictures:)

The weakest part of this picture is the right wall texture, it is so blured(specialy in the shadow area), mayby try higher res for that wall? Overall very good looking scene.

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I think that you are using to many color accents. In the first image the flower and a red painting were the "strong points", the blue wall brings a little mess. Mayby stay with the brown background, but try to get it darker(to separate it)


Ps. dont forget to show us the light setup:)

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Hm... i think, that users are too lazy to know, how good render is scanline... :) and they don't realize, that in other conutrys if you want to use such render programs like vray or brazil you must PAY for it ;)


Nice work... scanline 4ever ;)


no dobra.... gdzie jest słownik??? ;)

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SCanline render is the fastest out there but of course it requires tons of adjustments

and a lot of knowledge to get things rendered right, I spoke with some really experienced people with lighting using scanline and they say they can achive renders such as made with brazil or vray with 8 times faster wait time using just scanline.

I love vray but personally, I hate the damn wait for GI to render my image with passion.

I seen at friends house Final render stage 1 it takes quite long too using GI,

so far I seen the fastest effect with GI from brazil, but hey thats just me,


regarding your design and usage of scanline, you're doing pretty good job.



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oh yeah that is good sh**, it's good enough but not best...the coloured ver. has too much light from the left...i think it should have little bit less light from the left and much more in the middle. But that is not my work and i have no voice. Mother of God...when i will do arts like are good but not best...Did i bend you??

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