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Key Highlights of CINEMA 4D Release 12

(Not all features are included in every configuration. Please see the Product Comparison Chart on the MAXON web site for more info)

  • Powerful New Dynamics: CINEMA 4D now includes a comprehensive and easy-to-use rigid body dynamics system based on the production-proven Bullet engine. Objects can be connected via hinges, springs and complex joints, and with a simple click, can be transformed into soft bodies.
  • Enhanced Rendering Features:

    • Linear Workflow and Color Profiles: Adopting a linear workflow is now as simple as activating a checkbox. Colors and lighting are mixed in a more realistic way, resulting in higher-quality images with less effort. Color profiles are now integrated throughout CINEMA 4D for accurate color representation.
    • IES lights: It's now possible to apply accurate light falloffs using the IES data directly from lighting manufacturers. Photometric intensities based on Lumen and Candela are also supported.
    • True Units of Measurement: CINEMA 4D now supports units, ensuring that calculations are accurate and scene scaling remains consistent. Units are automatically converted and scaling/unit information is automatically stored within each document.
    • Render Queue: Batch rendering has been streamlined with this augmented render task manager, complete with logging capability.
    • Picture Viewer: CINEMA 4D's breakthrough picture viewer now includes full-screen playback, a histogram display and navigator.


    [*]New Character Tools: The Inverse Kinetics (IK) system features new dynamic properties. CINEMA 4D Studio also includes a powerful, integrated pose-mixing and morphing system.

    [*]New Deformers: Several new deformers have been added to include options for modifying objects based on a low-poly cage or within the screen space.

    [*]Python: Extensive support for the powerful Python language is now fully integrated allowing users greater functionality to create scripts, expressions and plugins for unlimited creative workflow.

    [*]Others: A variety of other new features include double precision, dual transforms, OpenGL 3 support, new architectural shaders, and an parametric spline L-system.


MAXON's New Product Line-Up


The CINEMA 4D Release 12 product line includes breakthrough new editions that cater to the creative workflow needs of professionals in specialized 3D markets, as well as an upgrade to BodyPaint 3D, MAXON’s highly acclaimed high end painting and texture application, as follows:

  • CINEMA 4D Prime: Professional 3D Graphics Begin Here. The core professional 3D graphics package that includes basic modeling, animation and rendering functionality. Release 12 now additionally includes Ambient Occlusion and many deformers formerly found in the MOCCA and MoGraph modules.

  • CINEMA 4D Broadcast: The 3D Motion Graphics Powerhouse. Leverages CINEMA 4D Prime functionality to deliver a powerful motion graphics toolset expressly designed to enhance the creative process for broadcast design professionals. Release 12 now includes features of the previous MoGraph module, GI rendering and an extensive library of objects, materials and presets.

  • CINEMA 4D Visualize: The Professional Solution for Architects and Designers. Leverages CINEMA 4D Prime functionality to deliver a professional solution for architects and designers. CINEMA 4D Visualize includes all features of the previous Architecture and Engineering Editions,(Advanced Render, Sketch and Toon and NET Render 3 modules plus extensive object and material libraries).

  • CINEMA 4D Studio: Everything You Need for High-End 3D Animation. The most comprehensive CINEMA 4D Release 12 edition includes all available features, as well as all libraries of the Broadcast and Visualize packages.

  • BodyPaint 3D Release 12: 3D Painting, Texturing and UV Editing. While benefiting by all the new developments of its sister application, CINEMA 4D Prime, BodyPaint 3D Release 12 offers a full complement of 3D painting and texturing tools unmatched by any other package on the market. New features in Release 12 include color profiles, the option to render Ambient Occlusion into a texture, and the Cineman connection to RenderMan including preview renders directly inside BodyPaint 3D. It also boasts updated exchanges with 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage and LightWave 3D.


Maxon REEL 2010 - Cinema 4D in Action



New Dynamics in CINEMA 4D Studio R12


Edytowane przez Farafx

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Niestety kto oglądał filmy z cineversity wie, że R12 nie obsługuje starszych pluginów i R11.5 oraz poprzednie wersje programu nie otworzą projektów z R12..

Edytowane przez Quentin


max2011 ma możliwość zapisu do 2010, a jak działa to nie wiem.


taki off topic delikatny...

Edytowane przez wesol


ma ale to tu nie ma nic do rzeczy, tym bardziej ze ta opcja w\sie niezbyt przydaje, w polsce teraz 2009 a nie 10 chyba najczęściej spotykany jest w pracowniach arch.


Jak na razie jestem zawiedziony tym co dodali. A przynajmniej dla mnie mało ciekawych rzeczy, poza nowościami w renderingu.


makak_, ja również. Te wszystkie dynamics, mograph to takie pierdoły, z których mało co się korzysta, a oni tylko to ulepszają... :/


Na CGTalku, też nie widzę słów zachwytu a raczej głosy rozczarowania...


Racja update 11-11.5 wypadł bardzo ładnie a tu trochę mało tego. Cinema chyba podąża w kierunku motion/broadcast gdzie rozwiązania mographa są teraz dość modne. Mi brakuje poprawionego MB i DOFa bo są z innej epoki, więcej funkcji do AR, lepszy SSS oraz czegoś do cząsteczek i fluidów. Liczę że bramka na Phytona przyniesie dużo fajnych pluginów.


Wprowadzili kilka rzeczy wartych uwagi: IES, połączenie pose mixera z morph tagiem (pose morph), przeniesienie dynamiki z MOCCA na zwykłe jointy. Pick mode pewnie się spodoba maxowcom i maykowcom. Ogólnie rewolucji nie ma w produkcie, zmiany są raczej w strategii marketingowej.

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