Ok kilka pytań.
1.Jaką masz kartę graficzną?
2.Dodałeś ją do urządzeń OpenCL?
3.Próbowałeś ruszyć na procku RT?
Swoją drogą mam też własny problem, bo mi RT rusza ale po kilu, uważam nie potrzebnych, zabiegach. Po pierwsze muszę ustawić distributed rendering i wpisać swoje IP. No i jak już mam distributed rendering to muszę ruszyć serwer stand alone. Na dodatek mimo że w okienku serwera wszystko jest w porządku, to czemu zawala mi całego proca, a nie kartę graficzną?
Tutaj kod z okienka serwera V-ray Stand Alone
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Reading configuration from "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\
V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 2012 for x64\bin\/vrayconfig.xml"
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] ===============================================
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] V-Ray RT render server, version 2.20.02 for x64
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Copyright © 2000-2010 Chaos Group Ltd. All rights reser
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Use -credits option for additional third-party copyright
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Build from Feb 15 2013, 20:46:50
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Compiled with Intel C++ compiler, version 12.1
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Operating system is Microsoft Windows, version 6.
1, Service Pack 1
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] ===============================================
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Loading plugins from "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\
RT for 3ds Max 2012 for x64\bin/plugins/vray_*.dll"
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] 117 plugin(s) loaded successfully
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Finished loading plugins.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:52] Entering server mode - waiting for render requests on por
t 20206. Press Ctrl+C to exit.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Starting DR session from
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Receiving DR scene from
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] warning: DR request received from, but currentl
y busy with
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Reading scene file "C:\Users\Kosa\AppData\Local\Temp\vrsc
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] C:\Users\Kosa\AppData\Local\Temp\vrscene.txt: done [ 0h
0m 0.0s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Scene file parsed successfully in 0.0 s.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Scene created successfully.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Objects in scene: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Starting render sequence.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Preparing renderer...
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Preparing scene for rendering...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] CUDA renderer requested.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] 1 plugin(s) loaded successfully
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] CUDA renderer plugin successfully loaded from "C:\Program
Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 2012 for x64\bin\/rt_cuda.dll"
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] CUDA renderer plugin instance successfully created.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] EXT_RTOPENCL interface obtained successfully from CUDA re
nderer plugin instance.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] ========================
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Starting frame 0.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] warning: Camera FOV is too small, possible round-off erro
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Preparing scene for frame...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Compiling geometry...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Building SDTree for GPU
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Building SDTree for GPU
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Running RTEngine
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Initializing CUDA renderer (single kernel version)...
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Querying for CUDA devices...
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Successfully parsed environment variable VRAY_OPENCL_PLAT
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Device GeForce GTX 285 has compute capability 1.3
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] warning: WARNING - not using device GeForce GTX 285 since
it does not support a minimum of 2_0 architecture
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] warning: There is no device supporting at least CUDA 2.0.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] warning: initDevices() failed.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Number of raycasts: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Camera rays: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Shadow rays: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] GI rays: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Reflection rays: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Refraction rays: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Unshaded rays: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Number of intersectable primitives: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] SD triangles: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] MB triangles: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Static primitives: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Moving primitives: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Infinite primitives: 0
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Scene constructed in 0.0 seconds
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Preparing renderer...
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Creating texture cache with size 0 MBh 0m 0.0s est]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Creating bitmap manager
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Preparing scene for rendering...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] CUDA renderer requested.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] CUDA renderer plugin already loaded.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] CUDA renderer plugin instance successfully created.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] EXT_RTOPENCL interface obtained successfully from CUDA re
nderer plugin instance.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Bitmap file "C:\SkyDrive\eben_makassar_color.jpg" loaded.
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Preparing scene for frame...: done [ 0h 0m 0.7s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Compiling geometry...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:17:59] Building SDTree for GPU
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Preparing ray server...: done [ 0h 0m 0.0s]
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] SDTree statistics:
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Total number of faces stored: 62438
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Max tree depth: 41
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Average tree depth: 24.0784
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Number of tree nodes: 29065
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Number of tree faces: 197754
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Number of tree leafs: 11874
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Average faces/leaf: 16.6544
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Memory usage: 7.62 MB
[2013/Mar/11|08:18:00] Building SDTree for GPU
Writing crash dump to "C:\Users\Kosa\AppData\Local\Temp\VRay.dmp"
C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 2012 for x64\bin>