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Nowy Wings3d 0.98.36 yes yes yes


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Wlasnie oficjalnie pojawila sie nowa wersja wingsa3d oznaczona numerkiem 0.98.36, baaaaaaaaaardzo duzo zmian, nowy ikonki szkoda ze nie nowy lajout ale kij ;)

Nowe opcje dzialaja genialnie ;) , duzo nowych prymitywow sie pojawilo , no i do tego unfold dziala jeszcze lepiej :)


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Lista zmian :

Release Name: 0.98.36




- Absolute snap now can pick reference point, old snap that used center of

selection as reference point was moved to MMB option. [Giniu]


- Added new preference: constrain axes to grid. [scorpius]


- Added "Blue Cube" interface icons. The original icons are in the "Classic"

bundle. Switching between icon sets is easily accomplished through the

User Interface preference tab. [scorpius]


- Revived the Plane Plugin, which was removed from a previous release

because it created invalid objects. This has been fixed by adding a

thickness parameter; thereby creating a properly closed mesh. [scorpius]


- Added two new primitives (look under the More menu):

Tube: generates a hollow tube or pipe with an actual wall-thickness.

Gear: generates a very simple gear. Allows the user to specify the number

of teeth and the tooth height. [scorpius]


- Added two more primitives:

Ncube: Generates a cube with an arbitrary level of subdivisions (simply

specify the number of cuts per edge) plus a spherize option.

Ngon: Generates a polygon with an arbitrary number of vertices. This may

look like a single-sided polygon but, in fact, has two faces. [scorpius]


- New GeoDome primitive. Generates a geodesic dome with an arbitrary level

of subdivisions. Has three base objects, spherize and half-dome options.



- New *.stl import/export plugin. Stereolithography files can be sent to

a service bureau to create an actual plastic prototype of your model.



- New command in tools menu: "Scene Info: Area & Volume." Calculates the

area and volume for each object in the scene and displays the info in

a pop-up window. [scorpius]


- Bug fix: Language support now works for all operating systems, regardless

if the file path has an underscore. [scorpius]


- Added X export plugin.

[contributed by Ed Kolis (Ekolis)]


- New command in tools menu: "Put on Ground." It simply moves the selected

objects vertically until they rest on the ground plane. [scorpius]


- Added "Purple Tube" interface icons. Check the User Interface preference

tab to switch between icon sets. [scorpius]


- New commands in 'Select->By' menu: "Fewest Edges Path" selects a path

(between any two selected vertices) with the fewest number of edges.

"Shortest Path" selects a path with the shortest distance. If more than one

possible solution exists, the first one found will be selected. [scorpius]


- New secondary mode for dissolve, called clean dissolve.

[contributed by Richard Jones (Optigon)]


- Added ability to set alternate zoom speed, check camera preferences.

[contributed by Richard Jones (Optigon)]


- Tweak tool extended with new features like tangent, relax, slide and more.

[contributed by Andrew Shpagin (AndrewShpagin)]


- French translation updated, with many more plug-ins translated.

[contributed by Nicolas Bouillard (syndarion)]


- The Mac version of Wings is now a Universal Binary that runs on both

PowerPC and Intel Macs. [bjorng]


- The Windows version now includes the correct (latest) version of the

SDL dll, correcting numerous problems. [bjorng]

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Hm, interface jest inny, ale wystarczy poswiecic troche czasu rzeczy poprzerzucac sobie najczesciej urzywane komendy pod klawisze, i mozna pracowac bardzo szybko. Ja teraz na podobnej zasadzie proboje sie zmierzyc z Modo :)

A tutki od klicka zawsze sie przydadzą, nie wazne czy wings czy inna cholera :D

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Chveti prawdopodobnie wgrywa tylko wtedy cos do rejestru jak zaznaczysz "make default" czyli to zeby odczytywal ikonki wingsowskie ;) pozatym wrzuca pliczek z zapisem wlasnych ustawien do C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Dane aplikacji\Wings3D\


Następny Wings będzie pewnie 0.98.klicek


buheehehehe :D


Remedy - tak naprawde w wingsie nie uzywa sie interfacu tylko skrotow klawiszowych i prawego przycisku myszki:)


jak juz mowilem tweak mnie powolil na kolana i powiedzial "bedziesz ze mnie kozystal jeszcze czesciej"

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Strasznie wolniuchno sie uruchamia, co oni tam upchali:)? ale faktycznie zacny programik, faktycznie tweek jest swietny. a mimo wszystko przydalo by sie jakies boczne zawsze widoczne menu z kilkoma przydatnymi opcjami zawsze na wierzchu, moze jest jakis sposob zeby taki custom toolbar zrobić?

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