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I'd like to present you Julianna Kolakis, who agreed to answer all your questions. / Chciałbym przedstawić wam Julianne Kolakis, która zgodziła się odpowiedzieć na wasze pytania.


Her works are avalible here / Jej prace można podziwiać tutaj :








Rules: / Regulamin :


- We ask questions only in english, if you don't speak english write in polish and request translation. Otherwise, post will be deleted. / Każde pytanie piszemy po angielsku, jeżeli nie umiesz pisać po angielsku, napisz po polsku z prośbą o przetłumaczenie inaczej post zostanie skasowany

-Ask only serious questions on works, plans for the future, advices etc. Don't ask for tutorials and such / Zadajemy poważne pytania, na poziomie, odnośnie pracy, planow na przyszlosc, porad i tak dalej. Nie prosimy o tutoriale i podobnego rodzaju rzeczy

- Julianna can choose questions she would like to answer, so we ought to be patient waiting for her answer. Complains are not welcome. / Julianna ma prawo wybrać pytanie na które chce odpowiedzieć bądź nie, dlatego nie płaczemy w wątku że nie odpowiedział na pytanie, bo kara będzie surowa

- Be polite and friendly. / zachowanie kultury w wypowiedziach i pytaniach



We start asking questions when Julianna greet us, any posts posted before that will be deleted. /

W wątku zaczynamy pisać pytania dopiero wtedy gdy Julianna się przywita, wszystkie wcześniejsze posty będą kasowane

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Hi everyone :) What a great opportunity to be here and talk with all of you, so thank you for having me~!


I recently attended Vancouver Film School, where I graduated from the 3D Animation and Visual Effects program. It was there where I first learned 3D and completed my demo reel.

Being a traditional painter earlier, I later developed an interest in digital painting, which also lead me to become more interested in 3D.

Wanting to learn 3D, I explored my options of various post secondary institutions after high school. I decided on VFS, and I found the best part of it was the opportunity to meet other artists from all over the world, and learn from one another. It was a wonderful work environment and I hope to continue learning and sharing with other artists down the road.

So I look forward to hearing all your comments and I would be glad to answer any questions you may have :)


Hi Julianna - first of all I want to say that Im really impressed looking at all those great pictures you got there.


Your works are verry uniquee and original so the question is from what source you get inspiration?


Good to see you here.

Thans for your time.


I have the same question.

Where you find idea's for you jobs.They are amazing and terrific in good sense .:)

I saw your webside I think that you have dark mind:) but woman in reel is beautiful and you too.


Would you marry me?? :) ..ekhm.. just kidding ;)

Seriously, I saw your pictures in portfolio on your website - magnificent work! I'm curious to know how long do you do your models, compositing, etc? Also I'd like to ask where do you work now? Is your whole family connected, in some way, with an art? (you share your website with.. sister? Am i right?).


Hi Julianna,


Whats Youre favorite artists in digital and traditional art?

Can You share some of Youre first works ?

How many time do You spend on any of pictures You made (all are great)?


Sory for poor engilsh ;)


Hi - Your works are realy amazing. 3D is defenetly the best part of your portfolio... however sketches and digital paintings are also very nice ;).

Do you enjoy mostly the first steps of making the model, creating a basic shapes or a latest stage of work - finishing the model in mudbox or zbrush, making a fine detail? And do you prefer mudbox or zbrush(witch one do you use)?


Sorry for any grammar or any other mistakes ^^.


(PS. Jeśli któryś z adminów widzi jakieś rażące błędy, to byłbym wdzięczny za ich poprawienie gdyż jestem totalnie niepewny swoich umiejętności w posługiwaniu się językiem angielskim).



I admire your works. Your modeling reel is very good and nicely shown.

Perhaps someday you will make short animation of this figures in myth climate.

Could you show some works of Your favourite artist or artists whom You take inspiration?


I have question abaut your school. How looks learning program in VFS, is it hard to graduade, is it difficult to get a placement as animator or modeller?

I want to start learning Computer Animation at International Academy of Design and Technology Tampa (FL) What do You think about this school is it good choice? And one more thing, in what month starts academic year in USA, because in Poland in October.

Thank you for your answers.


Jaw dropping jobs! Couple questions - whats your preferred way to make a textures (what application you're using for mapping and painting) - they're STUNNING! About VFS - is there a chance for people like me - around 30 - to study there? Cannot really find it on the website of a school...


Keep up a GREAT job!


Hi Julianna

I'd like to say WOW! you are great! and your models too :D


I want to ask you for your beginning with 3D, what is you story of falling in 3D :) maybe seen movie in cinema, game o something like this



and how much time(more or less) take you to crate your fantastic models for exemple The Goodness Sovanna or The Demon Guard from concept trought sculpt, model, UV, texturing, digital sculpt :) to final render? If you could define each step separately, if it's no problem:)

(like a modeling 15h texturing 26h and so on)


this models is so great, so grat that I don't know what to say :D magnificently, awsome!!!


what do you think about coming Z-brush 3? :)



I hope You understand what I trying to say :D


Hello Julianna :)


It's really nice to see you here ! :) I have to ask you a few questions :


1) How/When did you begin your adventure with computer graphics ?


2) Did you get a lot of experience at VFS or that skills of modelling/texturing etc. you had before ?


3) How are looking that studies at VFS ? A person who wants to be a student of that school have to be good for example in modelling ?


4) There is any selection of people who can study on VFS ?


5) Which software for modelling you like at most ?


6) Do you have any plans for the future associate with CG ?


Best regards,




It's an honor to meet You here.


Only one question/request :

would You descript the procec of making Your artworks?



Best wishes ;)


Hi Julianna - first of all I want to say that Im really impressed looking at all those great pictures you got there.


Your works are verry uniquee and original so the question is from what source you get inspiration?


Good to see you here.

Thans for your time.


I have the same question.

Where you find idea's for you jobs.They are amazing and terrific in good sense .:)

I saw your webside I think that you have dark mind:) but woman in reel is beautiful and you too.

Thank you both for your kind comments! My inspiration comes from other artists, movies, tv shows, anime, and video games; especially anything in the Fantasy genre.

example~ As for the characters in my demo reel, the alien queen from the movie Aliens inspired the design of the horn on the Captured Beast’s head. Gundam Wing and Bahamut (from Final Fantasy X-2) inspired the look of Goddess’ wings. For the Demon Guard, I used some of my old concepts, nagas, and Darkness from the movie Legend as inspiration.



Would you marry me?? :) ..ekhm.. just kidding ;)

Seriously, I saw your pictures in portfolio on your website - magnificent work! I'm curious to know how long do you do your models, compositing, etc? Also I'd like to ask where do you work now? Is your whole family connected, in some way, with an art? (you share your website with.. sister? Am i right?).

hahaha, well thanks for the sweet remarks! My two first models, the Goddess and Beast took me a little while since they were poly modeled. I spent about 4 weeks modeling one character, and 3- 4 weeks to texture that character. The Goddess’ hair took about a week. Composting, lighting, and rendering took an additional 3 weeks. For the Demon I quickly created a base mesh in XSI, and then sculpted him in Mudbox; which took about 2- 3 weeks. I spent an additional week rigging and posing him halfway through sculpting. I textured him in one 1 ½ weeks , and then spent 2 weeks rendering/ compositing.


Yes you are right, I do share the website with my sister Artemis :) There is a strong artistic background in my family, and my brother, mom and cousins all draw as well. My mom’s actually a painter born in Poland, and has been supporting/ teaching me since I was very little. So I’ve been very fortunate to grow up in a great learning environment.


As for what job I get, I’ll let you know where I end up ;)



Hi Julianna,


Whats Youre favorite artists in digital and traditional art?

Can You share some of Youre first works ?

How many time do You spend on any of pictures You made (all are great)?


Sory for poor engilsh ;)

When it comes to artists, many all over the world inspire me, especially the ones on and CGTalk. Can’t say I really have a favorite in either medium.

To draw or composite a complex picture can take anywhere between 3- 5 weeks.

As for some of my older work, feel free to browse through a few in this folder:



Hi - Your works are realy amazing. 3D is defenetly the best part of your portfolio... however sketches and digital paintings are also very nice ;).

Do you enjoy mostly the first steps of making the model, creating a basic shapes or a latest stage of work - finishing the model in mudbox or zbrush, making a fine detail? And do you prefer mudbox or zbrush(witch one do you use)?

Glad you like it, thanks so much! I would have to say the most fun part is adding the details in Mudbox! I do prefer Mudbox to sculpt in, but I love texturing in Zbrush. I really enjoy the designing process as well and love coming up with characters and creatures to model.




Hello Julianna, I have 2 questions for you - have you ever heard about Polish painter Zdzislaw Beksinski ? I think that you will like his paintings ... and what is your favourite colour ? :)


this is a link for Beksinski's gallery

No I’ve never heard of Zdzislaw Beksinski, but thank you so much for bringing him up! I took a look at his work and it’s very interesting. I really love his style and I find it very inspiring!

My favourite color is pink :) but I really like green too, especially when they’re together with white.




I admire your works. Your modeling reel is very good and nicely shown.

Perhaps someday you will make short animation of this figures in myth climate.

Could you show some works of Your favourite artist or artists whom You take inspiration?


I have question abaut your school. How looks learning program in VFS, is it hard to graduade, is it difficult to get a placement as animator or modeller?

I want to start learning Computer Animation at International Academy of Design and Technology Tampa (FL) What do You think about this school is it good choice? And one more thing, in what month starts academic year in USA, because in Poland in October.

Thank you for your answers.

Well thank you! I’m happy to hear your thoughts about my work!

VFS is a one year program, and it’s not hard to graduate but you have to do a lot of work. In every class about 1 or 2 people drop out. The ones who do well and find jobs after school work very hard, sacrifice a lot for that one year, and take advantage of the facility and all the resources.

I don’t know anything about the International Academy of Design and Technology, but try finding out more information online. VFS has a new class starting every two months, so do some research on the schools you’re interested in because they could all have different start dates.


Jaw dropping jobs! Couple questions - whats your preferred way to make a textures (what application you're using for mapping and painting) - they're STUNNING!
Thanks:) For unwrapping I like to use XSI and Headus UV Layout. For painting my textures I use Zbrush and Photoshop.


About VFS - is there a chance for people like me - around 30 - to study there? Cannot really find it on the website of a school...
Yes of course! There are many different ages, and people going there who are older than 30 for sure.


I’ll be back later to finish answering the rest of your questions, so thanks for your patience :)


""Wow...I know your works...AMAZING... l love yours skills.

I have got question...I mean your work "Demon" how you make line decoration jaw, neck ?

Sorry, my english ""


Hey there it's Magdalena :) Just saying hello really :D hope them interviews are pouring in and you'll land where you want 2! [R u into the film or Game industry - probably the first one huh!?]


take care and say hello to the sunny [insert sarcasm here] ;) Van!


Hi Julinna! Your works are very impresive. They look great! I have a few questions.


1) Do you think sculping is better for anatomy than traditional modeling poly by poly or from cube? I think is more friendly for user. I think sculpt is future of 3d graphic because now we don't have to know the topology of body etc. and we can burn a normalmap or something from zbrush mudbox or even blender. What is your opinion about that?


2) What software do you use?


3) How many years do you make the 3d graphics?


Sorry for poor english... :D

Hi Julianna

I'd like to say WOW! you are great! and your models too :D


I want to ask you for your beginning with 3D, what is you story of falling in 3D :) maybe seen movie in cinema, game o something like this



and how much time(more or less) take you to crate your fantastic models for exemple The Goodness Sovanna or The Demon Guard from concept trought sculpt, model, UV, texturing, digital sculpt :) to final render? If you could define each step separately, if it's no problem:)

(like a modeling 15h texturing 26h and so on)


this models is so great, so grat that I don't know what to say :D magnificently, awsome!!!


what do you think about coming Z-brush 3? :)



I hope You understand what I trying to say :D


Thank you, so glad you like my models :) I’ve always been interested in video games and movies, but I never realistically saw myself working in the industry. Not until I met Mike Sass, the Art Director of BioWare in Edmonton. After seeing my portfolio he offered me a tour at BioWare, so I went over to see the building. This was the first time I had been professionally introduced to 3D and the industry in general. It was there I realized that I could actually make characters and monsters for a living. Afterwards I knew I wanted to go to school to learn 3D, so I finally chose to attend VFS.

I created all my concepts first, and spent about the first 3 months at VFS just coming up with ideas. After I finished the designs, I spent about 2 months in my spare time creating the Goddess sculpture, and spent another 3 weeks painting it and attaching the cloth. To give you an idea on how long I spent working on the 3D models, check out my reply to M@Ti:


I spent about 4 weeks modeling one character, and 3- 4 weeks to texture that character. The Goddess’ hair took about a week. Composting, lighting, and rendering took an additional 3 weeks. For the Demon I quickly created a base mesh in XSI, and then sculpted him in Mudbox; which took about 2- 3 weeks. I spent an additional week rigging and posing him halfway through sculpting. I textured him in one 1 ½ weeks , and then spent 2 weeks rendering/ compositing.

I haven’t had the opportunity to work with Zbrush 3 yet, but I’m definitely looking forward to trying it out :)


Hello Julianna :)


It's really nice to see you here ! :) I have to ask you a few questions :


1) How/When did you begin your adventure with computer graphics ?


2) Did you get a lot of experience at VFS or that skills of modelling/texturing etc. you had before ?


3) How are looking that studies at VFS ? A person who wants to be a student of that school have to be good for example in modelling ?


4) There is any selection of people who can study on VFS ?


5) Which software for modelling you like at most ?


6) Do you have any plans for the future associate with CG ?


Best regards,



1) I started working in 3D about 1 ½ years ago, at VFS. I was inspired to get into 3D after meeting Mike Sass, (like I mention above to fikołek).


2) I had no previous modeling or texturing experience, but I was able to apply my 2D knowledge to modeling, and my painting abilities to texturing.


3) & 4) You don’t even need to know how to model to get into VFS, you just need to have a good 2d or 3d portfolio demonstrating your artistic abilities :)


5) XSI, and Mudbox


6) For now, just to keep learning!! ;)




It's an honor to meet You here.


Only one question/request :

would You descript the procec of making Your artworks?



Best wishes ;)



Thanks tadzio! It’s awesome to be here :)

I start off with a pencil sketch, making the low poly model. Later I paint over the model in photoshop to see what direction it’s going in. I like to play around with the camera angles, composition and colors. While I model I like to unwrap as well. Then I finish modeling the details, pose the model, light, and texture. I render different passes, composite it all together in photoshop/ touch it up, and I’m done :)



""Wow...I know your works...AMAZING... l love yours skills.

I have got question...I mean your work "Demon" how you make line decoration jaw, neck ?

Sorry, my english ""


I’m not sure, but are you asking how I made the details on the jaw and neck?

The lines are just hand painted in the color map, which I also used for the bump map :)



Hey there it's Magdalena :) Just saying hello really :D hope them interviews are pouring in and you'll land where you want 2! [R u into the film or Game industry - probably the first one huh!?]


take care and say hello to the sunny [insert sarcasm here] ;) Van!

Hey Magdalena! So nice too see you here :) I’m actually interested in both, but I’ll for sure let you know where I end up ;) hahaha! Actually it’s been really beautiful here lately! Hope you’re doing awesome and I’ll be in touch~!



Hi Julinna! Your works are very impresive. They look great! I have a few questions.


1) Do you think sculping is better for anatomy than traditional modeling poly by poly or from cube? I think is more friendly for user. I think sculpt is future of 3d graphic because now we don't have to know the topology of body etc. and we can burn a normalmap or something from zbrush mudbox or even blender. What is your opinion about that?


2) What software do you use?


3) How many years do you make the 3d graphics?


Sorry for poor english... :D


1) yes I agree, sculpting seems to be the future of modeling, but I believe both are useful. Poly modeling from a cube is much slower but still has its benefits, like creating hard surfaces- so I don’t know if it will be completely replaced. Sculpting on the other hand is much more intuitive; making artists faster and therefore speeding up production. It especially makes it a lot easier to create organic models, and to detail them without messing with the topology. That’s great because artists should have the opportunity to use software that gives them the freedom to create art without being too technical.


2) XSI and Mudbox


3) So far, 1 ½ years :)





Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone :) I'm glad to have this chance to talk with all of you!


~Julianna Kolakis


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