Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l Hi there, I hope you don´t mind if I write in english but I am not Polish. When I saw youe webpage I was amazed with the work post here, so I would like to ask for some comments about these renders. You don´t have to anwser in english, I will try to understand it. Many thanks Calado More works at:
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l Your car looks really nice, but I think the reflections are a little bit too strong. The design is also interesting, but wheels could look more modern:) PS: You\'ve got some broken links on Your website.
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l I share kozioo\'s opinion about specular... light.. well.. let\'s say \"correct\" :) other materials.. nice... composition.. \"can be\", car design, hmmm, the 1st thing I thought was \"minority report\"... maybe this is some universal trend in car design novadays :) I\'ve seen allready dozens of cars like yours, or I should say \"simillar to yours\" :)
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l render is little to dark, frame to general; can\'t see details especilly on second picture ... however I share common opinion ... nice :)
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l the car is nice although i agree with other guys about specularity. i\'d play with the lighting for a while because the renders are a bit too dark and it\'s hard to see any details... btw don\'t try to understand polish. believe me, you\'re not gonna understand a single word ;)
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l hi... fine design... the front is great but i dont like rear... may you show this car inside (if you made inside desing too - i see wheel so i think you did it)... and now about randers... hmm i agree with predecessors - reflections are too strong and renders are too dark... recapitulate : good job... keep up...
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l too mutch emty space out there.....maby it should be in a white floor with the same sky so the model will be more visible on ground and hood... Kryhas > Talk in eanglish :P
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l Nice concept, but this scene is too dark. Could You add one direct light on front, I want to look at front shapes.
Napisano 12 Czerwiec 200420 l hmm maby you should put a wire view here too......but realy i like it if you give it in to a white ground with the same sky......give it a try....
Napisano 13 Czerwiec 200420 l hmm .. design and modeling is so nice, but i have bad feeling about compose scene.. maybe you should change the scenery..:)
Napisano 14 Czerwiec 200420 l i dont like the glass in this car , concept is ok i think , and you should work with car presentation because it\'s look like very small car... but the modeling is good greetz
Napisano 18 Czerwiec 200420 l Autor Hi there, Thanks for all the comments. I have to agree that this forum is really alive because I had a lot of comments. It´s been a honour to be on this forum and I promisse to keep in mind your comments. Thanks again, Calado
Napisano 29 Czerwiec 200420 l Hehe nice ;] very nice ;] but I think it would look better in future city like in \"5th element\" or \"minority raport\". Anyway I\'m waiting for \"inside view\". It\'s really good, Beatou
Napisano 11 Lipiec 200420 l Autor Hi ppl, Many thanks for all your comments!!! I will try to update the model soon. Calado
Napisano 11 Lipiec 200420 l maby your pic. have over size, we have a 100 kb limit for pics. on this forum try to compress your work and try again :D where are the pics. ? [Wyedytowany dnia 11-7-2004 > SansSerif]
Napisano 11 Lipiec 200420 l Nice concept, but too simple I think. Try including some details and please, render some bigger pictures (maybe wallpaper). Good luck!
Napisano 12 Lipiec 200420 l i don\'t like the shape at all , also color isn\'t nice , but i like the roof very much only think how ho t must be there inside of the car in the summer :]
Napisano 25 Lipiec 200420 l Autor Hi there, I haven´t modify anything yet but I am posting some clear and wires renders, so you can see better the model, and the errors. Thanks for all the replys and I am truly happy to be here on this forum because it´s really alive!!!! Calado More Works at
Napisano 25 Lipiec 200420 l hello you said that you are impressed of our forum skill level- in my opinion your pictures are very good- it isn't another audi tt or other well-known car which everyone have seen milion times. at least something new, nice for eyes. i am on "YES" :) cya
Napisano 5 Sierpień 200420 l nice, is there hybrid engine?? You wrote "You don´t have to anwser in english, I will try to understand it" LOL - who can understand polish?? I can't :D
Napisano 5 Sierpień 200420 l Kurcze, ja też tak chcę :( 2 razy po pół roku angielskiego dla początkujących i parę lat pouczających amerykańskich filmów sensacyjnych i co zostało :( mój angielski wygląda mniej wiecej tak "Kali robić kupa, ale dużo rozumieć gdy mówić powolnie ;)" Nice job. Good model. My suggest - change materials. Thats all folks :) ps. Tak się zastanawiałem czy trafiłem do jakiegoś angielskiego odłamu naszego cudownego forum i czy ktokolwiek odważy się umieścić tu posta po polsku.